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Everything posted by zorroazul

  1. Now that's a good tune to have stuck in our heads!
  2. There seems to be some nasty problem going around: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=623535 This is really bothersome. Hope they can fix it soon.
  3. It seems 2.0 is the day where range classes really shine! I am literally razing everything single enemy in Makeb on my gunslinger and HK-51 as his companion. Though I read very sad comments about people who were using melee chars, seems like they were having a really though time.
  4. So far, I found the new schematics going back the trainer and buying advanced trainer, then as you lvl your skill, the new implants, stims and meds will become available.
  5. There you go pal: http://dulfy.net/2013/02/24/swtor-patch-2-0-new-crafting-materials-and-schematics/ Just synthweaving has new craftable orange armor, armstech and artifice have some nice looking weapons (the pistol is really neat!).
  6. -Sigh- These kind of bad experiences, failed HM flashpoints due to arrogant and rude players, it's what makes me wish SWTOR would be even more of a solo game. I know, a MMO that can be soloed, pretty ironic, indeed.
  7. Pretty much this one. Must pugs would only choose the first option, so if you REALLY want to play with your "friends", then you'd have 2 more choices. Sadly, more people would still complain that it's "unfair".
  8. Interesting idea, indeed. Though they'd probably implement it by introducing a new cartel item (similar to the kolto tank and the carbonite freezer) which encases your character in a star waresque box, and when you come out you're wearing a different outfit from your inventory. I highly doubt they will introduce complicated new animations, rather than just a simply change of clothes.
  9. Excellent idea and I'm pretty sure to say: the best use of our legacy levels, indeed. To make our alts as fully functional companions. I fully support this my friend. /Signed.
  10. Yeah, pretty much this one!
  11. Yeah, pretty much this one. Pvp at lvl 50 is a lot of fun... if you're in a pvp guild. For the casual player is nothing short of a nightmare against premades. Bottom line pal, there is just a simple plain truth: Pvp is over for the casual player at lvl 50.
  12. I really like this idea! Just think about it: from Sunday (one of the most heavy days for playing) to thursday, pvp will be as usual: premades vs pugs or premades. From friday to saturday, premades vs premades are allowed, but no against pugs; it will be only possible be pugs vs pugs on those 2 days.
  13. Okay, I see. Better use my time now to get BH comms before 2.0 arrives. Thanks a lot for the info, pal.
  14. That's right, pals. There is still one more double exp weekend. So if you're feeling a little tired, just wait until this friday. Gaining 9 more levels will be a breeze!
  15. To be honest, I'm a little confused about this, so if anyone would be so kind to answer this question, I'll be really grateful: So the new way to buy BH gear will be with classic comms, does this mean that the normal dailies will reward them in the same quantity as they were before 1, 2 and 4? If so, wouldn't this mean that doing our normal routine of dailies will gives us an easier way to get full BH set and then begin questing in Makeb? Thanks in advance for your help, pals!
  16. Agreed. Change this idea from armor to make new augments with these properties, then you will have quite a good thing going on.
  17. Totally agree with you, pal. The rakata set for juggernaut is really awesome! but so far, I've been having so much bad luck that I've never even get close to 1 piece: either the groups don't want to "waste" time to kill the bosses (they are only for the stupid comms) or somebody else selects "need" for their companion. Having the option to buy the shells would be great, indeed.
  18. Hu? What do you mean by the "only" Wookies who wear pants? Does this mean that all this time, during the whole original trilogy... Chewbacca was flashing us???!!!
  19. Oh, you mean the "disappearing blade". Yeah, this is pretty common nasty bug that's been around for quite a while. Double lightsaber becomes just one-blade visible. Though, it also happens with the new ones, as long as you're not in combat, the effect it's visible; but once you enter combat, it disappears. I really hope they will fix it in a future patch.
  20. The only thing I learned from the Gree event: even on RP-PVE servers, where players usually are "nice and mature", there are plenty of people from famous guilds that enjoy making life miserable by ganking players in pve armor, while they wear full EWH sets. Honestly, these kind of people are really sick.
  21. Totally support this idea, indeed. I've leveled the "normal" way 9 characters from 1 - 50, and this double exp weekends are like a dream come true for my last 3. Gaining this as a reward for reaching legacy 50 sounds like a great idea. It only took me 4 lvls 50 to reach it. And honestly, it would've made my game a lot easier if I had this.
  22. /Signed You pretty much nailed, pal. This is also my main reason for paid transfers.
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