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Everything posted by CaraExas

  1. search yourself? and be resourceful? instead of having everyone else do the work of learning about the game for you?
  2. more then three...oh well...i got on a roll 16vs16 WZ's. more warzone arenas to keep people coming back for more. commendation exchange. i got a bunch of classic comms that are of no value to me. a Guild Calendar to plan guild events with. a Guild Capitol Ship or guild hall on the factions Capitol world. ability to queue multiple crew skill missions. at the very least 2 per companion so when i log off they arent being a bunch of bums hanging around. mini games in the cantina's, sabacc and pazakk Torguta and Falleen as playable races. a huge amount of tender, loving care needs to go to the legacy vendors. the Birthright and Inheritance gear is garbage. and pretty much looks like everything else out there. hood toggle option!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very long term, 3d space environment for PvE Space missions and PvP ship to ship combat, with customizable ships, and ship roles(tank, dps, "heals").
  3. 12vs12 deathmatch on a space station type map. or a invasion type thing on korriban and courscant.
  4. The first part of belsavis was fine. it was almost fun. the second half of the planet...horrible. poorly grouped quests, the map is screwy because it sends imps to were all the pubs are, even though there are two routes to the final quests. i hated that planet so much. Makeb is constant fighting to were ever your going...which is not a complaint. it does wonders for my credit balance. i didnt like the voss story line at all. the whole go into the dream world thing was too much. more like a step into magic and step out of the force. hoth, hated the scenery, loved the story. balmorra, has actually never gotten old for me. dunno. liked it a hellva lot more on pub side for the one pub toon i have. imp side aint to bad. and it has a feel to it like you on a dirty gritty battlefield. tatooine and alderaan, both planet story lines imp side are ones that just get tedious for the third time around. dont even count the starting planets, i sneezed and was lvl 10.
  5. i agree...i love the fact that in a warzone, i get hit by every smuggler in the WZ one after one after one...so i move maybe ten feet...makes warzones so enjoyable...
  6. I just finished Darth Plaugeis. It was very well done. The Thrawn Trilogy were definitely must reads for any Star Wars fans. Revan...that book had me hooked i didnt put it down till I was done with it. Same with Deceived. Darth Bane trilogy was great i totally loved it. also what i think to be a underrated one that i enjoyed a lot was Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno.
  7. how long does it take for the harrassment reports to get processed and something done about it?
  8. really? i call b.s ive done this 5 times, and it doesnt work
  9. just out of pure ignorance, how is this game so buggy? because i havent seen any yet. granted i only played up to 32 JK so far. and if it hasnt run smoothly, i find it is my internet being a pain.
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