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Everything posted by Drewhat

  1. I was wondering if anyone has had success with data capture from the GTN with OCR software? I"m going to try it tonight when I get home unless there is some consensus that this is against BW's regulations. I'm curious where the preponderance of the wealth is in the market. Apparently Microsoft One Note has a pretty good image to text feature.
  2. I have sold nearly every gift I've put on the market for 4-8x what the mission was. Sometimes as much as 15k. That's comparative to a mandalorian Iron.
  3. I just think that there are things that are overlooked for this. I think melee dps'ers tend to have some significant accuracy and group armor penetration debuffs that don't translate directly in individual meters. Additionally they have their cooldowns and vanishes (shadow/scoundrel) that lets them escape individual targeting. Their individual weakness would be AoE attacks, which can still be somewhat mitigated by their interrupts some of the time. You would have to look at total damage done by a boss during a fight in any given scenario.
  4. So I'm wondering if anyone doing the raid meters have been evaluating the relative values of ranged vs. melee dps. People are still denying us (scrapper scoundrel) melee dps'ers into OPS groups. Anyone have data for this?
  5. This is an AMERICAN video game! We should be able to be as entitled AND fickle about our romantic entanglements as possible. If aliens think that one romantic night means a relationship forever then that is their problem! P.S. I would like a romance option with Bowdar pretty plz.
  6. Yeah, the price has dropped on my server too. This was somewhat to be expected. The most profitable crafting now takes either multiple suppliers (pvp material/space daily boxes/pve drops) and a fair amount of investment through RE. I wasn't rich enough to jump on that boat before it got here though so I'm trying to find new markets that don't take as much investment. I'm finding companion gifts to be 3-5x what I pay for the missions to get them, which is better than what iron is selling for at the moment.
  7. This can also provide a nice guide for those seeking profit through arbitrage as you can expect price disparity between Imp and Rep GTNs to be greatest where there is a greater difference in demand.
  8. So these numbers came purely from combining Dulfy's population ratios along with the armor/stat classes of each advanced class and their first two companions. I assumed that the first two companions would be the ones for whom the most money would be spent on gearing. This may not be the case, but regardless, it WOULD mean that this table works probably for most gear <40 or so. I have a few groups of data. Version 1 assumes that companion prevalence=player AC prevalence. After the fact I thought that companion prevalence should be closer to half of player prevalence because you can only have one at a time. Version 2 reflects this calculation. The reality though is that it is probably in between these two numbers because of when you get the second companion. Armor Demand IMP/ REP/ ALL Version 1 Armor Demand IMP/ REP/ ALL Version 2 So what...? How do I use this info? I hope you find this useful!
  9. So looking at the market there are obviously people who have no clue how to price things. Often times they will just follow the GTN price, especially for loot gear or even their own crafted gear. The default price for this gear is often barely above the cost of materials and occasionally below materials cost, especially on higher level gear. I've been using a pricing method that basically charges a flat rate for how many rating points a piece of armor puts out with some modifier for the armor slot. It seems that the cost for NPC vendor gear is around 100 credits per rating point which means anything below that should sell well and anything above that should offer a significant advantage (access at a lower level, purple [last longer], augmented, or orange for slots). I was thinking that it would be useful to be able to recycle materials from listed gear better. This could be the reuse of the now defunct gear tables. Let them be tables that can be used to get higher amounts of materials back from a piece of equipment at a higher rate but without the chance to RE. They could give you something closer to 75%-100% of your material back. That way less materials go to waste when stupid sellers list stuff.
  10. Don't the guild banks make sense on these planets? They are major crafting locations, there is a guild registrar, and I think as more people are getting into legacy, more people will be wanting to craft with guild coordination making access here important.
  11. If there are 2 markets each toon can use, then that means that you can have 100 things for sale. If there is just one, then you can't sell as much.
  12. So has anyone had much success with your match in the EV puzzle? I can normally down him but I'm the last one. I'm just now getting good enough to be watching my target and doing my rotation fluidly. I can normally have my partners to the side of me pull their targets far enough away that I can do a flyby or two. But I noticed that I think the marauders do a jump where they are rooted afterward during which your BB flashes active for less than a second. I think they only have 2-3 chances to catch this during a fight, but it would help a lot in down more damage. In Columi gear w/o my flyby i can hardly break 700 dps on that puzzle boss. Tips?
  13. I am not suggesting the whole event over again. Just the vendor really. Having specialized access to resources is what can make them valuable.
  14. I remember trying to put mine up for sale and it wouldn't let me. Maybe it was glitched...
  15. Step 1) Make Rakghoul DNA tradeable on the GTN. Step 2) Make the vaccine RE'able so that: Step 3) The vaccine can be reusable and/ or it can be used 'offensively' against your own faction or the opposing faction. Step 4) Have the DNA vendor randomly reappear in different locations for a couple of days every week or month or so selling a few different things each time. What this would effectively do (ideally) is make DNA a sort of floating currency, but also encourage more world PvP with reoccurring excitement with Jeelvic or his tribe being spotted and wild price fluctuations in DNA prices. He could also sell end game mat boxes for DNA. I know that there are some games where the feeling that "this stock of material that I have could one day be worth TONS more" is something that keeps them playing and heavily involved.
  16. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=431955 Bonuses in legacy come from companion investment. This seems to imply that BW wants you to participated in the player created content of the end game. Your daily grinding will become more efficient as you get more powerful, your new alts will level quicker, and your crafting will be more efficient.
  17. See my signature. I propose letting DNA samples become a floating currency and then letting Jeelvic or whatever vendor randomly pop up throughout the galaxy in remote locations until he is shut down by locals or he bought his fill of samples. He could also offer different items each week in addition to endgame gear boxes. Samples would have to be tradeable on the GTN to have an agreed upon market value. Then people could stock them up in anticipation of a Jeelvic sighting. The sample supply would shoot up when Jeelvic would be confirmed as seen, then the price would drop again after he leaves. This would also create occasional PvE rivalries in remote locations as he could be regularly 'owned and patrolled' by one faction or the other.
  18. So it just occurred to me that we should be able to get exact enrage timer numbers from our combat logs. I remember reading mine a little bit, and you can see when certain conditions are applied to targets so I would assume that the enraged condition would be one that you could just do a 'find' function for. So if we could post those on here that would help a lot of us out. Thanks in advance. Please subscribe, and I'll edit this as it gets updated. As of: April 4, 2012 1:00 PM EST Black Talon Esseles False Emperor Directive 7 Ilum Boarding Party The Foundry Taral V Maelstrom Prison Kaon Under Siege Lost Island
  19. Hey could we make an effort to try and mine our log files for solid numbers on enrage timers? I haven't seen a comprehensive list out there yet, and this should make it much easier to find out! I'm going to go back and check my HM EV data.
  20. Yeah I know the buffs don't stack. I specifically meant stacking the emotes. For example, my cyborg's emote 'makes you feel vulnerable'. So I wonder if you would still dance the same way...
  21. Awesome, thanks guys. One thing I was just curious about is if people cast their species emotes all on a target at once if something special could happen. I'm just wondering if the random buff is just for fun or could be something else... Anyone try this?
  22. One thing I miss about Risha (ranged) now that I use Akaavi (melee) is that since I am a melee scrapper dps I'm constantly clicking on my melee tank rather than the mob. She's always in the way.
  23. But there is no other stat bonus for them for now?
  24. Yeah, I'm not whining. I'm actually a biased party in this, because one thing I'm really trying to do is get the gift market to explode. If people knew this, then there should be TONS of gifts for sale for people leveling their companions. This should also mean that there shouldn't be the rep/imp imbalance that there is. I expect an influx of republic alts, with additional cashflow from all the rich imps soon...next 1-2 months.
  25. Ooh thanks, do you know of a list of the other species unlocks?
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