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Everything posted by -Calypso

  1. I'm not sure some of you see this from the perspective of a founding player. We have multiple characters, we have spent a great deal of time building all of this up, and now its like well, everyone else can do what you are doing now. YOU'RE GOING TO GOUGE YOUR VETERAN PLAYER BASE!
  2. Yes, don't you SEE!??! They are making it EASIER! Whats the point in playing a game with ZERO CHALLENGES like GEAR OPTIMIZATION and CUSTOMIZATION?????
  3. So basically ONE set of gear for ALL of your characters. This is just dumbing down the concept of raiding and playing the game for BETTER EQUIPMENT! Less need to raid means less raiding, means less ops, means less players, means less growth in the game. Simple economics.
  4. I just want to state RIGHT HERE AND NOW that this was pointed out to you guys. So in a few years when you are pulling the plug and stopping game support because of a bleeding project, I'M GONNA REMIND YOU OF THIS THREAD. It's almost like you guys WANT this game to crap out, encourage people to play battlefront, and shut this project down, but you don't want to admit it to your customers. Pretty shady if you ask me. THIS IS A BAD CORPORATE MOVE!
  5. Mastery stat. This will KILL this game. Your serious gamer base is going to jump ship, while your social players will stick around. You're going to have no one ever running HM or NM anything without making it easier. You are making the same mistake they made with Star Wars Galaxies, and several other sturdy MMORPGs. You are making too many changes like this that rock the very foundation of the gameplay. IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT! You are literally going to make this game something entirely different, and its going to crash and burn. Please, for the love of George Lucas STOP THIS MADNESS NOW!
  6. I suggest you guys give a small cartel coin bonus to people for finding and reporting bugs. Essentially, the players are debugging your product for you, without any reimbursement, as if it were THEIR responsibility. Reporting bugs may be a moral obligation for some, but others simply don't care, or don't notice, etc. While I do realize this would encourage people to spam report bugs to you, I offer a solution to that as well. Give the first person to report the bug a NICE bonus, then give the next 100 people or so a small bonus. after that, no bonus. See! Incentive to report bugs for you guys to fix, but not worth spamming if its a widely known bug. EVERYONE WINS! Savi? Hell I should get a CC bonus for making the recommendation if you ask me. You could apply bonuses to people who provide superb feedback. Encourage the community!
  7. I'm running 2x GTX780tis, but not in SLI. I run them in Nvidia surround, with three monitors.
  8. Yeah. Nvidia surround, 2x gtx780tis, game locks up computer randomly. Usually occurs while in a raid, but have seen it happen on yavin 4 as well. I managed to get it to repeat the crash every time I tried to watch the cutscene before the final boss in TFB. Was also able to get it to repeat while loading into the Ravagers. Drivers have been updated, rolled back, clean install. This garbage has been happening since 3.0 released. I suspect DirectX issues. Looks like Bioware thought it was a brilliant idea to release a major game expansion, and fail to provide enough manpower to deal with any issues in a timely manner. I understand the holidays are abound, but you don't release content like that in an attempt to capitalize off of the holidays, but then fail to follow up properly. Too many times I've been reading apologies in customer service for issues not being able to be resolved due to limited manning. Unacceptable. Sub is coming up for 6 month renewal soon. If you guys don't get this straightened out before then I'm bouncing. I'm sure I'm not alone. People who prepayed for early access got boned on every angle without recourse. Poor programming which leads to client inefficiency. Major server lag. It is clear you guys don't have the hardware to handle the new expac. Along with incessant crashes, servers being down or downright unplayable, DDOS attacks from hackers (you mean to tell me you guys can't take the proper measures to handle DDOS attacks?) At most, this shouldn't effect anything more than your login servers. The only way I can image that they were successful like this is because you guys didn't have enough security personnel on hand to deal with it. It's pretty funny, considering the hackers ALWAYS give some sort of BS heads up on their website bragging about EA being targeted next. Someone isn't doing their due diligence here. If I end up not resubbing, I will be reporting to the BBB, and submitting a formal complaint about all of this.
  9. so um, ya......any word on this? ive been getting crashes since 3.0 release. what gives yalls? its directx related, I know that much.
  10. Same. what gives? anyone get anywhere with this yet?
  11. I dont currently spread my characters out over multiple servers. I may have a toon or two on a different type of server (pve/pvp/rp) to check them out. I WOULD have a few characters on at least 2 different servers for the first year or so while they get over the "NEW MMO blues", if I had the option to play on a different server while my primary server was down.
  12. Stop bringing ALL of the servers down at the same time. Divide your servers into 2 different groups (or more), and bring those groups down in such a manner so that you have at least half the servers UP and running at any given time. I'm not sure exactly why it's imperative that you bring all servers down simultaneously. If there is a hardware restriction, then spend the money to get over that restriction. If this is a configuration issue, then hit the bricks with some virtual servers and find another cinfiguration. If this is a manpower issue, HIRE MORE PEOPLE. This game is at a very volatile point right now, and I don't want to see it die off like all the other MMOs that try to rival with WoW. If you do this, then people can at the very least give themselves an alternate server to play while thier primary server is down for maintenance. I think I speak for most players when I say that we understand there is a lot of work that has to be done. We don't pay a montly subscription to "work with your problems", we expect better solutions to these problems. We understand there are a lot of fixes that need to be done, but we don't understand why the approach to those problems has to be so poorly "thrown together". It's like you have engineers making these decisions, and no PR people involved.
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