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Posts posted by -Calypso

  1. Yes, I'm experiencing latency spikes on Shadowlands as well. I suspect they are doing some work on the servers in preparation for the expac, but every time this sort of thing happens they never say anything. They really should at least give people a heads up that they are working on the servers and players may experience latency issues.
  2. Shadowlands server. It seems a multitude of other players in the area and my guild are experiencing the same issues. Is anyone else out there having this problem today? If so, I'm guessing they are doing some work on the servers in preparation for the expac release, but if that is the case they really should let us know there might be some small latency issues while they are working.
  3. 11. PVP battle with 16 people. But it's free-for-all. I mean, why hasnt this been done already? And where is capture the flag too?


    There are already several zones and opportunities for FREE FOR ALL pvp, but no one ever uses them except for the Gree event. Perhaps introducing something like this that is more easily accessible to endgame players all the time instead of just one event that happens twice a year would be successful. Not a bad suggestion, but I would speculate that not many people would utilize it unless it was something you could Queue for, such as adding a new pvp map in rotation. That would be pretty unfair for players who aren't as good solo or don't have enough gear either. I'm sure there is a fair solution here, but there would be a lot to consider.


    Perhaps adding some sort of reward for participation in the area on Tatt would work......

  4. The reason there is a timer on /stuck is to prevent people from exploiting and cheating. There is no reasonable way for BW to fix the problem so that it is unexploitable without fixing every single way someone could get stuck. I'm sure they are still working on a viable solution for this, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it. Even if they found an answer, it would take way too much work and time to justify doing it (which they may have already concluded).
  5. Adding a color crystal option to the wardrobe/outfitter. I have different outfits that come with different color crystals, so it would be an immense QoL if you can change them together with the outfit nd not remove crystals manually.


    Ah, yes I see. I believe that goes in hand with a suggestion that has already been previously made about allowing weapons to be part of the outfit. I'm inclined to agree, but from what I understand the solution to this would be very taxing and although it IS being considered, it isn't exactly a priority at this moment.

  6. Reading bug reports from players who want an improved game is more important and far less time consuming than reading bug reports from players who are desperate to get a reward.


    That is the first founded objection I've heard to my suggestion. A very good point.

  7. They haven't ruled something like this out but have said that they would have to significantly re-work the system to have cosmetic weapon appearances since it is, from a game system standpoint, in no way similar to the clothing appearance system.


    I see. So it isn't a matter of suggestion, its a matter of priority. Thanks for the insight.

  8. My incentive to report a bug is that I want to play a game with fewer flaws. Why should a player need any more incentive to report a bug than that?

    Do you think that bugs go unfixed for extended periods of time because BioWare is not aware of them?

    I don't think suggestion would do anything to improve the quality of the game.


    I think BioWare has to sort through a lot of bad suggestions in order to get to the good suggestions. When they find a good suggestion and decide to run with it, shouldn't the person who made the initial suggestion be rewarded for their consideration and time? Essentially, they are providing a better community, and helping Bioware continue to provide a successful product for profit. Everyone benefits from this. I believe this sort of thing warrants recognition. I appreciate it, and so do you from your reply.


    You see, I think you may be misunderstanding my point. I am not asking BioWare to reward everyone who reports a Bug. I'm recommending that they recognize people who have the sense to notice and report the initial problem, seeing as even the programmers at BW have overlooked it. Your customers are doing your job for you. That means they are saving you profit by helping you prevent losses from frustrated and unsatisfied customers. A few cartel coins or a cool in game prize is the very LEAST they could do, don't you think?

  9. If you're going to allow people to bypass the trouble of making their characters look the way they want without consideration for the gear that is actually equipped, then you should apply this same concept to weapons as well. To me, this is an all or nothing sort of idea. It's hard enough managing legacy weapons as it is, seeing as they are in limited supply. But if all we are talking about is vanity options for players, this suggestion just makes sense to me. Otherwise, I'd like to hear the reasoning for not including weapons into the outfit options.
  10. Guys, I have purchased all 5 slots for both legacy storage and cargo storage, account-wide, but it's still not enough. It's to the point where I'm not going to be able to buy things from the cartel market that I want because I simply don't have enough room to put them anywhere. I don't see any technical reason why you couldn't offer 4-5 more bays in cargo and legacy storage. I like to put my crafting mats in legacy storage so that all characters have access to it at any time (a system I **love** by the way, so ty for that), but just the metals take up almost 2 bays and that's weeding it down to 1-2 stacks of each type. Do I really need all that? Probably not, but if there's any chance that I want to make a new character in the future, I will need that much, and more. So you're really limiting my gameplay by only offering us 5 storage bays and I'm not the only one in my guild who has this issue, we're constantly talking about it to each other. Several of us have decided that we're not going to be able to make purchases from the cartel market like we have in the past because we don't know where to put all the stuff we get that isn't sellable and we're not going to use right away.


    So PLEASE offer us more storage bays in the future, I'm begging here. I'm also begging to throw more money at you guys and you're a business, first and foremost, therefore listening to your customers should be a top priority. I *want* to spend more money, but I'm at a point where I am being hampered in doing so.


    While I do agree that I would like to have more inventory space, I honestly believe this is one of those in game mechanics that are in place as a sort of "rule set" or limitation that is meant to CHALLENGE players to utilize a limited resource efficiently. With that being said, I would be inclined to disagree with you for the sake of balance. It is not to say that your suggestion is a poor one. I think it is reasonable to make the request, however wouldn't expect a change to come about over it, considering.

  11. If they implemented something like this, it should only be for filling out a proper bug report, just like a real bug tracking program. No one should be paid for sending out one sentence vague descriptions of things that may or may not be bugs.


    I would certainly be inclined to agree. I'm not suggesting that anything like this should be automated at all. I just think it would be nice for BW to publicly recognize the individuals that they feel are contributing towards the cause of the community. This would encourage others to follow suit, I would think.

  12. If it is advice you require on strategy to handle the difficulty of this mission, I am happy to provide it. I personally found that the difficulty level was appropriate, however I can think of a few possibilities as to why it may be giving you trouble.


    With that being said, I believe you are misdirecting your frustration here. EA distributes the game. BioWare develops it. I'm not sure that your personal issues regarding overcoming obstacles in a video game warrants someone losing their job and going through the grief of recovering from such a setback in life. Your suggestion for punishment severely outweighs the frustration you have suffered. It would indeed be very difficult for anyone with authority and vested interest in the matter to see rationality in your proposal.


    In short, I think you should reconsider your post altogether.

  13. I would also like to point out that while I do accept that I have the ability to change my perspective in order to enjoy my gaming experience with less frustration, it will still take time for me to conform and adapt. That is exactly why I believe many players likely just "deal" with it instead of adjusting their habits. It's easier to cope, than it is to change. But why would a company who provides such a wonderful product want a considerable portion of their customer base to be forced to "cope" with problems? Clearly this is not BWs intention, as they have shown by adding the "sort" function to begin with.
  14. If it isn't too much to request, I think it would be grand if I could toggle the manner in which items are placed in my inventory. For example, it defaults from the top left and works down, sort of like an inventory list. I, however, view my inventory as a "pack" or "bag". Conceptually that means that it should start from the bottom, and work its way up.


    I can't imagine how much time I've probably wasted sorting things in my inventory by putting the important items at the bottom, so the new things I pick up will be right on top. I finally broke down and started to change my perspective, but there's a part of me that loses that realistic RPG sense when I see things broken down so logically, and less realistically.


    So ultimately, my point is this. You guys took the time to come up with the code to provide us with a "sort" option for our inventories. Up until now, I never utilized this function because of the way I handled my inventory. I'm sure there are a number of other players out there that continue to waste time sorting things manually. If you take the time to put in that toggle ability for inventory sorting, I think more people will use the inventory sorting automation as well, which is ultimately designed to simplify menial tasks without taking away from the experience of RPGing.

  15. It seems like the thing you're upset about is that you had to do things multiple times to get the gear you wanted because of RNG not dropping the exact gear you needed for your certain character. Now the drops will be Mastery and you can actually use them for any character you need it for.


    I honestly do not see a problem there.


    This game should be fun...not "work".


    I honestly believe that the first time you run something to get gear in 4.0, and the first item you get is something you can always use, you're going to love it. Granted, you'll still have to keep trying for the secondary stats you want, but still.


    That's easy for someone who didn't do any of that work to say, now isn't it?

  16. Not sure how many advanced classes you play but each need different stats (crit surge alac power/shield abs def) depending on what class and spec you play. Sure I can use my Sentinels great DPS gear on my Guardian and do decent dps on it. But It'll remain "only decent" till you adjust stats and set bonuses.


    Great for casual play. But you'll still need to adjust just as hard as previously on progression.


    Yes, you will still have to min max your toons. but that means that 4 of your toons will use a power/alacrity gear set. 3 will use crit/surge.......THATS MY POINT! All of your characters are just using the SAME GEAR! Now people will spend less time getting gear, which is the ONLY REASON PEOPLE RUN OPS TO BEGIN WITH!

  17. Not exactly. Light, medium, heavy armor & weapon restrictions still apply. Not every character can use the same items.


    light medium heavy armor? lol they killed that with adaptive armor! Don't you see what is happening here. They are making it simpler and easier to gear your characters. THATS A PROBLEM! IT'S TOO EASY! Here they are going on about making content that is harder for the player base (3.0 brought us operations that are so hard most players will never see HM, let alone NM.) So they want to make it harder, but here they are making it EASIER for people to jump right in and FAIL at a hard operation! GOOD JOB BRO!

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