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Everything posted by viLe-

  1. Really weird that people are arguing so much about this. Anyone who has played other MMOs before knows very well what need before greed means. Rolling for a companion is the same as rolling for an alt. It's common courtesy not to do this. All items drops are designed for a certain class, and on average, a group with each of the 4 classes will have a very balanced loot distribution and get maximum profit from each item going to the characters they were designed for. If everyone can roll on anything your chances of getting any item stay the same, but the chances of getting an item you need for your class are a lot lower. Also if you are looking for a particular weapon, say a double bladed saber, you may have to do a few runs until it drops, but if you are the only assassin/shadow you will get it. If everyone also rolls for their companions you may have to do dozens of runs to get that weapon. And what makes this discussion even weirder, is the fact that in the dozens of FP runs and all heroics that i did, this was NEVER an issue. Everyone i played with knew what need before greed means, and there was never a case where someone selected need on an item that wasn't for his class. Guess people on Legions of Lettow just are exceptionally well mannered.
  2. Pretty much agree with your choices. Traveling from planet to planet is a real pain with all the orbital stations especially for people with low-end machines like myself. Lowering the cooldown on the fleet pass would be an easy way to reduce unnecessary travel time. 1. Working tab targeting and clickable hp bars. PvP targeting is just a complete mess atm. 2. Dual spec 3. Customizable UI
  3. Just PvE leveling should net you enough money to buy speeder trainings + mounts... I don't agree though that you should just skip crafting to conserve credits. Just check the GTN for sth you can craft that nobody else offers and sell it. I had my Cybertech maxed by lvl 44 and never was short on credits even though from lvl 40 on i was constantly buying prototype armor over the GTN.
  4. I suggest adding a Scoreboard after each Space Combat mission that shows some statistics like number of fighters, capital ships turrets, shield gens, engines destroyed, a completion percentage, accuracy, total experience and so on... This and adding some small bonus rewards for a good performance (i.e. 90%+ targets destroyed) would make having to do the daily missions less of a drag, especially if you're like me and do them on multiple characters. Completing the mission and bonus objectives is just an easy routine exercise atm and lacks any kind of achievement, so adding a scoreboard with small bonuses for very good performance would imo make them more enjoyable, less repetitive and incentivize good performance.
  5. I also support this. The way kinetic ward works atm forces me to constantly watch the little buff bar instead of enjoying the visuals of the game. I'm also less likely to notice if i lost aggro on any mobs, since most of the time my view is focused on kinetic ward uptime and other proc icons.
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