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Everything posted by Derian

  1. Derian

    Master Strike

    Your experience doesn't equal reality. If you run to about 11 meters or so it cancels out
  2. Derian

    Master Strike

    It broke constantly, I don't see how it's viable. Yeah you could see if the skill was still available and if it didn't hit escape and re apply but it wasnt worth it
  3. Derian

    Master Strike

    Yes it does you have to run to about 11 meters from your opponent
  4. Talk about reading between the lines. THey were talking from a business money making perspective.
  5. Comments like your's is why people don't take the typical forum goer seriously.
  6. I feel the same way. I think people are just bad players, or just expecf to dominate everything.
  7. Whatever the equi of ion cell is
  8. I said tank STANCE not spec.
  9. I think making it so you can't use the tank stance with the Rail shot proc skill was all they needed to balance the class it's fine.
  10. Well Dur Diablo isn't a real MMO. If you were expecting an MMO with Diablo...
  11. It's free and it's off the global cooldown there's no reason not to use interrupt
  12. QFT. Scoundrels and Sages were fine IMO but the BH HEaler was nearly invincible.
  13. There are people in this thread who have played pre defensive CD Sentinel/Marauders. Being OP isn't exactly what we are looking after. If I wanted OP I'd have been a Sorc back in Beta.
  14. LOL So did this game. Huttball is fine. L2P stop letting JKs/SWs jump to you it's obvious to not let yourself be seen when they approach.
  15. The spec to drop rebuke from retaliation is useless. You need a successful defense and with only 5% defense, and the high cost of retaliation and low damage it's worthless.
  16. Great post. People need to look at actually winning.
  17. Derian

    PvP Food Chain

    You're 100% right, but bad pvpers can't get their heads around anything but straight damage numbers. Like the guy who posted the 800k damage 100ki healing marauder pic. I get 100k healing with 400k damage, but he's probablyb eating up on a ton of undergeared opponents, Im on a small server and everyone is geared. Anyone who doesn't think a Darkness Assassin is number one is nuts. I don't think any of them have problems, but if you absolutely have to make a list and don't put a darkness assassin on top not sure what to say.
  18. He said tank stats there chief.
  19. No wonder there are servers with stupid high damage numbers at the end of the round. How can you actually say leaving a healer unattended in your face is a good idea?
  20. If you have sentinels doing 590k damage normally, than there is an issue with the quality of PVPers on your server, or a massive disparity in ratio between DPS and healers
  21. You shouldn't judge your self worth on the difficulty of the class you play in an MMO. Let it go.
  22. You don't need to kill the healer but you need one JK or Vanguard on them for interrupts, preferably one with a 6 second CD on interrupt. I still don't understand why people focus fire a sentinel when they see single and double digit numbers popping up. Stop DPSIng and CC them. It's extremely easy to counter, I do it to other sentinel/marauders on my Sent and Vanguard all the time. Moving out the way of pain is like a basic thing you have to learn to Raid. Basically people who fail to do this can't even clear simple PVE content. Most everyone on my server gets out the way if they can. Two of the Three classes that heal also have strong CC. Healers should never b e left unchecked near an objective. If they aren't healing, they are CCing and they are both too dangerous to leave unchecked.
  23. Because taunt and guard is useless.
  24. One thing I like is tthe small improvement between BM and WH. WITH THAT SAID. If you notice it is actually a HUGE improvement for some c lasses because BM stuff is loaded with Accuracy. WH gear has awesome stats.
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