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Everything posted by Ravagexe

  1. That was godlikely awesome. My girlfriend almost believed that it was real till I told her the truth. Lastly, please allow me to say that this is way much better than a bunch of pictures of wannabe funny pandas and bard class.
  2. I find it much more enjoyable than killing the same retarded dragon 3 times a week than going farming same boring instances for 7 months till they throw a Panda at my face laughing.
  3. I had to contact them numerous times and they always replied back to me in less than an hour to solve my problem. They are one the greatest. Definitely better than WoW, DC Universe and RIFT.
  4. Just go roll something new in "Tomb Of WhoeverItIs" aka "Dat Crowded PvP Server" till something pops out. No other solution for now. I feel like some whining post comin about "going back to WoW" after this gets locked.
  5. I recently joined MoP beta and think that its an ultimate disaster that will end WoW. Its BC fail all over again, a boring, low resolution leveling experience in a foreign and random world with eyecandies attached everywhere to lure low IQ people. I am not joining the bandwagon and hyping over a game again so I have no hopes for GW2 (I waited for more overhyped games like FF and DC, they all flopped hard) since it will be another medioccre game like its predecessor and exist only because it will be "Free". In SWTOR, I transferred into a nice realm (It would be a total miracle to have 438753498 heavy servers with that amount of servers actually...) Im enjoying a jedi knight and not giving a s*it about nerf and such. Im here roleplaying and enjoying an atmosphere I really like. So I will be here with my guild.
  6. Every troll cave needs a search bar to track them whinings easier.
  7. So what? Those things are Star Wars property and iconic movie characters. Pandas and Pokemons are courtesy of Asian myths/culture and Nintendo. No need to bother Tekken or Kung Fu Panda there...just check for PS1 game "Tai-Fu: Wrath Of The Tiger" to see a Tiger monk raised by Panda ninjas taking revenge over a China dragon.Pandas are pretty common to see in this monk business you see...I even remember an ancient arcade ninja game with some rabbit...And there was that big panda fighter boss. PS1 and arcade?...Forcing animals with enhanced attacks to fight? Ancient stuff man and someone already bought those ideas.
  8. Pandas and Pokemons are not cutting it, sorry WoW. I'll stick with SWTOR as I enjoy it as hell right now.According to game status I may change to GW2 in future.
  9. I dont know what your problem is... I have a bodyguard healer and Im doing perfectly fine in almost everything. Sure maybe Sage does better but Bodyguard can still heal through everything?
  10. Used to play WoW with my gf, the game is pretty dead even on high pop servers these days. All I have to do is to wait for weekly raid and grind like a mindless berserker. This game actually made us roll same freaking class twice and have fun from it. Voice acting quest introductions are so godlikely awesome that we cant even realize that its a grindfest. So WoW can go back to hellhole it crawl from with its pokemon and panda running gags, Im glad that SWTOR is here and Im here to stay.WoW will never be the same after this for me.
  11. Jesus, these forums are fail incarnate troll caves as every other mmo and gaming forum. I wish I'd burn the place down. Sometimes makes me wonder if gaming companies actually creating these hellholes only to attach trolls out of game.
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