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Everything posted by Kharik

  1. When you need your companion to move out of fire, etc, make him passive and move yourself. They'll come out of it. It can suck having to micromanage your pets, but for difficult situations it makes the overall situation far easier to handle.
  2. Asking a question is not whining. Discussing issues is not a sense of entitlement. Take your frustrations out on the people who are perpetrating those acts, not anyone who has a question to ask or a comparison to make or an issue to discuss. The original poster of this thread was not whining, or acting as though they felt entitled. He is asking a question. Stop trying to drive players away from this game.
  3. Stop it. Just because someone wants to discuss issues does not mean they have to leave the game. That attitude is a cancer in this community. Comparisons will be made, it's the easiest way to bring issues into light, and in a way that people can relate to. This may be an issue we will simply live with - that does not mean if we want to discuss it, or ask 'why?' that we should leave and never come back.
  4. It is different. TOR has too many filler loads. In wow, you want to go to northrend? you load into northrend. in tor, you want to go to ilum? you load into your spacedock, load into your ship, load into ilums spacedock, load into ilum. That is different.
  5. Going from one planet, loading into the space dock, loading into your ship, select a planet to fly to, loading into the next space dock, loading onto the planet
  6. I'm also wondering about the black screens during instances - take the elevators, pop into the next area, move around for a split second and then pow you're at a black screen while it plays an elevator noise. and then you're back exactly where you are, able to move again. What's the point?
  7. Nah. At least not me. When I get to a new planet first thing I do is check the commendation vendors to see what slots they can fill for me, and then check the apperance against what I may already have that's orange. Then I tally up how many I'll need to get what I want, and keep an eye out for quest rewards or random drops I get that might be better than them anyway. Don't forget to check the mods they sell, to upgrade what you already have and want to keep. But I probably think too much about it. No big deal.
  8. Lazy development, corner cutting You can sit. In your ship. Where nobody else can go. But nowhere else.
  9. Greed cannot win over Need. Period. If this has happened to you, you better get in contact with support. And double check what you've clicked, you may have misclicked greed.
  10. That's pretty terrible of you, actually. That's pretty terrible of you, also.
  11. It's good to know you guys are so eager to hear what this exploit is. How about we leave the explanations for the bug reports, hm?
  12. They've stated they have a secret space project in the works. Stephen Reid hinted to at least as much as free flight.
  13. Come on, man. It takes nothing away from you to be supportive of someone that is having an issue. They've clearly stated they're having problems. Just because you're not does not mean someone else isn't. Don't be that guy. Please.
  14. Nothing you said in any way responds to my post, that you quoted.
  15. I'm tired of the idea that if anyone got to 50 before you, they rushed, skipped content, and are simply somehow inferior to you and your way of playing.
  16. a half decent LFG interface or dungeon finder.
  17. So I should hold my tongue, assume everything will be better in a month, two months, six months? And then I'll magically have a right to complain? Or is there some other standard of measurement I have missed? Do I have to wait a specific amount of patches before believing Bioware has things under control? Or should I have expected them to have a handle on things when I gave them my money?
  18. And at the same time, automatically dismissing bugs and complaints because you are assuming they'll all be fixed in a patch is just as bad as doomsaying.
  19. While I am glad your personal experience has been at least decent so far, that does not mean that your experience is the same as everyone elses. Do not presume to judge everyone else based solely on your experience.
  20. just remember you can press escape to back out of dialogue and restart it - so if you notice that the wrong side color is burning your screen, escape right the heck outta that and try again
  21. Same as every other mmo. Dailies, pvp, and instances. Yeah, you might have a hard time getting a group together depending on your server - but it'll happen eventually. Until then, dailies, pvp. Ilums quests are repeatable on a daily basis.
  22. Find a better circle of friends and guild.
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