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Everything posted by Deskor

  1. ... If you want to use the GTN and buy stuff there you dont do ONLY pvp. So, just make some creds selling your biochem stuff. PERIOD. stop complaining. Or just unsub.
  2. ABENDS? ohne anküdigung? ey, ich hab hier noch nie gemeckert, aber daa sist nun wirklich ein Witz. Bitte Entschädigung. Ich arbeite den ganzen Tag, habe überlegt was ich heute mache, mit Freunden treffen oder mal wieder n bissel das Imperium bekämpfen - falsche Wahl getroffen. Ich meine 19-21?? das ist doch prime time. WIESO??? Never play on patch day. Jeder Tag ist Patchday --> Never play.
  3. right. People who actually have a Job and real life commitments. I dont blame anyone of playing a lot, but I love the game (despite some bugs and issues). I played a huge lot of my free time (was veeery tired some mornings), but still didnt hit 50.. 45 atm, and another char on 18. I am not dying all the time or always walking in wrong direction or anything. And I really would love to have a huge landspeeder as well. But I will neeever be able to hit 50 AND save some million credits to get the white crystal and my favorite speeder. (I learned artifice, so still hoping for white crystal schematic in 1.2 though. And I personally do not want to pay a ridiculously high price on GTN for a speeder that states "made by XXX". Call me a weirdo, but I don like that. But we will see. Maybe they add nicer speeders. May the force be with you (as long you are a light sight Jedi).
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