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Everything posted by EAbovee

  1. Good on you! Glad to see some folks enjoying solo ranked. I wish you the best!
  2. Anyone else have it? Mines pretty awful. I've had four matches of 4v3 against me in a two day timeframe (three in one day), going against queue-syncing FoTM teams (although, this may be normal, not bad luck), and paired with the same terribads over and over even though there are quite a few people in queue for ranked. Ex: paired with a double commando team three matches in a row yesterday, one of which was wearing the old Obroan gear and didn't get over 10K damage in a round even though they were never once the initial focus of our opponents (still not sure if this was a win-trader). I feel so defeated now and this struggle is beginning to sap my desire to queue solo ranked. I don't view myself as a gold-tier type player but I don't think I am THIS bad. Anyone else having similar issues?
  3. I normally run as focus on my guardian, so I take the 0m leap for granted at times. But, oh, how I notice its absence when I roll as vigi. 0m min range to force charge/leap with a root break would be pretty sweet.
  4. You're correct. However, it being tied to a one minute DCD is a bit inefficient in my mind. Maybe get rid of enure for the DPS specs and add a true root break which isn't as long of a CD? I dunno, just spit-balling.
  5. I'd agree, juggs are pretty balanced. MAYBE an argument could be made for rage but not by much. Remove/nerf a DCD, add a root break, voila! Problem solved.
  6. I'm actually a fan of these set bonuses but I agree with what DarthZaul intimated. It seems the 0 meter saber throw is more of a necessity for the rotation instead of a boon, which may devalue the 4-set compared to other classes a bit. Would there be any possibility to varying the set bonuses between the two DPS specs and/or PvE vs PvP? I know that is likely more time-consuming but the added level of distinction would do wonders for a sense of identity between all of the specs.
  7. Just my $.02, but oftentimes lowbie PvP will have many folks running around without an earpiece, neither of the two implants and/or relics. Totaled up, that's five pieces missing that the game will not recognize of being able to bolster with expertise. So, naturally, they can be "schwacked" pretty hard by those who do have a full complement of gear. Knowing bolsters previous track record though, there could indeed be other issues. I'm not 100% sure and what I said is purely speculative. Edit: That also doesn't include even MORE gear folks may not be equipping due to the nature of 12x XP. Less quests mean they aren't gaining and immediately equipping other pieces of gear here and there. I have seen lowbies running around on fleet with maybe ~five pieces of gear, including a weapon.
  8. EAbovee

    Missed Stuns ??

    Although rare, it's happened to me every once and a while as well and it seemingly occurs at the most crucial of moments (or that's when it's most obvious ). I'm currently using 5% acc on my PvP gear to see if this helps due to the inherent 5% defense every toon has outside of tanks. Haven't noticed it occurring again but my own tests are inconclusive thus far.
  9. Agreed. What is being advertised by OP isn't fairness and equality for melee vs. ranged - it's supremacy. If melee has no immunity whatsoever in the current meta of the game, with as many stuns/roots/slows being thrown willy-nilly in WZs, melee will lose every time. Is that fair for those who play melee? No. Now, as Kane mentioned, if there was a massive reduction in these abilities across the board, then you would have a solid argument to remove the immunities. Just throwing out suggestions, but possibly a strict adherence to one ability for all ranged classes that further enables kiting and one gap-closer for melee?
  10. Indeed we are "right back where we started." Now refer back to this: I don't think there is much more of a point in discussing this with you. I have said my piece, as have you, and I do not wish to "feed the troll" any further.
  11. Class imbalance is most assuredly an issue but that wasn't the point I was driving at. I'm speaking from the perspective that there is too much CC as you stated yourself. There is no doubt that the imbalances are having a widely-felt, detrimental impact on PvP, but we should not have the expectation that roots and slows be designed around these imbalances.
  12. At no point in time did I ever say I would be unwilling to cede some of those abilities. In fact, I am more than willing because the guardian/jugg has too much of it as does almost every other AC. That is exactly what the hell I have been saying. So, your attempt at mudslinging is insubstantial.
  13. I would agree that a balance must be maintained but I am making the argument that it is currently IMBALANCED in favor of ranged. If BW is failing to reduce the litany of movement-impairment, for whatever reason that may be, then players most affected by it will call for some sort of immunity to such abilities, to provide a little bit of a reprieve. However, based on your response, I think we may lie on irreconcilable sides of the fence here.
  14. Have you tried playing as a melee class in the current meta? Do you see how many movement-impairing abilities each class has? As a ranged class, you can sit at range and DPS someone down with (theoretically) little to no concern to movement-impairment. As obvious as this may sound, it is inherent for melee to be close to and follow their target IOT be effective. But when you have, say, 3 different people throwing out AoE slows or coordinating their roots, it's an absolute nightmare. So, yeah. FO.
  15. I would definitely be OK with this. 12 stacks of ED is useless when I am rooted and hapless. The survivabiity should be decreased for the DPS specs and ffs give them a viable root breaker. Intercede is a bit of an inefficient root break and only available to the (currently) weaker of the two specs.
  16. ^ This particular sentiment has peeved me for a while on the forums. Not sure why folks are always buying the notion that playing a jugg competently just means you're a nub who can't handle too much. The only AC I (personally) feel has a noticeable increase in skill cap compared to a jugg is scoundrel/operative. It's not like playing any of the other classes is rocket science. Edit: Sent/Mara may be included with the scoundrel/operative, I'm not sure. This is the only AC I have yet to play.
  17. EAbovee

    pvp severs

    Agree with Techno. Folks are transferring due to cheap transfers. Many seem to be migrating to the Harbinger and SL depending on whether you are NA West/East coast respectively. I'm not sure about Harb, but SL is a PvE server. I don't think it much matters though because OWPvP is non-existent on pretty much any server from what I have gathered on the forums and most PvP is instanced. Hope this helps.
  18. I personally will not leave a match unless it is absolutely necessary (i.e. RL issue). However, this also extends to DCs due to my horribly inept ISP and their monopoly on my region prevents me from really being able to do anything about it.
  19. While I agree with you in the thought that vigi/veng is stronger than focus/rage, BW did add the root breaker on GL/intercede for the latter. Not always the most efficient root breaker but it's there.
  20. Saiko is 100% correct in this assessment. Leveling a toon whilst PvPing is a far easier venture to learn the ropes with your class. However, as alluded to, it is not the only way. You absolutely CAN begin PvPing at lvl 60 however point #10 from Saiko will be magnified. As said before, you need to keep at it and try not to get frustrated. There will be folks better geared than you, better coordinated, and better experienced at utilizing their class to it's fullest in the hectic environment of PvP. Don't fret, just stay at it, play and learn, and before you know it, you'll be wondering how the heck you have been missing out in one of the best parts of an MMO. The skill gap between you and those who were kicking your butt will slowly close and you'll become a recognizable name amongst the regular PvPers instead of just a PuG. Saiko pretty much nailed it so I won't retype everything. Just make sure to prep yourself properly as noted before you begin.
  21. I wouldn't read too much into those hate-filled messages. What you really need to pay attention to is when someone gives you constructive criticism as feedback. The simple answer to your question is no, there is no "tell-all" doc to help someone perform better in ranked. Performance is directly correlated to experience in dealing with the myriad of possible group comps you'll encounter and your own familiarity with the abilities of your opponents class. As you yourself admitted, you made a few mistakes. Admission to imperfection and the willingness to learn from it is the single, largest barrier to becoming better at anything in life. I myself have a LOT of ground to cover in order to close the gap with some of the best at my AC on my server. I watch vids of others using my class and make friends/queue with them to watch what they do. Just keep up with it, persevere, and ignore the tunnel rats who feel the need to lay their own shortcomings at your feet instead of their own.
  22. I'm personally more of a fan of focus/rage because making a healer panic when you unload 30K+ damage in 3 GCDs is very gratifying. However, Vigi/Veng is much better at sustained and excel at keeping constant pressure on a group. It really will come down to your personal preference. Give both of them a whirl and play around with the specs.
  23. EAbovee


    Nor was I. I'm speaking strictly from a ranked perspective. In my mind, there are two categories of DPS in PVP: those that can hurt you and those that can roast you and make a team fear the consequences of them being alive for too long. Roasters should NOT be able to have the type of survivability of the DPS classes that can simply "hurt" you or things go out of whack. Perfect example is the current imbalance we see in this game right now. Now, as I stated above in the edit, I agree with you that mercs should probably have some added survivability to adjust to the current meta. I think we may disagree on the amount added/buffed though. I am personally more in favor of bringing down the over-performing ACs than I am of buffing the under-performing.
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