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  1. My tolerance for screw ups is usually quite high but this is unprofessional as hell. Expansion is out for 3 months now and forums are filled with bug reports, fps issues, lag issues etc. Then you guys try to organise a tournament on a buggy content without published rules of the tournament? And after that you cancel the tournament because you realise that boss fight is bugged and that could influence the outcome of the tournament and you DIDN'T have time to fix it! Really, no time? YOU HAD 3 MONTHS! Players are screaming for 3 months that new content is bugged! I don't understand the way games are made but I'm sceptical that 3 months isn't enough time to fix a bug. With this behaviour you are leaving the impression that you are not familiar with your own product and that you are not putting a lot of effort in it.
  2. TRG 5 is in the process of rebuilding and we are looking for one healer. We are focusing on clearing HM of new operations and NiM when it will be released. Our progress currently is 2/5 Rav and 1/5 ToS because of restructuring. We lost three players so we are trying to rebuild. But you will be joining in a good group. Before 3.0 we cleared both DF and DP NiM before the nerf and did timed runs of both. Our raid times are set for Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8 PM CET to 11 PM CET. We are looking for a healer interested in running progression operations, that will be able to run on a regular basis. If you are interested: 1) post here or 2) send me a message on enjin http://swtortitans.enjin.com/profile/3771655 or send me a message or whisper in game (Sassiru).
  3. Can anyone give some info on when is the best time to kill the orbs? We used this strategy and it worked well but the spheres were our biggest problems. Our healers and tanks got stunned a lot.
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