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Posts posted by smilefunk

  1. Nope. Only Tier 2 gear, i.e. the new Black Hole set will have the set-boni on the armorings. Rakata/Columi/Tionese will allways have the setboni tied to the shell, even with 1.2.


    What they were talking about is, that the stats of the Rakata-gear will change, i.e. the mods and enhancements in Rakata-gear get new and better balanced stats.


    if that's the case...


    if you take 2 pieces of tio/Col/Raka gear (where the set is tied to the shell), and put the new tier 2 armorings in it (where the set is tied to the armoring) do you get both set bonuses? Or do they overwrite?



  2. Hey,


    This is a valid question and I want to give you some answers so you have some certainty when planning your purchases.


    It is our stated goal to decouple the choice of crystal color from the choice of stats in the game. To that end, with Game Update 1.2, you will find that there are endgame variations (+41) for all available crystal colors in the game (Reminder: white is no longer available in 1.2, it's available for a limited time at vendors only).


    We have no intention of introducing a new tier of color crystals in the short or mid term future (e.g. 1.3, 1.4). I can't make any statements beyond that at this point, but this should give you planning certainty.


    The same is true for augments - the current augments (Rating 22, Level 49) will be the top level augments for the forseeable future. It is a certainty that we will introduce a new tier of augments at some point in the future, but not for several months.


    Hope this helps




    please pay attention to the dev tracker

  3. I'm reading in this thread that gear bought before 1.2 will have set bonuses stuck on the item's "shell."


    If I wanted to put my Rakata set gear into an augmented orange set, I'd still hold out until 1.2 to turn in my Rakata tokens right?


    2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.


    i read that as "pre 1.2 untouched gear (set attached to shell) will be upgraded with patch to post 1.2 gear (set attached to armoring)"

  4. post from georg



    Hey, some answers.


    1. Yes, we have updated the stat distribution on Rakata gear with 1.2.


    2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.


    3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.


    4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.


    The problem, of course, is that if you hand modified your gear, we ultimately have no way of knowing what your intention was. Maybe you wanted to use the mod you removed somewhere else, maybe you just wanted to replace it. We cannot make any assumption as to the intention of individual users when modding the item, preventing us from upgrading already modified items post fact.


    TL;DR: Any 'original' mod in an updated item will upgrade with the patch. Any 'foreign' mod added to an item will be left untouched.


    Hope that answers your questions.


    so yeah, no need to sit on tokens, get ur gear!...

    just make sure not to mod them in any way until they're updated in 1.2

  5. I told this to them for years but they didnt listen to me...


    They would REALLY take the whole market if they made TOR with the voice over content, have everything like they did now. But instead of levels have it where you need to use things in order to gain skill in that.


    For example...if I wanted to be good with a specific lightsaber I would need to use it..


    Or good with a sniper rifle I would have to USE it..


    Or good with an autocannon, use autocannons to actually be good at using one...


    With the force, if I wanted to be more talented than anyone else, I would have to use it. The skills would just...keep skilling up. There would be no endgame or level cap because every single time you used something it would keep on getting skilled. But nooooo..they didn't listen to me on that.


    If they want to make a HUGE dent in every other mmo in this world in 2.0 they should have that system. Just imagine...TOR be a game you actually needed SKILL in to play instead of everything magically gaining a higher level when you level up...wth? that's not right.


    Give us something more, give us something better give us skill related material and take away leveling systems. That way, you don't have to worry about endgame. :)


    Do it bioware. Again..I'm telling you, will you listen? I hope so.. Cause quite honestly, a lot of people who I talk to are getting SICK of levels :(



    while that may sound good in theory,

    it scares casuals to their very core... and rightly so.

  6. that's what it looks like. That's the behavior that the people playing on PTS are reporting, and that agrees with what the wording that dev's are posting now, and the way that I've interpreted those words.


    Sure, it's possible that the current PTS behavior is a bug, and that they are actually going to all of the extra work to make it so that your current endgame gear can't transfer it's set bonus but if you acquire the same pieces again after 1.2 it will allow you to move the set bonus... but that seems kind of far fetched to me.


    ... and the answer has been given:

    Hey, some answers.


    1. Yes, we have updated the stat distribution on Rakata gear with 1.2.


    2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.


    3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.


    4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.


    The problem, of course, is that if you hand modified your gear, we ultimately have no way of knowing what your intention was. Maybe you wanted to use the mod you removed somewhere else, maybe you just wanted to replace it. We cannot make any assumption as to the intention of individual users when modding the item, preventing us from upgrading already modified items post fact.


    TL;DR: Any 'original' mod in an updated item will upgrade with the patch. Any 'foreign' mod added to an item will be left untouched.


    Hope that answers your questions.


    just making sure folks in here heard about what went on here

  7. Then call it something else if the word "sprint" bothers you, because you can already run ( and turn it off and walk ) at 1st level now.


    no, no...

    the only current options available before lvl 14 are a painfully slow walk and a leisurely JOG.

  8. I’m not all that worried about the "slap in the face"


    it isn’t that, if that bothered me then I would be complain about the lower of the cost for speeder licenses.


    It is that when playing a new character there are "big moments" that you look forward to.


    There is one around 10th ( light saber for light saber users for example ), another at 14th, another at the end of the second planet ( ship ), and one at 25th


    I wish they would not take away the one at 14th by handing it out at 1st


    but the abilty to RUN should not be one of those...

    if every living being can only do about three things, one of those is running.

  9. people will keep making new characters who will first get the Tionese/Columi/Rakat line of gear before they progress further into the operation content; those characters will also be stuck with either no set bonuses (and sub-par armoring in general) until they eventually progress to the 1.2 item and beyond.


    the 1.2 versions of Tion/Col/Rak should have the new system with set bonus tied to armoring

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