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Posts posted by smilefunk

  1. Then torstatus is wrong. But perhaps now that more servers are been transferred into it the population might be good enough.


    believe torstatus is right, it's the situation that's wrong...

    just because it's dead, doesn't mean it isn't the 6th busiest US server

  2. I sure am glad I got to read through 4 pages of a 'wow subscriber debate' instead of you know. . .actually staying on topic and not derailing this guys thread.


    ugh, correct... but at least blame OP,



    why man, WHY?!?1?1?!

    a gl should have better foresight :rolleyes:

  3. detrimental to the success of the game.


    as a general rule,

    so is the IRON FIST and the BANHAMMER



    Most people simply don't know how to express their frustration or dissatisfaction with the fact that they wanted this game to be their second life in its vanilla form in constructive ways, so they resort to 1-liners, threats to leave, and hollow criticisms. The sad part is, if half of the gripes were more positively worded, the conversation would improve... but it never does.





    Hopefully they will use this feedback to IMPROVE and keep us from leaving or attracting us to return.



  4. You forgot the part about the OP asking for BW to remove (sensor) comments that were contrary to his.


    Thats what sparked my attention.


    understood. agreed...

    if that's all there was, i would have nodded and went merrily on my way.



    i assumed his initial comment was made in jest...

    if not, oh boy good grief.

  5. AND that I WAS a very loyal supporter of this game since way before launch. I supported it buy paying full price for the CE AND free advertising by word of mouth from me to all I knew.

    ok, good for you!

    I am frustrated, angry and disappointed with the game so far.

    i feel sorry for you

    I am sure there are others that feel the same.

    dunno, maybe the other bajillion posts saying this exact same thing would give ya a clue

    BW needs to know that they are loosing people that were formerly their biggest fans.

    read previous comment

    Again if this wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't play it and I will now tell all this and no longer recommend it.

    ok, good for you!

    Oh and directly to your question ... I guess you had to respond to my post because you wanted attention?

    frankly, there are so many other posts regurgitating this tired rant, felt u needed calling out for having such apparent deep seeded emotional rage (so much so, that you did almost the EXACT same rant several minutes later) that not only did you feel the need to bash the game when no one asked, you took the extra step of attempting to degrade the experience of someone who's actually having fun.


    so, yeah

  6. Really? Sensor people that don't agree with you?


    TBH if this game wasn't Star Wars I wouldn't be here.


    I DON'T love this Game.


    While I do play it everyday, its just a current place holder.


    I wanted to love this game. I anticipated it since it was first rumoured. I am a CE owner that payed full price on the first day of pre-order. Thats how much I wanted to love this game. I have never bought a CE before.


    I am extreemly frustrated and angry.


    There is a lack of Testing, QA, Customer Service and Customer Relations.


    I "was" a Fan Boy of this game. I talked it up to everyone.


    Now I will no longer recommend this game.


    I feel like Obi-wan at the end of Revenge of the Sith when he was crying out to Anakin in suprise, disgust and sadness.




    um so why exactly are you here, in this thread?...

    oh i get it, to turn attention to yourself, as if anyone cared.

  7. Really, if you claim that have not experienced any of the OP's remarks or disagree with all of the OP's remarks... that seems a rather untenable position.


    is the fact that he views those things as NOT killing sw so difficult to grasp?

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