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Posts posted by jitsuo

  1. I believe that this game should have both individual and team based medals.


    The cap for individual medals should be 4 medals and have the same medal system that is in place.


    TEAM based medals should be more akin to team achievements. Stuff like "600-0" for winning Alderaan with no points lost, "6-0" for winning Huttball perfectly, etc. It can have team goals, like team-wide DPS milestones and such. There can even be "hardmode" style ones like a "Ultimate Frisbee" medal for scoring in Huttball without any ball carrier moving. These would additively increase valor, commendations, money, and stuff like that.


    The incentive would be that individual performers still get their dues, winning and losing still matters, but HOW you win and acts of teamwork could count for a lot. I think it could encourage team play and add in some fun quirks to the game.


    Good idea? I know it could encourage some types of bad play if idiots try the tactics and fail, but I believe it would be a nice addition to inspire team effort.

  2. I remember that fight, in the gauntlet where you meet Lord Draahg.


    Honestly, this fight was a breeze for me, but I was also specced Annihilation. Most advice I can give is that Quinn tends to work best if you cycle CD's, but you can try using another companion to share the damage.

  3. hah


    i bet you know where this is going to go ....




    when we pop a door in VS i let the assassins sprint off to open the gates while i stay and hold back the other team at the blown door




    ;) Swtor is not a cookie cutter game, we all play the way we want

  4. off topic but i cant wait for the new warzone and same faction void stars


    i play on an imp heavy server as well and get 90% huttballs, its fun, i love huttball, but some variety would be nice


    Absolutely. I may change my spec when Voidstar hits but I use Predation a lot there too. Jump starts to the doors can lead to quick caps.

  5. even in huttball i use berserk almost exclusively, unless i happen to get the ball, but i generally try not to, when i play huttball i aim to control the middle for my team, not run the ball (we are certainly good ball runners, but i wouldnt think we are the best, and i do think we are the best at holding the middle, so thats what i do)


    and i would want phantom, its a great ability, i just dont think its as important as some others think it is


    your spec is almost exactly the same as mine, the only difference is that 1 point in ferocity i put in cloak of carnage, the passive rage generation you get from it is hugely beneficial



    if you like running the ball i get why you would want ferocity, but that is almost literally all its good for, and thats all i was saying ... if you like to run the ball that cool, but thats pretty much the extent of ferocitys usefulness


    I agree, but I end up with the ball every single Huttball match and I score a LOT. The extra run speed is vital to me because, on my server/the times I get on, the games are 90% Huttball (Imperial main with a HUGE imbalance issue on my server).


    I feel that, if given the ball after the first fire pit, we're almost guaranteed to score. But, as I said, it's all akin to playstyle. I run the ball a lot so I use Ferocity, since you hold mid I can see why you don't take it

  6. ive pvpd with it and without it


    berserk >>> predation for an anni marauder


    unless you are trying to run the huttball


    im not going to spend 2 points in ferocity just so i can be better at something i rarely ever do, marauders should be killing people, leave the ball running to the tanks


    10% ranged and melee defense ??? if you need that to survive you are doing it wrong


    I said that Predation is the most used one IN HUTTBALL. I end up running the ball a LOT in huttball (if Frenzy, my CC breaker, and Undying Rage are up, I will usually make it)


    I said in my post that the points in Phantom are more important.


    Where else would you spend the points than Predation if you don't want Phantom?


    EDIT: Here is my spec http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRRfGzZhMM.1


    Critique what you want, but it works best for the playstyle that I have. I have been testing 2/2 Predation and 1/2 Close Quarters vs. 2/2 Close Quarters vs. 1/2 Predation and I enjoy having Close Quarters more, but it's all up to playstyle

  7. If you usually fill the nuances yourself.... why not make your own skill structure? Ha


    Because I have zero knowledge about the class outside of the PvP skills that I know about. What the strong stats are, what each ability is used for, how certain mechanics work.


    Spec+rotation gives me a sense of what the spec is supposed to do, so I use that to experiment and see what works well and what doesn't. I am not any good at ALL about giving myself a base to work from, but once I have that base I can build around it.

  8. Bleed baby, bleed it dry.


    Seriously though, use your bleeds as much as you can. The free healing will soften the blow.


    It's hard to go without Malavai though. He takes me from barely taking out a gold , a silver, and a trash mob to taking out shiny golds.

  9. My rotation = 12k dmg


    Force Charge > Smash > force crush > battering assault > rupture > obliterate > smash 4k crit medium/light armor, heavy armor = 3.6k


    701 Expertise.


    If I may ask, why Smash before the Force Crush? Isn't that wasting Shockwave buff uptime?

  10. Your question is extremely tedious to answer.


    31 pt Marksman, 31 pt Engineering, 31 pt Lethality, Marksman/Eng Hybrid, and Lethality/Eng Hybrid are all viable in the eyes of the Sniper community. The rotations are rather intuitive if you've played them via Solo PvE, although sites like Sithwarrior.com can help you out if you want even more information. Tibbel's spreadsheet in particular on that site can allow you to work on your rotations yourself.


    Personally I prefer 31 pt Lethality, Lethality/Engi Hybrid, and 31 pt Marksman for PvP, as I think they both have advantages and disadvantages in different situations. Currently I run a 31/3/7 Marksman build for PvP and enjoy it a lot. For rotations, here is an excerpt from a previous PvP thread I wrote in. Really though, a lot of it is intuitive and subjective to the situation.


    Thank you very much. I mostly need a baseline, I usually figure the nuances out myself :)

  11. Are you saying you don't fear gunslingers as a sorc but only as the other classes? Sorcs are the easiest kills for gunslingers.


    This is just from personal experience. Not sure why but most Snipers don't really bother me on my Sorcerer. I usually mez them out of cover if I can and pepper them with FL+CL. The AoE KB+root that I have also keeps them out of cover, which is dandy.


    I don't PvP much on my Sorcerer, he's been shelved for a while.

  12. Yes, Seeping Wound is completely useless, I mean, it only makes Crippling Slash obsolete, saving you that much time.




    But then again, I'm talking PvP.


    If you need to slow someone to catch them, they're kiting you. 90% of people kiting with a brain use their slow, which is 50%. If you use your 30% slow which only lasts for 6 seconds, they're still kiting you.


    So yes, Seeping Wounds is useless. In 1.2 it will be viable, but for now it's useless.

  13. http://r2-db.com/skill-tree/calculator/14/sith-warrior/sith-marauder#build=2lededcif6k0c00000000000000000


    That is my spec without the 1 point I had in Narrowed Hatred. Without that point, I have 104% PvE and 99% PvP. I think that is plenty. So with the above spec, I have one point left over. I mainly PvP, but I also raid NM, and I rarely like to respec.


    That being said, where should I put the point? I'm thinking maybe Stagger? I know it's only .5 sec, but that's an extra .5 sec of stun. If not that I was thinking either Cloak of Carnage, Defensive Roll, or Erupting Fury. Leaning toward Cloak, but building fury is basically name of the game. Or is that extra % of accuracy worth it? Or am I overlooking something else that I should give a try.


    Defensive Roll is one of the best talents ever imo


    Also, Seeping Wounds over Phantom or Ferocity? Bad form

  14. 1. It does not combine attacks that happen "almost at the same time".

    2. The display combines parts of attacks of the "SAME ATTACK". Same attack = offhand hits accumulate into the "mainhand" damage. Same attack = "it is the same attack recognized by the game".


    Ravage's first 2 ticks accumulate into the same damage display. So does Assault. This is probably related to the "Flurryblows" tag for ability data.


    However, all offhand hits function the same way. When you crit an Annihilate, it pops up "3800!", and then a fraction of a second later, the offhand hit procs for 400 in small print, and then is combined with the initial hit, which has a little "bounce" and changes to "4200!".




    So yes: "learn the mechanic".


    This is dead wrong. I tested it again and, on my Sniper, I was able to do a Snipe---->Rifle Shot that looked like this




    So, no, it doesn't have to be the same attack

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