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Posts posted by jitsuo

  1. I have "tanked" up to 3 people at one time as the weakest healer: Sawbones. This was a marauder, melee ops and jugg. On the other hand a sorc make sit dificult because lightning can pack alot of pushback. Depends on the class attacking and player.


    This may be because they were undergeared + low level, I don't know. But if I can take 3 guys at once for a long time I'm pretty sure a combat medic or healer sage can. Especially with that nice bubble they have and all around better heals to boot.


    As the most mobile healer that cleanses Dots and heals themselves from it, you can last against 3 melee classes, 1 that is dot based? I'm hardly surprised.


    I'm assuming you were smart and kited them. If you didn't, they you went up against some TERRIBLE DPS. You should be able to handle the Marauder by himself, but add in just one other class and your *** is grass.

  2. Most healers have trouble standing against 1 Marauder. The only one that can do it easily is a Commando with all his CD's popped (Yes, I know Sawbones beats him, but that actually involves effort, I said EASILY).


    If you put 2 competent DPS on a healer, they will tear through them like paper. Kill the healers first and the DPS are sitting ducks

  3. What makes you think I'm talking about a Pyro? Pyro is not a dps class...it's a tank class...try arsenal based Merc.


    Perhaps you've never played against them? If you haven't played level 50 PVP on the Republic side you don't know. Try taking a opening salvo of heat missiles plus tracer missile with a few crits added in...8k is not a problem I see it every day. Merc is the only class on the battlefield I have to worry about because of the insane dps with no mitigation. 55 kills in a Huttball game is common.


    If you let an Arsenal Merc free cast on you then you deserve to die. Charge+Interrupt will see them dead. Arsenal Mercs are the easiest class to 1v1.


    EDIT: Arsenal Mercs do great damage.....when left alone. The top damage dealers we had to deal with were 2 Commandos named Chubbs and Iopata who were specced whatever the mirror of Arsenal is for Commandos. They were pumping out high DPS until we marked them and sent me and Aeion to take them out (both Marauders). Where they melted people when left alone, they could barely take anyone down 25% health once they are focused. Interrupts destroy Tracer missle, and Marauders have a plethora of interrupts.


    Merc vs. Marauder.


    Marauder either Charges in (stupid) or eats a TM whilst running in. First knockback is countered by a Charge, second knockback is countered by either Charge (if off CD) or Force Camo. Interrupt Tracer Missle using the core interrupt and Charge (after the Knockback if possible, if not possible due to CD, then keep reading). Interrupt TM/their heals like this


    Disruption-->Charge-->Disruption-->Force Choke---->Disruption---->Charge----->Disruption---->Intimidating Roar----->Disruption----->Charge---->Disruption.


    If he's still alive that means two things


    A) You have bigger problems than needing to know how to interrupt


    B) You eat 1 TM and continue interrupting


    TL;DR If you lose a lot to Arsenal Mercs/Grav roun specced Vanguards, especially if you fight them head on, you are either insanely undergeared or don't know what an interrupt is.

  4. Where am I mentioning Armor Rating? I'm talking about our shield absorbtion.


    And good for you? Personally 95% of the time Marauders lose to me so -shrug glad the ones on your server suck?


    The way I deal with saber ward and obs is to stun / concussion you and kite while it wears off at which point marauder = dead.


    You are right though when your 2m cooldowns are all up you can absorb a ton of dmg, for a few seconds, fortunately WZ is not 1 fight every 2 minutes.


    As far as the statement about having zero trouble, if that was the case you wouldn't of needed to write a "compendium" for all of the marauders who are having lots of trouble with VG / PT, lol.


    Because most people are idiots. If a Marauder loses to a PT, he's an idiot, he's an idiot. Tell me how you can beat a Marauder, please. If you're kiting a Marauder, he's a pretty bad Marauder.


    Crippling Slash=no kiting because PTs have no way to seperate themselves unless they use a Mez/stun, which is then mitigated with a Charge.


    Obsfucate is casted at the beginning of a fight, so only the TD hits and the Rail Shots are worthless. Saber Ward is a 12 second CD so a stun will not let that wear off. The DPS of a Marauder is higher and the defensive ability of a Marauder is better.


    I say it again, PT is one of the squishiest classes in the game when it's a Pyro PT. They have 2 defenive CD's, a 25% bubble and a 15% heal. Marauders have Berserk, which makes 18% healing and can be used VERY quickly, Cloak of Pain is 20% damage reduction, Undying Rage extends the life of a Marauder by 5 seconds, Phantom can Vanish while my dots tick on you, Saber Ward increases defense by 50% and decreases tech damage by 25%, Obsfucate takes away 90% of your accuracy.


    Missing Rail Shot=50% of your damage done. A fight with PT vs. Marauder is a DPS race and a PT is woefully underprepared, end of story.


    You attempt to say you kill Marauders all the time, but you have submitted no evidence as to WHY a PT can kill a Marauder. They can't kite them, they can't outdamage them, they can't outmitigate them. All they can do is get lucky by jumping on a Marauder who is not paying attention and get lucky with RS procs


    EDIT: Many Grammar and "adding information" edits

  5. the two sin/shadow specs that aren't the tank specs do need adjusting... their survivability is just straight crap.




    And the other two marauder trees are getting some buffs but i don't see them becoming up to par with annihilation.


    I believe Anni will be the go to spec for 1v1 PvP but Carnage has enough utility and survivability to be viable and, with stronger Ataru procs and a buff to Gore, their burst will be even better (and Carnage is the burst spec)


    Rage gives great group utility with permaPredation and is now as strong as Juggy Rage. I'd say that's at least viable.


    I agree about Sin though

  6. like i said 4-6k depending on gear i have a mix of rakata and BM i crit fresh 50s for 6k on the regular


    Yeah, you can crit for 6k regularly.....if you only Annihilate with full buffs+adrenals+stims+relic+bloodthirst on a guy in level 30-45 questing greens


    You might hit 6k "regularly" then

  7. There are skill trees that are not viable due to either the strength of certain other specs or their own weakness.


    I propose that these specs be buffed in the same way that Marauder's Carnage/Rage trees were buffed.


    Note: I will be using the Empire names because I am far more familiar with theirs




    So far it looks like every spec is ok (or will be in 1.2)








    Advanced Prototype








    -Deep madness and deep lightning




    -Madness and Deception




    -Lethality? (need confirmation), maybe make Concealment less about 1 time burst and more about ability to fight a full fight. Don't "Nerf" it, but buff it in a way that doesn't cause Ops to stunlock people while still being able to fight once the stuns wear off




    -Engineering? (need confirmation)




    Thoughts on these ideas? If people could post how these specs be made better, it would be much appreciated. I'm unfamiliar with all these specs except deep Madness and deep Lightning Sorcerers


    I would love to see a game where a class appears in front of you and you have to figure out which of the 3 playstyles he will be, no more "oh it's a Marauder so he's Anni" or 'it's a Sniper so he's Marksman". The more viable trees, imo, the better

  8. I like all the silly, etc responses...means I pretty much nailed it and they have no counters.


    You want your class to be given unique, insanely OP abilities. If you get this, I get Cloak of Pain on a 30 second CD and doubles as CC/snare immunity, Ravage can be used while moving, I get a "chain" ability so no opponent can move outside of a 5 yard radius of me, and, what the hell, more hitpoints, because Ops can kill me too.


    Don't like the changes to my Marauder? Stupidly OP? But it fixes the issues where I can't kill certain classes/get stunlocked/have to die.


    1.) Change the shield to stay up all the time and use mana until all of our mana was used up.


    The reason for this is to remove the recast need during battle. and makes mana management a useful skill.


    2.) Raise our hitpoint count. Low hitpoints are why we die before getting out of an agents stun.


    3.) Snares should stop all jumps. Just think about that for a second...you can't run fast...yet you can jump the same distance?


    4.) We need a second short duration bubble that is castable on others and ourselves which blocks stuns, snares, pulls for 5 seconds.


    5.) While sprinting one should not be able to be crowd controlled....or just give us a jump too.


    6.) Force lightning needs a much greater snare effect on it.


    7.) The purge needs to remove all effects and a 10 second recast.


    9.) Stun break should have a recast of 30 seconds and an immunity of 5 seconds to all CC afterwards.


    1. I remember Mana Barrier. Could be interesting. But your force bar is only 600.....have fun with that ;)


    2)No, we all have the same hitpoint count. Deal with it, stealth always beats Magic.


    3) Give up Extrication while you or your teammate is Snared and no KB's when you're snared and we're game


    4) You would have to give all classes that on their CC breaker to make it gair


    5)Nope, you want CC godmode


    6)All classes have a 30% snare on their non-snare abilities, it's balanced


    7) Lol, super OP


    9) This could solve interesting problems

  10. Hence the "imo" in my statement.


    The 2nd tier of carnage is pretty much garbage as is the 2nd tier of rage when you aren't either of those specs. Just being able to 3k crit heal on cc break I find to be amazingly handy and the best out of the 2 second tier trees.


    Defensive forms is ok but nothing amazing. Honestly a 4% damage reduction against a small number of in game skills, I've used it, not used it, used it again and tbh there is no real difference whereas 1 of your only cc abilities of cd earlier(10s doesn't seem like alot but from exp it can be more gamebreaking than a slight damage reduction), extra root duration and a couple more force crit.


    I suppose if you solo alot the defensives of carnage may be more appealing but as dps I always find the best defense is a strong offense and I'd rather maximise that. Cycling cds properly we can pretty much have a min of 20% damage reduction up for 2mins out of every 3, whats another 4% really. I cc break and heal for between 1.5-3k hp, there just regained 10-20% of my hp.


    Each to their own of course but just make sure you test both ways.

    Oh, I could care less about the damage reduction, it's the Fury building that defensive forms is good for.


    I have tried many Anni specs, and I find that a 3k heal every 2 mins is good, but I like 30% less AoE damage more. It neuters a Rage Juggy and allows you to be in the thick of things a little longer.


    What you said it correct though, to each their own. Swtor is not a cookie cutter game.

  11. I always vote for the guy who contributed most.


    For example, there's a guy on my server who never does over 100k damage or 50k healing, but if you're playing against him in Huttball he will carry a team to victory. He always gets my vote


    If anyone here plays on The Constant, you know about Socs and Denzelle.

  12. I don't see how its possible to lose to a PT/VG as annihilation with cds up the only thing that really ever gives me a hard time is tank spec assassin/shadows in tanking gear...


    I thought so too....until I saw all these posts about how PTs/VGs are some Marauders hardest enemies. I have a PT myself and I know that there are a lot of miserable Marauders who I can crush, but I shouldn't be able to. What I've noticed is that the Marauders that beat me utilize most of these tips, and I always take my own advice when I fight a PT.

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