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Everything posted by Cwild

  1. nba2k12 bro, best sports console game out right now. Do it with me!
  2. Because there isn't anything else to play right now on the PC unless you want to play a FPS or RTS which some people don't enjoy or are also sick of playing. People dont want to go to WOW again cause it's ruined. Name us another game we can go to that isn't awful. This was the hype, which is why most of us are here. Hence all the GW2 mentions. And if gw2 fails like this, then i'm sure we will look for another game.
  3. metgaf, I unsubbed today too bro. I use to fight you back in arena days. I think I'll be preordering GW2 tonight also, I just havn't really done any research on it so I have no idea what I am in for.
  4. You don't have to be ignorant, there are a lot of people who resubbed because of "Rated Warzones"...which is pvp related, hence they would probably see it here. get over yourself, was just trying to help.
  5. They stated that they have a heavy volume of people doing this today and are working on a way to accomadate the people who resubbed for 1.2. Just a heads up. Would of posted this in my other thread, but they closed it.
  6. but they do read it, they closed my thread that was up to page 9 in a bout 1 hour because I complained about this game, and that I would not be renewing and the mass majority of posters in there agreed except for like 3 people who bashed all of us.
  7. Except no, because WoW was the best thing around at that time. DAOC was great for pvp and what not, but what did WoW really have to compete with. FF11, DAOC, and what else really. WoW's vanilla is about 8 years old, and yes, it did have a rocky start. Thing is, that game was 8 years old. This game is a 2012 game, WoW paved the way for this game in all aspects. All they had to do was fix what they did wrong and not duplicate them. THEY FAILED. You can say this game will be around for years, and yeah it probably will, but with how many people playing? 12 million? no i doubt it. I am not even a wow fanboy, that game went to complete **** and I will also never play that game again, but as I stated before, this game was promising, and yeah i had fun for 2 months. But cmon man, at least wow's vanillia had a semi difficult raids to go to. Not puzzle bosses...
  8. But is that enough to keep it going for a long time? I mean it's only been what 3-4 months and people who play that aspect and playstyle have like 4 50's. Will that not get old just like any other single player game? Yeah I've played ff7 like 5 times...but i'm not paying to play it anymore. I'm not saying 15 dollers is a lot of money. It's cheaper then my radio monthly fee for sirius, cheaper then 2 days worth of lunch at work, cheaper then taking my girlfriend out whenever she wants, cheaper then going to the movies, cheaper then 4 gallons of gas. People make a big deal about paying for something that is only 15 dollers a month. But would you do it for a single player game?
  9. Nah, the difference between me and the normal player, is I was forced to play this game due to my irl friends playing. I hate space, absolutely hate space, I think star wars is stupid, I hated the movies, I think aliens are dumb, and lightsabers are for losers. I have no idea why I think this way, I just always have since I was a little kid. For whatever reason I could be a giant ogre and think it was ******, but if I am an alien, im dumb. I did enjoy aspects in this game, I enjoyed rolling my server in pvp, that was this games saving grace. BUT since all my friends quit also, there is abo****ely no reason what so ever I would return to star wars simply because of the things i've stated before. I dont know why I think that way, I just never liked space lol.
  10. Are they still playing kim or they done too? What new games you going to try, you guys playing anything at the moment? Steph and I were doing mad research yesterday but could not find 1 game we thought looked decent. So he's playing nhl and im playing nba...I know for sure my girlfriend is liking this but forget her, i need my games damnit. AHhhhhhhhh
  11. Aw, im a unique snowflake? Thanks qt. I think you are too.
  12. Why is it a good thing that the majority of people I played with are leaving? How does this help your game in anyway shape or form. And I don't know if you noticed, but it isn't just a FEW people who are unhappy, its a pretty big group. I am not a huge GW2 fanboy, or any fanboy of any of the games I mentioned, but I will surely give it a shot. In my opinion, and subscription this game loses, is not "helping" the game, the complete opposite, but you can get grumpy with me if you want. Defending this game in its current state is like defending a broken softball bat. Yeah, you can still hit the ball with it, it just isnt going as far as it should.
  13. Yeah I havn't been on cause I was waiting for us to tear this up...now however, that will never happen. Keep the skype though and you and your brothers hit me up. You guys were the best peeps i've played with during swtor and I have no doubt we can't rock any other game we play. Hit me up forrrrrrrrrrrr sure.
  14. You might not, but a bunch of people seem to. I'm just saying, with this game struggling server to server to survive as it is...what can they do to save it?
  15. I hear ya man, tera does look awful imho. D3 isnt a threat to an MMO in a sense, but it can hurt the population, (that can't be argued). If people have fun with it and are enjoying a new game like when swtor came out, you will not log on swtor, you will be playing d3...so in essence it does challenge this game. I dunno, gw2 looks kinda tight but I also agree with you that it will probably just be overhyped like swtor was as well...and well, we all saw what happened here. No hope for mmo's these days. sports console games only, and even then, some of them blow
  16. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3860425#post3860425 feel free to msg me if ya want.
  17. If anyone does want to play ps3 who I've enjoyed my forum life with you can send me your gamer tag via message and I'll add you or vice versa. NBA2k12 is my current game, which obbviously will shift to madden 13 once thats released in august. I will also be playing D3 when that is released so we could coordinate something with that as well. I have 2 irl buddies who I will be playing with also so if you need homies, hit me up via message box. I am however, interested in playing guild wars 2...debating dropping money on the preorder just to beta play though....
  18. In the last month I have probably played about 3 hours total of this game. Had great promise, now with the server sizes, class imbalances, and no ranked warzones. I finally hit the button. "you have 26 days to play before your game subscription ends." I'm pretty sure people will just say "k bye" or "**** loser" etc etc but my question to you guys is... Do you really think in a few months with gw2, tera, pandamania, and diablo 3 all coming out that this game will really survive. I honestly don't, and it is a shame because I did really enjoy this game for about 2 months. After those 2 months, there was literally nothing to do, and the only reason I didn't cancel was ranked warzones. It just blows cause there are no games out right now worth a damn to play...so this is really the only option if you want to play an MMO...however, I'm just going to play nba2k12 until D3 I guess. Blows =(
  19. How is everything panning out for concealment now that 1.2 is live. I havnt been on nor will I probably be able to play until this weekend. Just wanted some peoples perspectives on it so far. Thanks
  20. I have lost a lot of interest in this game, so I've played like 10 games over the last 2-3 weeks. Not so sure I'll keep playing, but since it is the only game I have played in a while, I still like to see whats going on while im at work at the forums. I would like to make a video yes, I just don't know how to be honest. No idea how to edit, do the music, or any of that stuff.
  21. Who needs to disable people for 20 seconds when you can just kill them in 7. BOOM
  22. Don't get me wrong, I think the video is nice for an instructional video to teach some players...but here are some things I didn't like about it. As pointed out via to text, most of the fights are vs a non cc breaker victim displaying that we can kill people in a stun duration which is correct however, that is not real life. Rarely uses stim boosts and has poor energy management Didn't see an adrenaline probe one time, might of missed one. The flashbang demonstration was a nice was to use it defensively, but there were no demonstrations on how to use one offensively. The 2v1 at 310 where she had the healer with her and chose to run away she had cooldowns up and could of easily killed those two players but it was a good defensive strategy. She claims explosive probe is almost always better used for running away targets which is not true in my opinion. Explosive probe should be used whenever it is viable, which there are numerous situations. Highest burst potential comes from timing that skill. As in explosive probe acid blade cloaking screen hidden strike. Very big burst potential. When she says to save the defib for when mars pop there 99% debuff, it could be used that way, however you get the same result from just rooting them with sever, kiting, dropping explo probe on them and hitting them with shiv/lacerate/backstab once it wears off... Using the defib early on maras seems to be the best strat I have found in many of my 1v1 duels. (I know its a wz video but the majority was 1v1) The video is very good though, it is just not exceptional...but nonetheless a very good demonstration for people looking into the class. Good use of tendon on the sorc at the end of the video. I'll rewatch it and see if I can see anything else, I only watched it once. EDIT: wasted CS, should of just switched to healer, used interrupts and defib and if needed used cloaking screen for another kill oppurtunity.
  23. worst idea i've ever heard. What if you wanted to switch targets, or do anything else but hit that guy. And lasts until the target or operative dies...lmao
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