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Everything posted by Skeptical

  1. Awwww poor guy had his over-powered class nerfed. Poor baby. Hush now, mamma will make it all better. You're still the best, smartest person in the world. You're special. Oh yeah... crymoar. hahahaha
  2. You hit the nail on the hit insofar as being able to have options when you or a group member is CCed and focused. As it stands now there's no counter to the endless stun/root/knockback and that affects melee more so than ranged, but still affects ranged somewhat. Resolve just seems like a lazy way of handling diminishing returns because instead of each type of CC being affected on it's own, Resolve just throws them all under the same blanket but assigns differing amounts of resolve gain to each one. It sounds good in theory, but it's horrible in practice. Maybe it would be more effective if some tweaks were made, but I'd be all for seeing each type of CC: Stun, Root, Snare, Knockback, Pull all have separate diminishing returns. The only problem is that even if they were to go that route multiple classes have all of those and would be able to chain them together for CC trains that would last just as long if not longer than the current system allows.
  3. It would be a simple solution in theory but what would you define as CC worthy of immunity? Snares? Too much. Roots? Then Snares are kind of trivial. Stuns only? That's the system we have and it's not very effective.
  4. It's not realistic to balance a games mechanics based around everyone being able to find a premade.
  5. So maybe snares should be on longer cooldowns while Roots are added to CC that affects Resolve. As it is now, teams CC the enemy and focus them down one by one. The stuns and roots are always ready while the CC immunity and breaks are not very reliable. If Resolve were adjusted you would at least plausibly have a window to get away from the zerg assist train that is PvP. Something has to give. Our CC breaker should be on a shorter cooldown and Roots should definitely add to our Resolve bars. I see what one of you other guys was getting at with Snares being so prevalent that if they added considerable Resolve everyone would be running around with full Resolve bars. So doesn't that right there point a big foam finger at Resolve's shortcomings? For something that is supposed to limit CC, it just doesn't do that to any significant degree.
  6. I'm still waiting for someone to post solid reasons why all of this should not be the case. Maybe we're all just missing something that will turn the lights on and have the current state of affairs make sense, but I don't think so.
  7. You didn't ask for an explanation. You intentionally took aspects of what I posted out of context and then refuted it without using any specifics I might add while implying that my post was a whine, cry, lack of skill, whatever. All while trying to remain outside of the discussion so as to not leave yourself open to any kind of solid retort. It's the classic stance of the forum troll. I'm not saying that was your intent because I have no way of knowing that and I'm not going to try to put words in your mouth, for lack of a better way to put it, which is what you were trying to do. If you want to be a part of a discussion then be a part of the discussion by refuting what you don't agree instead of using broad generalizations and skirting the edges of the issue while trying to sound superior. In the immortal words of Yoda, see through you we can.
  8. You know what? You're right. You win. You're better at understanding mechanics of gameplay than everyone else in this thread that disagrees with you. Resolve is fine and we all need to learn to play. Okay... you're ego is stroked and you can move along so that people with a clue can engage in discourse that will hopefully give the developers some feedback that could potentially make PvP more fun and engaging and not so random. Now you're cooking with some mother grabbin' propane, fool. Is there any reason why Roots should not increase Resolve? I'm really trying to understand why it seemed like a good idea to have Roots live outside of the circle of CC that increases Resolve. Wouldn't that go a long way towards balancing out the disparity between Melee and Ranged classes in PvP?
  9. This is what I have the biggest issue with and I think that Resolve should be tweaked because of these kinds of situations that crop up every time you enter a Warzone. . You're not getting what I'm saying at all. No one is saying that Resolve should enable you to stand up to focus fire while being CC'ed. Diminishing returns on CC gives you a window of opportunity to get out of a situation where you are locked down and being CC'ed by the opposing team. Resolve doesn't do this unless you can accompany it with your CC breaker, and even then it's not going to work against Roots, which shuts down melee classes of all shapes and sizes. Seriously, it's not a crime to agree that Resolve needs some adjustments and I'm pretty sure you'd be hard press to find more people that think Resolve is fine the way it is than people who agree that it needs to be tweaked. The crux of the issue is two-fold: Not all CC increases Resolve Resolves builds too slowly and burns down too quickly.
  10. As much as I can't stand the way people on MMORPG forums look for what they want to see in a post so they can retort sanctimoniously and skip off to troll some other poor poster while thinking they are so awesome and superior... I'll bite. An increase in diminishing returns to CC, which is what Resolve is for, gives you a fighting chance in a situation where you are being CC'ed and focused. Personal skill, which is what your hinting at, has no bearing whatsoever on a situation like that and is therefore irrelevant to the mechanics of Resolve. In short, learn to stop using your go to forum attacks on people's "skill" and start participating in the discussion at hand. It's obtuse to try to steer every discussion into the mire of "you're bad. learn2play". Seriously, grow up.
  11. But that's kind of my point. No system should be dependent on outside stimuli to perform correctly. Resolve should be balanced so that it cuts down on excessive CC regardless of your group composition or chosen class. Melee characters are at a disadvantage and a tweak to Resolve could easily balance the scales. It's just not good enough that Resolve can cut down on excessive CC every 2 minutes if you have a healer or someone Guarding you. Is that working as intended? It doesn't seem so to me. It bothers me that I'm seing more people crying and posting about the lame Smuggler/Operative nerf to ONE FREAKING SKILL(Seriously, you guys are crybabies. The damage adjustment on one skill and the shortening of a knockdown CC is not going to make the classes useless ya drama queens.) than I'm seeing any open discourse on the ins and outs of Resolve. To me Resolve is at the core of a lot of issues that people seem to be having. Resolve needs to be adjusted. It should be a full functional self reliant mechanic that doesn't need symbiosis with any other factors to do it's job effectively.
  12. We've all read the Resolve guide and insofar as that strategy is concerned it works to a degree but only for classes with high survivability. Our get out of CC free card is on a 2 minute to 1 minute 30 sec cooldown with talents. On smaller Warzone maps where spawns are rapid Resolve's lackluster mechanic really shows it's ugly head. Who hasn't been in a match where you eat a Stun, build up Resolve, get stunned again, fill up Resolve, pop your CC breaker, enjoy your crappy few seconds of CC immunity, blow all of your cooldowns trying to stay alive and overcome your HP deficit only to get focused and killed. You respawn and have no option to negate the excessive amounts of CC. None what so ever. You might live long enough to get a full bar of Resolve but you won't be able to captialize on it because you have no escape from the CC that fills up your bar. So you get killed even faster. You respawn and enjoy the same scenario. And finally after the 3rd time of this you finally have your CC breaker to catch a slight breath. It doesn't work. It needs to be adjusted and I don't have any feedback to give insofar as what can be done. The only thing I can think of would be to increase the rate of Resolve gain across the board for all CC and to also make Snares and ---->ROOTS<----- add a significant amount to your Resolve bar. By having a stickied guide for the current state of Resolve is like a sign that says the developers have no intention of adjusting or tweaking Resolve and I really hope that that is not the case. I like PvP and I will continue to play it, but I am of the opnion that Resolve just does not cut it in it's current state. Please tell me that I'm not alone in this.
  13. In PvP Sentinels are top shelf liquor. I really don't understand why people persist in trying to paint Sentinels as gimped in PvP. It's simply not true. Granted, I haven't played any spec other than Watchman and I have no desire to. I like Watchman. It has it's strengths which are rewarding without being Operative/Smuggler over-powered, and it has it's weaknesses. Strengths being solid DPS, burst on demand (given that you have enough Focus to do so), and in combat mobility to stick to your target like glue even when they use their escapes and stuns. Weaknesses being little damage mitigation when cooldowns are blown, little to no CC, and no immunity or resistance to Roots and Snares (That's an issue with all melee though and not just Sentinels and it could very easily be addressed if Resolve were tweaked to be more effective. Resolve doesn't work in it's current state. It does little to nothing to reduce the amount of CC, but that's a subject for another thread.) The only issue I have with the class is that we don't hold up well to PvE encounters with large pulls. And guess what the majority of all the PvE encounters are?
  14. I think the only thing the class lacks is PvE survivability. Definitely a fun class to play. It's micromanagement intensive like Defense Guardian, the difference is that you actually get rewarded for your effort as a Sentinel.
  15. No you shouldn't be able to heal through 2 DPS. That is what rational people would call absurd. If a Healer can heal through 1 Tank's offensive onslaught that's fine but 1 DPS should be able to burn through a Healer's healing. No one class should be able to go one on one with a DPS and soak it all up. That would render DPS absolutely worthless and unnecessary. Allowing Healers to heal through a DPS's offensive would be like giving Healers the damage mitigation of a Tank. Clearly you are not thinking about what you want and how it would affect overall gameplay.
  16. ... these robes: http://www.wikihow.com/images/a/ae/Screenshot_2012-01-23_14_50_56_516850_524.jpg Any help would be great. I've seen a few different colors of those robes that are moddable but I have yet to see any moddable versions of that specific color. Even if you can't remember the name of the moddable version I'd be more than happy to get a hint of where they drop or can be purchased.
  17. Here's a screen shot if that helps: http://www.wikihow.com/images/a/ae/Screenshot_2012-01-23_14_50_56_516850_524.jpg No one knows anything about a moddable version of these? I'd keep these on my guy forever if I could find them.
  18. If so what's it called and where can I get it? I really like those robes. They are all cloth, solid white and not all stupidly busy like most of the armor in the game. I haven't been able to find a moddable version though.
  19. Thanks guys. You sure it's the person with the most valor? I've gotten it as a level 16 with 40s on the team.
  20. For those of you who don't know, you can right click your target's portrait and mark your target with symbols like a blaster, lightsaber, or gear. Does anyone know if it works on player targets? If so does the whole raid see it? If so is there a way to bind short cut keys to instantly mark your target? I've noticed that there isn't a lot of focus fire going on in PvP and I'll like to help the enemy team's healers rest up in the respawn area.
  21. I don't think it would be that bad if some of the CC was toned down or Resolve gains were increased, or even just making all CC increase Resolve. Can anyone come up with a legitimate reason for Resolve not being affected by roots?
  22. Yeah, being in Cover (the shields) negates Force Leap. You can't Leap at a target who's in cover. And I'm interested to see how Resolve being affected by root would affect PvP. The test server is a perfect place to try it out.
  23. There's no reason whatsoever that Resolve should not be affected by Roots. I don't think being in Cover should negate Force Leap either. Both together is too much. Add in snares and stuns and it's troubling that the current mechanics have lasted this long. If ranged classes can be immune to melee's gap closers than why doesn't melee have some form of root/stun/snare immunity other than Resolve?
  24. Leg Shot roots for 5 seconds: http://www.torhead.com/ability/1KgmaGG/leg-shot It's instant, has no GCD, and has only a 15 second cooldown. It's on a class with multiple knockbacks and a snare AND can't be the target of Force Leap while in cover. So Knights are Forced to slog through the snare, dps, knockbacks which all give very little Resolve, then get Rooted which ignores the Resolve bar. 5 seconds is ample time to get some range and breathing room to start the snaring process all over again. So no it's not a "misnomer". And by neglecting to take into consideration the plethora of other CC available to just this one class/spec you are missing the big picture. When you factor in the CC available to all classes it's makes for PvP with an excessive amount of CC and it's the crux of the disparity between melee and ranged classes.
  25. CC breaker is 2 minutes and usually talented to 1 minute 30 seconds. Melee doesn't get roots. Some melee Assassins/Shadows have a few stuns and a snare but no root. Sentinels/Marauders have a tree with a root in it and another talent in the same tree that turns Force Camo into a CC breaker but they are about midway up the tree. Guardians Force Push now resets Force Leaps cooldown and I'm sure that helps a lot but I haven't played my Guardian since the changes to see how it affects CC in PvP. Ranged classes seemingly have no counters to their strengths. By that I do not mean from other classes. For instance, Guardians/Juggernauts have increased survivability but reduced damage. Ranged classes have roots, stuns, damage mitigation, and high damage. Something needs to give in order for the disparity between ranged and melee to be on somewhat of an equal footing. As it stands now, it's always an uphill struggle for melee versus ranged because you burn up your cooldowns getting into range only to be rooted then snared and have to slog through their DPS to get in range again. Every melee class has 1 or 2 "ranged" abilities but you can't spam them, they don't do much damage and they don't counter ranged escape mechanics or snares. Granted Shadows/Assassins have a speed burst that pushes them in close enough to have options but once it's used up you aren't going to live long enough for another cooldown when you're being focused. Marauders/Sentinels have Leap abilities but they can't be used when you're rooted and roots seem to last way too long. Root duration should be halved. It's entirely too long to be a CC that stops melee DPS in their tracks and doesn't increase Resolve. If it's going to be as long as it is it's needs to give out at least half a bar of Resolve if not more. Increasing Resolve on roots wouldn't make Stuns more powerful, it would make them less effective and cut down on some of the excessive CC in PvP.
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