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Posts posted by HarleysRule

  1. They did give an answer. Companions weren't supposed to be God mode that 4.0 made them. I doubt forum threads had much if anything to do with the nerf. Maybe a bunch of people cancelled because the game was stupidly easy? I know I did (my sub runs out on the 25th). I'm sure they'll do a moderate un-nerf in 4.03.


    "Slap in the face" - oh do grow up.




    No one cares about a video. Go back to playing the game if you love it so much. Why are you on here on forums if you got what you wanted. Thanks I downvoted the video.


    You spent a lot of time on the forum defending God mode trying to shut people up that didn't like it. Why weren't *you* in game playing?


    Anyone on either side that thinks the forums are representative of the player base is delusional. Every study I've ever seen about any MMO says fewer than 10% of the players ever visit the forums, much less post.

  2. I haven't tried 4.0.2 and likely won't, so I'll take peoples' word that this is an over nerf, but I refuse to accept some sort of nerf wasn't needed. Hopefully, they find an acceptable balance before too long.


    Part of it is because people were actually doing heroics, since you didn't need to sit and wait for hours (or days) for someone to join a group to do it. They're worth a decent chunk of XP - just the first few planets heroics are worth about five levels of it.


    I know this because I've had a character that hasn't done any heroics at all, and he's exactly five levels behind where my other character was at the same point.


    Eh maybe for later planets. I always soloed H2s on the first few planets and skipped H4s that I couldn't find a group for before I left, and I was always able to solo the 2nd H4 on Coruscant by using heroic moment on the boss. One reason I was higher level leaving Coruscant/DK post 4.0 than before was now I can't out level the content. Last Rep character I started I was half way to 26 leaving Coruscant, and that was doing no FPs, space content, or PvP. Before 4.0 I'd be 20-21 leaving Coruscant, and I always did Esseles twice.

  3. There was nothing wrong with companions the way they were. Just a small minority of elitist basement dwellers who think they're entitled to tell you how you should spend your money and play your game.


    If Biofail had been smart, they would have left them alone and let people use the grind to 65 to learn how to play the game, then added harder endgame content. Essentially two games in one. Learning game, real game.


    All those people who re-subbed gone again.


    And until the download fiasco is fixed, its still an ongoing faceplant for them.


    Let me guess...you don't think telling people to turn off companions or intentionally under gear is telling people how to play?


    Is this your first MMO? If you think only elitist basement dwellers could solo almost everything in this game before 4.0, or that leveling in this game was a grind, you should probably stick with FarmVille.

  4. This is why I didn't care about missing out on early access...because it was just really open beta, and **** like this would happen. Unfortunately, they didn't get it fixed before "official" release, and have now alienated players that thought the game was simpleton easy first, and now not only took away easy mode (which always causes rage), apparently made it unnecessarily hard.


    Most of us probably saw this coming, but it's still hilarious and maddening at the same time.

  5. I actually cancelled before the last patch because the game was pathetically easy, and told them that in my exit feedback. I was always able to solo H2s even with my "meh" gear, but I had to at least pay attention. 4.0 made them a total faceroll joke. Can't really say I'm surprised they went overboard and made them worse than before 4.0 lol
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