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Posts posted by HarleysRule

  1. never work because they would have to change the loot tables (as you mention) and those on easy mode would scream bloody murder that they dont get the same loot


    and we all know it would only take minutes after implimentation before that happened.



    For years this game has had different rewards for different modes of group content...why not single player?

  2. Tell me please: Which financial model is working if thousands of average gamers unsub because a game is going to become too difficult after a single patch? How can you tell me there is a "financial model" that actually offsets these big losses? Why didnt they add a compromise which would adress both?


    I tell you what. They just saw the numbers, gave nothing about their players, and tuned them down and overnerfed them. There is no marketing plan behind that. No financial model. It's just the biased view of a team of devs who think the game isnt challenging enough anymore.


    I think you are ascribing malice on the part of devs were incompetence equally explains it. They admit they screwed up and made companions too powerful in 4.0. Before long, they'll admit they screwed up in 4.0.2 and over nerfed. 4.0.3 or 4.0.4 will roll around and hopefully they make it so higher influence and legacy perks matter, without making the content trivial.


    It's funny...a lot of people asked for a toggle of level synch, and a bunch of the same people that insisted it has to be mandatory are likely the same ones telling us to nerf ourselves if we think 4.0 is too easy lol. If you check my post history, I am in favor of difficulty sliders to make everyone happy.

  3. The OP means a CURRENT response to the backlash. Something that tells us they are hearing us, and whether or not they give a rat's behind. Instead they are systematically removing threads from General and placing them in the "Off Topic" section if they talk about unsub'g due to the companion nerf, etc while leaving threads which praise the nerf alone.


    There is clearly a community backlash. It should be addressed. Communication is key and vital right now and we're being utterly ignored.


    Here ya go


    Some of you will certainly ask, why the need to nerf Companions? This is something that we definitely saw the community be divided on, and it was good for us to hear feedback from both sides. Ultimately, this decision came down to our own goals for Companions, along with data on how they were performing. What we saw in those instances is that Companions, simply put, were just way too good. Their healing and damage output could be greater than that of a very skilled player with a fully maximized character. In order for you to understand why we are making these changes, we thought it best to explain our goals for Companions in Fallen Empire.


    In KotFE, with a large focus on going back to story, we wanted to make sure that all of our story content was accessible to all of our players. The power that Companions bring to the table, definitely played a part in that accessibility. Companions, from a combat perspective, should complement and provide support to your character, not overshadow them. However, in looking at how strong Companions are, we may have gone a bit too far in that direction. Simply put, while playing through much of the game, there are a lot of situations in regular combat where it is practically impossible for you to be killed if you have a healing Companion. Although this can be fun for a time, this wasn’t our goal. Companions should be strong, they should fill any role you need, but they should not make your actual gameplay be overshadowed by how strong they are.

  4. Sure they do. If they share their bias. Most game designers are hardcore gamers themself. And thats a real problem.


    The result is a failed SWTOR at release and a massive sub loss as like now after the companion nerf.


    IDK that any BW game ever would be described as aiming for hard cores. This game has gotten easier with every version. They dumbed it down so much, you don't even have to pay attention to a main stat for your class any more. How is that catering to hard cores?

  5. Let me clear something up. I was here during the Beta. I saw all the servers filled up. I saw how they created new ones for people because the wait time was so long. When I played there was no achievements. There also wasn't that new PVP map. I'm not asking you to accept it as reality. That's what it is. I had my founders title.


    It was so long ago. I forgot the password to my email that I used. So I created a new account instead of going my old one. [is that so hard to understand?] I don't know what that has to do with anything. It doesn't literally have to do with anything. Have a good day.


    When you accuse people of starting threads they never created, it hurts something called "credibility". Anyone can claim to have been here since beta and been a subscriber non stop since launch...neither of which mean squat, BTW.

  6. You think I don't remember your screen name when we were talking about the nerfs. Okay I'll play along your supposedly an innocent bystander in all this right.


    Because it's real hard to look at Pagy's post history and see he/she never started a thread about 4.0 companions? :rolleyes:


    They literally said in their reply they cited community response they said it was "divided" logically lets look at that. How would they know that. They had to listen somewhat take the response into their choice making. What I find interesting now so many people are trying to wave responsibility. You complained. You own it now.


    I just said I'll own it if you want to blame me. Doesn't bother me a bit. :rak_03:


    Here's the BW quote:


    Some of you will certainly ask, why the need to nerf Companions? This is something that we definitely saw the community be divided on, and it was good for us to hear feedback from both sides. Ultimately, this decision came down to our own goals for Companions, along with data on how they were performing. What we saw in those instances is that Companions, simply put, were just way too good. Their healing and damage output could be greater than that of a very skilled player with a fully maximized character. In order for you to understand why we are making these changes, we thought it best to explain our goals for Companions in Fallen Empire.


    In KotFE, with a large focus on going back to story, we wanted to make sure that all of our story content was accessible to all of our players. The power that Companions bring to the table, definitely played a part in that accessibility. Companions, from a combat perspective, should complement and provide support to your character, not overshadow them. However, in looking at how strong Companions are, we may have gone a bit too far in that direction. Simply put, while playing through much of the game, there are a lot of situations in regular combat where it is practically impossible for you to be killed if you have a healing Companion. Although this can be fun for a time, this wasn’t our goal. Companions should be strong, they should fill any role you need, but they should not make your actual gameplay be overshadowed by how strong they are.

  7. If BW didn't listen to you or you didn't think they would listen then

    Why did you even create the threads every day for almost a month in the first place


    What I think is due to the backlash. Many people like you who supported the nerf are now trying say "Well its not our fault. BW doesn't listen to us. It doesn't matter if we create a thousand threads a day. They didn't listen" yet in BW reply they said the community was "divided" so they did listen somewhat.


    What I don't understand why you and those who supported the nerf are trying so hard to dodge responsibility for the nerf. What did you think would happen if you complained all day and night. That was your entire goal to complain so much they almost knee jerk forced reversed that's exactly what took place.


    People like to vent. I also never created new threads (unlike you), but posted in existing ones. If you want to blame *me* for the nerf, blame away lol.


    If BW listened to anything (questionable this is the case), they listened to the cancellations over changes to the game, which to be fair happens all the time. If those of us that thought 4.0 needed a nerf were such a small minority as you claim, they wouldn't have listened to us, unless you're some conspiracy theorist that thinks they go out of their way to piss customers off. For now, I accept their explanation that they didn't intend for comps to be so OPd, but they suck at QA, and doubled down on their fail by over nerfing as most devs do. I guess we'll find out if they restore comps to 4.0 god mode, or actually find a sweet spot somewhere between 4.0 and 4.0.2

  8. Pre 4.0, I soloed 95% of the time, and only grouped in open world if there was a slow spawn involved just so we wouldn't be competing over pulls. I rarely did dailies, only some weeklies, and only ever grouped for H4s until I out leveled them enough to solo them, except of course the Section X that *needed* 4 because of mechanics. About the only HMs I did were for HK parts....never wiped. I did one SM Op ever...as a tank in barely adequate gear (they were desperate lol), and was able to get the Op through without any deaths just by being told the mechanics of the fight right before. I don't say this to say I'm pro...quite the opposite. You can be casual and want a game to provide some level of stimulation beyond "push button, receive reward". It's not about forcing people to group.
  9. That's why I like PvP servers, generally there's less ganking going on than on PvE servers judging by the complaints that get generated here. Plus you actually get help instead of a bunch of blue names standing around watching you die.


    Maybe because the PvP servers are dead...or at least Jung Ma is/was. I leveled 2 characters on Jung Ma through the main story with 12x xp, and 1 character saw 2 (yes two) enemies in PvP zones, and the other saw ZERO up until Voss, where there was a group of 60s camping a quest hub, and never saw an enemy player after that. I don't think there was ever more than one instance of the fleet, and it barely broke 40 people whenever I was there.

  10. Since you haven't tried it yet, let me post some screenshots:




    There ya go, IL 10 companion, 1k EHPS... Notice how my focused defense healed for more per tick and in total than any one of my companion's heals. And that was only in 208 PvP gear.


    IL 50 companion is only hitting 1.5k EHPS. They aren't even equal to 25% of what a player could put out in 208 gear.


    Like I said, I am not surprised they over nerfed companions. Hopefully they find a happy median. Companions in 4.0 were stupidly OP'd. It took them close to a month to nerf them, and I expect they'll un nerf them somewhat in less time.

  11. They said they want to play the game as it is designed...


    So instead of dismissing their companion, they complain to change the design... makes sense to me :rolleyes:


    Uh, yeah. The game was designed for you to have a companion with you fighting by your side. Not asking for a design change at all. People that want to be able to afk and still win are asking for design changes.

  12. Leveling? Story?

    You mean the part of the game that has never been as popular as during the 12x XP event when people simply rushed through it!?

    The part of the game that has been nerfed into the ground by Bioware in 4.0 to make character progression faster and easier!?


    Yeah, very good example you took, there. :rolleyes:


    You mean the part of the game BW said they were refocusing on? Yeah, people wanted to do it without doing all the side quests. It's even faster now than before 12x XP because you can't out level the content, but even during 12x XP, if you just did the story quests, you had to play the game and not let your God mode companions carry you. You pretty much have to try to die to and to not hit max level before finishing the main story for either to happen in 4.0.


    Again, if you're complaining about dailies, you're not a casual.

  13. I should clarify. It is not any harder now if you are well geared, play a class that has high defences or good off-healing abilities. You can waltz through H2 star fortress the same as before (I've done it on my Powertech). It simply takes longer.

    Planetary H2 take longer too, and those are just a grind for alliance boxes, it make sno sense to make that even more drudgery, because it isimply makes the game not fun. Once you get to the level 40+ planets it takes too much time to plough through these things.


    As I said though, your experience is gear and class dependent. My Marksman Sniper is having a tougher time, because companions have been broken since 4 came out, but now, that awkward bit where they stand there like dummies and watch you get close to death isnt followed by a 20k heal to make up for it. Its 6K, and you die. There are MAJOR issues with this patch beyond epeen solo bragging. The higher powered companions were covering up some really poor coding and broken mechanics, they left the broken stuff, took away the stuff that covered for it. That is straight up poor development.

    Some people will be having a tougher time with this through class, gear or inexperience. That is a BAD thing.


    I can do it, I still want it changing back. Why? Because the game was fun then, now its just a drudge to work through for boxes. The grind was bad when you could do a planets worth of heroics in 45 minutes or so. Add another half hour and it just becomes something I don;t want to do any more. It seems I'm not alone. Games should be fun. This was. Now it isnt.


    Thanks for a thoughtful reply. Being able to complete content without having to give any thought isn't fun for a lot of us. Like I said, I would have been happy with sliders. Maybe shorten the alliance grind to make up for not being able to face roll it as much? IDK...

  14. When does it get in the heads of you stupid people that running dailies has absolutely NOTHING to do with "progression".

    If you want progression then go into flashpoints and operations.


    Talking about leveling, not dailies...you know, the story? Take a breath. If you're running dailies every day, are you really a casual?


    Ohhh, yeah, so many words... But I am still waiting the answer to THIS:


    If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

    Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


    Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

    Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


    Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


    Are you trolling? I answered you. I guess if my reply was TL,DR for you, that explains a lot.

  15. Its not any harder now.


    It just takes more time.


    That is more time doing content I first did in 2011, for the same reward. And you think that is progression?


    HK does less damage now at level 65 and influence 41 than he did at level 60 and in full yavin gear. Is that progression too?


    Nothing in this game has ever been hard. Pretending there is difficulty now is just making excuses for conceited people who want something to show they are better and different in game. Its just a bigger time sink. That isnt a challenge, its just frustration for most of us who don't associate our toons with our own self worth.


    That's not what a bunch of the people complaining about the nerf are saying. I haven't tried 4.0.2 and haven't suggested that it wasn't an over nerf. Knowing BW and most every other dev in any MMO ever, it probably was.


    It's a strawman to suggest people that want a game to not play itself associate their self worth with their characters. Maybe you could say that about the people that have their characters and levels listed in their sigs, but I think most people that wanted a 4.0 nerf just wanted to have at least a slight possibility of being defeated if they just stroll into an encounter and randomly mash buttons.

  16. Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


    Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


    I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


    I rarely throw the L2P card, but if you thought solo content in this game was ever hard, then L2P does apply. If you couldn't solo 90% of the H2s in meh gear before 4.0, L2P does apply. You level so fast now, even if they put companions at 3.xx ability, you still level faster than you ever did before. The only grind in this game is alliance, and casuals aren't doing it...they're just doing the story.


    Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.

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