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Posts posted by HarleysRule

  1. It was always a single player game with a sub as far as I was concerned. The few stretches I've played since F2P, I've been subbed just for the QoL stuff free/preferred players have to unlock (same with LotRO), but I honestly can't justify subbing to this game ever again once my account expires on the 7th, unless 5.0 or w/e makes serious changes. Between 4.0 making the game so stupidly easy now that it's no fun, and having ZERO interest in this KotFE BS, I have no desire to play even for free.


    Posting on the forums without getting infractions is more fun and challenging than the game in its' current state.

  2. ...aaaaaaaand people are making rage threads because they set stupidly high expectations for the big announcement, despite 4 years of experience telling them to expect otherwise lol.


    Also to no one's surprise, every special snowflake needs their own thread to cry about it.

  3. If you say the world is flat and i tell you its round. Do i really need to day more ?


    Sometimes there is no need to say anything further ... just like the early access, cartel pack sale , and a multitude of other this over the years ...

    .this and the others above is simply not a scam becase it can be solved by simple taking the time to read.


    I noticed on this board that some people like to make up their own reality and on a number occasion have stated "the earth is flat" type statement and no matter how many different people tell them its round


    they will not accept the simple fact the earth is round.


    I know right? People read what they want to believe instead of what is clearly written.

  4. But buddy, chum, amigo! The people who have fallen for the scam HAVE said it's their own fault for not checking closer. Now who's not paying attention? Yet - is not the scammer ALSO at fault for trying to trick people out of their credits?


    And ultimately - someone who should have paid more attention gets scammed for millions of credits gets so fed up he quits the game. Well, who's the winner in that situation? YOU? Because he should take responsibility so we're better off without him? The fact that these threads continue to recur demonstrate that THIS IS A PROBLEM.


    The fact these threads continue to occur is a sign of laziness of players, not a sign there is a problem with the market. *Some* have grudgingly accepted *partial* blame, and yet instead of learning from their mistake, are asking Bioware to waste time changing market code so they can be extra lazy or careless in the future. TBH I don't care if people rage quit because they didn't pay attention to what they were doing...they'd probably rage quit the first time their FOTM spec got nerfed, anyway.


    If there was an actual scam involved, I would be for fixing it, and punishing scammers...but there isn't.


    Either YOU are a scammer or you are PvPing the forums with trollish posts...


    Not a scam. It's called "Market PvP". :rak_03:

  5. Someone's inability to differentiate is not the scam - that is FALLING for the scam. The SCAM is posting 8,000,000 when the going rate is 800,000 with the intent of getting someone to pay 7,200,000 more than they should. There is ABSOLUTELY deception involved - it's clear as day.


    I have no idea why you seem to be encouraging the bilking of players' credits with such an obvious deception, but I guess maybe that is the type of person you are. It is certainly something a scammer would try to defend.


    (To the point - if the prices posted are 800,000.00 and someone - say "you" - posts a price of 7,900,000 to scam someone who is quickly viewing prices into THINKING that it's a cheaper price, then the intent to scam is OBVIOUS. There isn't even an argument there. It's not like prices were 800,000 and someone posted 3,200,000 and then a buyer "accidentally" bought that amount - because they would NEVER momentarily confuse those two. The intent to deceive is clear: thus, a scam.)


    I actually never do this. I play EVE (where it's a way of life) and I don't do it there, either, but this thread is making me want to.


    Use the tools you're given, and it's literally impossible for this to happen. If you sort items low to high price, how does this even happen?!?

  6. Uh, yes. It's a scam. It's not an "exploit" and no one in here has said it was. Bioware is staying hands-off because this would require them to MANUALLY GO OVER EVERY INCIDENT IN QUESTION and try to determine if the misleading price was intentional. Scam does not equal exploit although it's a nice attempt on your part to vault logic and make that claim.


    Why does this chap you so much? Sorry, but it IS a thing. It could be EASILY stopped with a change in display. You want to go on about "pay attention" but again, this is a game that promotes speed runs, which would include purchases. I don't personally need any more hand holding myself (my purchases are lower quantities and thought out) but for goodness sake, WHO DOES IT HURT to have a simple display safeguard put in place?


    The game doesn't use decimals. The GTN shouldn't use them - if it didn't, there wouldn't even be this discussion.


    Because I'm effin sick of nothing being anyone's fault, even in a frickin video game. No one wants to take responsibility to take a couple seconds to make sure they're buying what they think they're buying and for how much, that's why...


    Instead of asking devs to change the code for the market when there are actual bugs to hunt down, how about pay attention to WTH you're doing?

  7. Being devious and unethical is exactly what MAKES it a scam, old bean. That's part of the definition of scam, so no redefinition needed. There's a good fellow!


    (Also - again, for those not paying attention - I don't personally feel victimized. I'm not a victim of this scam. I know people who are. Yep, they ARE victims of a scam. If they had paid more attention, they would not have fallen victim to the scam, but whether it's successful or not doesn't change the definition of the scam.)


    I'm still baffled why you and others are fighting SO HARD about this. It is a scam, pure and simple. People are playing the interface in hopes of tricking others into paying way too much. That it is avoidable does not negate its status as a scam. MOST SCAMS ARE AVOIDABLE. They are still scams.


    Someone's inability to differentiate 8,000,000 from 800,000 is not a scam. There is no deception involved. The item being sold and price are clearly stated. There's even a frickin confirmation to give you a chance to review your purchase FFS.

  8. all the people here who want to look so smart and state: "you didn't pay attention, hahhaha" I understand where you stand. For once you may seem smarter than some random internet poster. So cool

    For those of you, who actually can read with understanding (as I'm getting a bit tired of this) I wrote in my OP:


    I just bought 1 permarcrete for over 8mil credits.

    My bad

    [...]Didn't pay attention today


    so yes, I know I wasn't attentive enough on my purchase. Repeating this after me in form of advice and ill disguised joy does not make you any smarter.


    I've participated in some heated discussions on this topic in the past here. I stated there that I wasn't scammed yet.

    Well, nobody's perfect. I have been scammed. Given the number of GTN transactions I do on my various characters this is still not a bad outcome. Also, the money isn't that much to me.


    But defending those who put those listings on the GTN, for whatever reason you might have (I really can't fathom your reasons, they are beyond me), bear in mind this could happen to your little brother, or your mother or whoever.

    I don't care about my credits that much. I craft and earn too much to worry about those 8mil.


    I care about those new, inexperienced or otherwise vulnerable players that are also in our game. People to group up with, people to trade with, people who fund our entertainment along with us. I don't want them to get discouraged by these nasty individuals that count on others' mistakes.


    And it doesn't matter how you call them. I call them scammers. You might call them anything from half-honest to innocent sellers excercising their freedom to list. What matters is the fact that they hurt the community. Defending them, well you're just playing the useful idiot part.


    WOW dude get some perceptive. They aren't getting their identity stolen IRL. They aren't buying a level 1 white piece of vendor trash thinking they just bought a BiS mod or implant. They overpaid for a clearly defined item because they didn't pay attention to how much they were spending. If making a mistake like that in a meaningless environment like this prevents from losing real money IRL, then take it as a cheap lesson learned.


    Not having sympathy for people not paying attention spending fake money <> having joy in people screwing up. You're posting a helluva lot for someone that doesn't care about 8M credits. New, inexperienced players don't have 8M credits to drop on one item, and should be paying attention, regardless.

  9. Hard to ban credit sellers in a F2P game, unless you want to keep free/preferred players from using general chat and email. I've reported email spammers and have gotten an email from the same toon a week later. BioWare doesn't care. Even when they do get around to banning sellers, as soon as they're banned, they just make a new account.
  10. Actually yes, yes it IS a scam no matter how bad (or, more confusingly, WHY) you want it NOT to be. Right from your green highlighted portion Bioware says "For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for. "


    They CLEARLY demonstrate that they recognize a user posting an item at an inflated value is a "scam."


    Thanks for clearing it up for us, though.


    Uh, no. They said it's not an exploit, and took no position on whether or not it's a scam. Either it's a scam or it isn't. If it were a scam, it would be actionable. Go ahead and file a ticket if you accidentally pay 8M for something, and see if they refund your credits. The fact they won't says they aren't considering it a scam. It's a "buyer beware" situation.

    In the meantime, enjoy your scamming while the decent among us folk discuss ways to rid the game of this problem. (It's never happened to me - I don't dabble in credit amounts that high - but I know smart people who had it happen because they didn't expect they would have to be that cautious in a game that makes everything else so easy.


    So AFKing the game isn't bad enough, people want to be able to AFK shop as well. Great...

    I don't scam the market. I barely use it, and am more likely to buy than sell. The solution is frickin pay attention to what you're buying, and quit expecting to have your hand held.

  11. Hey folks,


    There has been a lot of chatter this weekend in General Discussion around how players are posting on the GTN, specifically around use of decimals/commas, and whether we feel it is an exploit or not. For starters, we definitely don't want to see any players scammed out of their hard earned credits and we will work to stop those situations wherever possible. Unfortunately, this is not one of those scenarios.

    What someone is doing in this scenario is posting something at a higher value than the market would typically have that item listed for. For us, it would be impossible to tell if a user was posting an item at a higher value to try to "scam" another user, or simply because that is what they want to sell it for.


    When purchasing items on the GTN, aside from the initial sorting and purchase we also have a secondary window pop-up as confirmation of sale. If you feel you are at risk of buying something off of the GTN at an intended value, take your time! Make sure to read over exactly what they are selling it for and then double check that number when you receive the pop-up. Also, we highly recommend using the sorting functions for both total and unit prices to make sure you are paying what you want.

    With that in mind, I am going to pass these issues back to the dev team and see if there is anything we can work towards in the future for the GTN to help alleviate these issues. Thanks everyone!




    This is clearly a scam - the intent is to trick, by deception, someone into buying your over priced crap. The scammer take advantage of the GTNs decimal display and they conveniently flood the HIGH page to look like the LOW page. Since there are no decimals anywhere other than unit prices on the GTN, and that's the best way to buy multiple units of something, they take advantage of the display.


    They'll flood the HIGH sort to look something like this:








    The 4XXX items are all listed by other alts to avoid suspicion. Because the GTN is the only place decimals exist, it's easy to confuse ,999 for a .999 because 3 decimal places is quite common in the real world, so it looks natural.


    BioWare disagrees.

    It took me about 0.5 seconds to tell the difference between the items selling for ~5k credits vs the one selling for 4.4M in your example. 3 decimal places on prices are NOT common (in America at least), so that should be an extra hint, even if you fail at math so bad you can't see an extra digit. Learn to pay attention.

  12. Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot are both EA properties, and both have fewer than 5000 subs left, no F2P option, and both are still running. I don't know about UO, but DAoC is still getting updates. It's safe to say this game will be around until the license expires and either Disney or EA choose to not renew. It won't die from lack of players regardless of how bad they eff this game up by making so easy a 6 year old can beat 95%+ of the content.
  13. Not a scam. You agreed to pay a certain amount for a certain item. You got your item for the agreed upon price. I went to a sporting event the other day and paid $6 for a 16 ounce beer. Is that a scam? NO! Is it a rip off? Hell yeah! There's a difference. If it was colored water and not beer, then it would have been a scam.


    Learn to pay attention to what you're doing. I always sort by unit price when I use the GTN...never paid more than I intended. It's virtually impossible to scam on the GTN in this game. Go play EVE Online, where it's not only encouraged to scam people on the market, but where there are tools and market skills that actually help you scam people.


    In case you missed BW's official stance on this...not a scam


    Stay the hell out of Jita.


    That is all I would like to say.


    Cry babies in this thread wouldn't last 5 minutes in EVE.

  14. No we don't Bioware is trying to take the lazy way out instead of really fixing the problem. Companions need to go back to pre 4.0


    With the avalanche of tears over removing God mode companions, can you imagine what would happen if you have to gear them again?

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