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Everything posted by Dmasterr

  1. I do not like playing a healer, switching spec would just be giving in to bioware ... if you want to strike, stop playing the class altogether or cancel subscription. Bioware made it clear the only language it understands is money, class balance be damned.
  2. A team with 3-4 operative healers rolling hots on everyone would be imba, problem is most players can't stomach playing a healer, i would rather switch to my jugg till GW2 is released the quit altogether.
  3. No feedback ? or you do not know what cover is ...
  4. I have a BM jugg tank hybrid in full dps gear. I also have guild mates assassins tanks in dps gear. All you need to do is get full dps gear, then switch all your mods to this stat priority #1 crit rating #2 surge(70%~) #3 power I suspect your comment comes from not having optimal gear Marauder is a broken class, to much survivability for its dmg output. IT was left out of the initial post because of this.
  5. I enjoy those things too and more... HOWEVER All those things are heavily dependend on solo queue, bad team play and average geared opponents. Rated WZ inc 8 man teams on voice chat, the team that gets operatives dps in their group are gimping themselves.
  6. DPS -> you do a bit more damage than other specs/classes with a heavy survivability penalty = you get screwed Heal (spec)-> if your class can heal it should, it will be its strongest spec, Spec dps at your own risk Tanks (spec) -> high survivability with ok damage = working as intended. Tanks (spec) IN FULL DPS GEAR -> very close survivability of a tank with very close damage of a DPS spec = OVERPOWERED AND FOREVER BROKEN.
  7. Since you are nerfing the crap out of the class, give it a buff in its weakest area, ->make cover immune to knockbacks.
  8. I would pay them double to NOT to see it.
  9. I kill healers in 1v1 just fine
  10. Dmasterr

    Bioware Be fair

    If you remove my operative giggle for being annoying, then remove earthquake screen shake. It is incredibly annoying that 1 guy casting earthquake shakes the whole warzone. If i defend left turret in alderan and random sage casts earthquake on right turret it i can tell. Giggle might have been annoying for the people you are engaged in fighting, but earthquake is annoying for all the players in the warzone, including the player casting it.
  11. They are still a strain on eyes, you might as well just blur everything to reflect being drunk while playing. Neither make for an enjoyable viewing experience.
  12. those filters make it a horrible viewing experience.
  13. I have seen people use this to win hutball Get ball-> lag yourself-> revert change over goal line->Profit. Hi rated WZ (they are a joke, but still)
  14. Bad players (= most players) do not like to be punished by playing bad and dying . Bioware caters to numbers because it likes money more than everything else. I mean look at the stats tracked by rated Warzones, they are all positive things which only require time and not skill so that bad players can not be denied spots in teams, or laughed at when other people look at their stats. Goes even further when objective WZ favor suicide defense as a reward for dying. People do not like to lose-> most players are bad-> bioware caters to them because of numbers /thread
  15. Dps Sorc (you can go look up the 1v1 tournament, none made it past the first round) Worst single target damage, and most squishy class. /thread.
  16. The stats tracked look like something that should belong in pve, it favors time spent rather than skill. These cater to bad players who zerg into fights going kill/medal hunting not caring about winning, and are made to look pretty (notice how there are no negative stats tracked like deaths, loses etc) regardless of your skill, so no bad player can be pointed and laughed at. (to read as denied spot in rated WZ team because of lacking skill)
  17. NEYips The point is not that operative is not great in capable hands, it is that all other classes perform so much better in same capable hands. (except dps sorcs, i feel for these guys)
  18. You are complaining about mobility.... and cc as a juggernaut. REALLY? You are the most mobile class in the game with force leap and intercede. And in tank spec have the best control abilities of all classes. Force leap root +backhand+unchanneled force choke = 10 seconds your enemy can not move 8 of which he is stunned. You also have aoe cc intimidating roar, and AOE resource free slow. Force throw is also really good at pushing people into fire/acid over bridge and reseting your force leap cd I have a BM jugg myself and will switch to it as "main" over my operative when 1.2 hits, not because operatives are not good in solo queue WZ, but because operatives have no place in competitive RATED 8 man WZ. Learn to play, or stop trolling.
  19. +1 add arenas. I felt a little sad when i left my multi rank 1 character upon quitting wow, and i wish to distinguish myself among pvpers again
  20. You missed that the majority of the players, are bad at pvp... and think it only as "who do i use my pve dps/heal rotation on" and what is this cc and peeling thingamajig i keep hearing about?
  21. Just because there are say 100 ppl that are really good and they huddle up on 1 server, doesn't mean you shouldn't look at the big picture 1.7 mil subscribers. (or 12 mil in wow same thing larger pool sample)
  22. I think 99% of the players in game totally suck @ pvp. Regarding your question, use the search function on the forum and find the thread with posted 1v1 tournament, assassins won the thing and marauders came a close second. Both sides top players, assassin wins every time, that being said if the operative is much better than the assassin he can take him.
  23. Where is this 15 second stun i keep hearing about?
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