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Posts posted by Dmasterr

  1. OK I've heard enough of this from you, I noticed you were registered on a SWTOR cheat forums some time ago but I didn't bother to mention it, but now I'm mentioning it, Dmaster has an account on a cheat site.


    Oh let me guess, it isn't you.


    "Internet identity" fraud is so easy. Look for desired name on game forum, go and create account with same name on a ill reputed site in an attempt to defame said player. Not to mention name one 1 forum (w/e) is not unique across the whole internet data base. /srsly

    Too bad rank means absolutely nothing right now. Its easy as hell to hit 2400 when all you do is play the same teams over and over. There isn't a large enough pool of teams for it to mean much currently.

    Very true, especially when you have 2200+Rated teams going against 1400-1500 Rated teams on a consistent basis. I understand its preseason but without the sheer volume of teams with variable ratings, the matchmaking system will continue to pair up two teams with 600 pt rating differences next season.

    Rating =/= skill and having a high rating on your specific server doesn't make you a good player and certainly not the best in the world.


    While rating is not "be all and end all" it still means something.


    And there are about 20 actual teams (more if you count fleet made) and there are about 6 really good teams. So we don't fight the same teams over and over, we do have good competition on the server, we beat those good teams as well.


    I understand that there are some "dead" servers in terms of RWZ, however mine, TOFN is the most populated and was transfer destination of all EU pvp servers.


    But it is true that your rank and rating also require time. Which is to be understood... you need time to play the required games so you get your rank. And while i and others don't have that amount of time available because of summer and etc... i make due with what i can. However that is if you want stellar rating and rank, you don't need a long time to get 2000 rating for example, you can do that in 2 days. You not having it is fail on your skill, not lack of time.


    I can not wait for x-servers.


    I have no intention to play some. In this game class > skill. It's dumbed down to a huge zergfest of high burst classes, there is no room for others.


    That is simply a false statement, i personally know about 4 dps sorcs who are 2400~ rating and the best sorc full healer on the server who is ~ 2600. And know what? they are not even pro level players... yet.

    And again, I have 0 rating and 0 ranked games played.


    Well than you can stop talking about pvp, because however you perceive the game, i assure you ... the game is not what is holding you with no rating, or making teams not want you. Its not the class, its not the game... its YOU, and your poor pvp ability.


    /signed best concealment operative /sorc dps -> world.-Dmasterr


    My assessment is not based solely on ratings. It is also based on seeing streams, videos, fighting with and against the best operatives /sorcs out there and how we perform vs other classes and multiple opponents... and recognizing that i am better.


    And while saying i am best world on those classes/spec is not 100% accurate, because there might be some obscure player playing somewhere that "might" be better.


    The statement that i am best world, is most likely true... and a statement not only based on a couple of months of swtor, but is an estimation also based on many years of accomplishments of top rank on multiple games that gives me the ability to estimate my and other players skill more accurately.

    Their guild got caught bug abusing all the way to 2400

    Their guild got caught bug abusing all the way to 2400

    That is simply a false statement made by a sore loser. He would have had the support of many players and guilds on the server, including other top guilds(with such high competition for rank 1, don't you think other top teams would jump at the opportunity to eliminate the best team on server? /lol).... not to mention we would have been banned a long time ago if he had a case.


    I imagine him and other bad players spamming Swtor-support with ban requests every time they lose, so its not like they would not have sufficient complaints, but they are all fail complaints.

  2. I really hope you're trolling when you post such things.


    What can i say, pro players are pro regardless of what class they want to play.:cool:


    But, go ahead and stay 1200 rating (w/e) and keep blaming the game for holding you down there... and keep getting facerolled in pvp, then come crying on the forum ETC ETC. .;)

  3. If that was the case then a sage's cure ability should be able to remove an immobilize of Force Wake just like it can remove Force Slow. It does not


    Electric bindings does not fall into force or mental effects, and they are not physical.... they are meant to be undispellable.

  4. I only suggested immobilizing effects (roots). If you look at the in game terms this extends to knockdowns as well as roots. Snares are still considered different and I actually suggested snares not be added to resolve.


    Roots are 100% snares.

  5. I have not been able to explain why a Shadow with no resolve could be unaffected by my knockback.



    Force shroud (assassin) http://www.torhead.com/ability/3qAwuaY/force-shroud

    Resilience (shadow) http://www.torhead.com/ability/dEsVsc4/resilience

    Given the reasons above, I would submit immobilizing effects should be added to the Resolve list. This does not include snares



    Flawed reasons (premise) , flawed conclusion


    There is more than dps/hps and armor in the equation,.... there is cc, and utility, off-heal (role) etc.

    Also you can cleanse roots and snare (with the appropriate dispel ability - some roots are physical effects, others are not)



  6. Austin Peckenpaugh: I designed the class so that no one would want to play it. Why would you, when being a lone wolf is completely counter productive in any end game content in existence. Given that everything at end game requires team play, Infil/Decep Shadows/Assassins should all just reroll. I'm not going to fix it.


    Well, at least he's honest.


    I want and do play it ! ... well there goes your theory. (argument w/e)


    Play what you like, don't chose something you don't like its designed role than complain about it.


    This dev team chose the easy route for "balance". ACs that allow healing had their dps nerfed. .


    That is called balance.


    If for example, concealment operatives had the same burst and same dps as say sniper,mara w/e; a class designed solely for doing damage. It would make the operative overpowered.


    " I have same damage (burst and dps) as you, but i can also go invisible, heal myself and other people and have better CC" HERP DERP. Is this what you would call balance? /lmao.


    You can not balance just around burst /dps /hps.... there is also utility, cc, off-healing etc.etc.


    /signed best concealment operative /sorc dps -> world.


    p.s. i also have assassin, jugg and vanguard -> shelved because they are too boring and easy.;)

  7. bwahaha...this tells me your sorc hasn't hit the 50s bracket yet...

    I'll be waiting to tear you to shreds when you hit 50.


    Idk about his, but mine is 50, and i'm godlike. :cool: After i get rank 1 in pre-season on my concealment operative, i will have more free time at the beginning of the new season and maybe make a sorc movie.


    Look for other excuses.

  8. 1. Yes

    2. LoL no

    3. Maybe


    5 probably. not that important anyway.

    6. probably. not that important anyway.

    7. probably. not that important anyway.

    8. Funny, doubt that will happen.

    9. Most likely not going to happen.

    10.probably. not that important anyway. and votes are useless.

  9. Many... which further proves the failings in education when people are incapable of utilizing a universal human navigation system. It's not like using nautical terms, or reading star charts ffs. It's a bloody damned compass. lol


    True... which is why instead of using something that does not work and then whine about their fail, i would rather use something that speaks their language, and doesn't cause me to lose those games.:)


    People recognize left/right ... and grass/snow... more often and easier than east/west. So, use what works best, to have more wins and less headaches when solo q.


    Snow/Grass = retarded system for people that can't read a bloody compass. Sue your gradeschool teachers for failing your and/or your father for neglecting his duty.


    You sir need to lower your expectations when you solo q.:D


    How many games did you lose because ppl called east/west and half the wz didn't know where to go?

  11. Yes you can. You can design a game that is fun for everyone without screwing up balance, you just need to use your brain and not copy WoW.


    You know what subjective means right?

  12. Even out of context do you really think these guys have anything else to say that would make them actually look like they have the slightest idea on how to make PvP in SWTOR fun again?


    They dropped the ball in 1.2 and the trip downhill just keeps getting faster and faster from here.


    Fun is subjective, you can not possibly balance the game around something like that.

  13. area effect damage is not dot.


    Its a ticking area effect like a fire pit. So if Incindiary grenade or plasma probe is down It interupts cuz its doing periodic damage but its not a dot as you will stop being damaged if you move out of range.


    Marauder dot ticks. I did blind-cap... dots tick do not interrupt. second to last tick interrupts. O.o


    Had it happen to pyro dots,... random dot interrupts etc. (no, not thermal detonator:rolleyes:... proper dot)

  14. If the player goes 31/x/x and then whines of the forum, is it the developers fault for the player's logical gameplay decisions?

    I gave a more obvious example, but the player decides not only his spec but also how to actually play it. The dev is not responsible for the player's failure to play the class properly.


    If some people can do it ... the class is clearly capable.

  15. Austin Peckenpaugh (Senior Designer): First, as to whether or not they're operating close to what we envision, the answer is "depends who the operator is." From the videos, logs, and anecdotes players provide us, it's really very much the answer for all specs - some people "get it" and play it to its potential, and some people don't. Frequently, the ones who "don't" are hitting brick walls because their expectations for what a spec should be like or should be capable of are different than what the spec is designed for.


    I agree with the developer. Learn to play the class and spec the way it was designed.


    If someone goes 0/0/0 spec and then whines on the forum, is it the developers fault for the player's poor game play decisions?

  16. A recent Huttball match by two very good teams on The Bastion (Hey I'm MVP vs Sleens) on Pansa's Twitch stream.




    Match starts at ~2:05 and scoreboard is at ~2:20.


    Top 4 DPS in the game, all Powertechs, with top 3 doing about 550K damage. Top healers in the game, 2 Operatives at 600K and 650K.


    only saw the game mentioned... and it was pretty bad. I think they need more ppl with grapple.:D. Unless they zoom out so they can actually use the ones they have properly, i mean cmon.. situational awareness ?

  17. I was expecting a Marauder, PT, or Sniper ... But a Sorc? Really? I'm almost fully geared WH and I don't ever break the 5k range o.O At least ... against other people in PvP gear o.O

    That is an assassin. :rolleyes:


    Shock and the proc from it are probably calculated as 1 hit. With full gear and expertise buff you can do that to a low geared player.


    My guess is tank assassin in dps spec with energize and recklessness charge +expertise buff.

  18. Who else dies in 3 globals with only 2 people attacking him due to light armor and no defensive cooldowns unless he has guard?


    Not sorcs played by competent players. If you are not kiting and using line of sight, you are doing it wrong.


    Ill say it again: playing a support class as a front line class is going to get you killed, because YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!.

  19. I "get" that they aren't going to fix Scrapper/Concealment. I get that - I've long given up fighting that battle. But I am not going to sit here and let someone like you throw around a bunch of misinformation about how rad you are at the game therefore nothing can possibly be wrong with the class, meanwhile you're sitting in the shadow of the 22 other possible class builds that are carrying you to victory.


    Stop apologizing for developer screw-ups.


    I am not carried and i am not apologizing for dev decisions.


    The class has problems, but they are not big enough to stop players being able to compete.


    My point is that you, and others are blowing things way out of proportions with "omg i am 1300 rating because the game is keeping me down QQ". Srsly?

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