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Posts posted by plosky

  1. No, it's not at all. Not every drop has strippable modifications. Not every drop has modifications that suit the build or stats. Not every drop is usable by my class (a hilt versus a barrel).


    No. My example is an example of where this game is heading with loot tables and armor customization.


    I am pointing out that beyond "need for companion" ... there are going to be hissy fits that people (like the OP) throw when they see someone roll need for an item that has a +Crit mod in it because they want more healing crit or something of that nature.


    What in the world makes you people think folks are rolling need for everything? Even IF they're rolling need for companion?


    Now I agree for rolling on something that you can strip the mods from is ok, since it's going to be benefiting your character. However, the rolling need for companions I have a problem with, reasons posted earlier.

  2. I am running the dungeon to expediate my leveling process, no more or less. By way of mutual benefit, so is everyone else that I run with. If you try to say that you run dungeons not to help yourself, but to help others, then you are lying.


    Following on from this, companions are a vital part to the expected leveling process. Flashpoints offer SIGNIFICANTLY stronger gear than that which is available through other reasonable means, for both yourself and your companion. Companion damage/healing/tanking may be lower than your damage, but that doesn't mean that it is insignificant - it is extremely significant.


    Unless you want to get out a calculator and perform a multifactorial analysis on every piece of gear and its expect return on leveling speed as a function of time spent with companion vs. time spent without vs. the current gear level of the person against whom you are rolling, then you can go ahead and get bent, because I know for a fact that upgrading my companion has a significant impact on my leveling speed.




    Yes, companions are a vital part to leveling solo. But your companion doesn't need that orange/purple item that drops when someone else in your group can use it upgrade their main character. And when I said it helps the group, I was looking purely short-term, as in for that flashpoint/whatever. Long-term, companions do not need armor that high of a level. As someone else stated earlier, the main things companions need are weapons, which you can easily get through quests. (This is all from an earlier poster) If you think that you and your companion won't be able to kill some certain monster/elite, because your companion doesn't have that orange/purple item, you are incredibly deluded.

  3. Am I entitled to roll on loot? Yes

    Am I entitled to roll how I please? Yes

    Am I entitled to what I please with the loot I win: Yes

    Is it any of you business what I roll on: No

    Is it any of your business how I roll? No

    Is it any of your business what I do with the loot I win? No


    Now please explain to me which part I got wrong.


    You calling me <expletive> troll is just immature. Try rising above the riffraff.


    Are you kidding me? It is absolutely my business on how you roll, what you roll, and what you do with it, probably because YOUR ROLLING ON AN ITEM THAT I NEED. Or an item that someone else in the group needs. Now, I would be fine if you rolled need on a item that nobody else in the group could use, but when someone else in the group benefits from using it on their character, then yes, you are not entitled to roll "how you please." And I apologize, but the SWTOR forums for some reason blocked g.t.f.o., so I wasn't calling you an expletive, but simply a troll.

  4. Your companion is an inextricable aspect of your character, particularly during the leveling process. Therefore your point is null.


    How is it null? Your companion doesn't need anywhere the gear level you character needs. It's as simple as this: Your character is benefiting the group, and your companion is not. So when you roll need for your companion, your putting yourself over the group, because rolling need for an item for your companion in no way helps the group. However, if you rolled greed, and someone else in the group who can use the item rolls need, the group benefits, because the player who can use the item immediately equips it, and therefore your group abilities and power and whatnot are increased.

  5. Another person forcing their belief down another players throat.


    Oh Really? More faceless based opinion. Also, please learn to forums without shouting. Being unable to debate without using caps is seen as immature.


    You need to get it out of your head that you have any right to dictate to me. Sure, If you tell me all that waffle before I join, I'll be telling you where to stick your group.


    So here's what I'm seeing you do. For valid points brought up by other players, you immediately brand it as "faceless based opinion" when in reality it's anything but that. He made a perfectly good point, which is that your character is running the instance, not your pet, therefore the character is the one contributing and should get the item. In addition, you provide absolutely no reason for why it is "faceless based opinion." You are being totally unreasonable, and are providing no reason for why your opinion should be right. The people who say roll need only for yourself, however, have provided perfectly acceptable and logical reasons for why one should do so. So please, **** troll.

  6. Wow, the amount of trolls in here is absolutely ridiculous. Players should only be allowed to roll for loot that their CHARACTER can use, not their companion. Their companion can easily be geared with decent gear from leveling and quests. Your companion doesn't need an orange item that some other player in your group will benefit much more from. Quit being selfish and rolling need for companions.
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