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Everything posted by JohnNightWalker

  1. PrintScreen button on your keyboard should work. Screenshots could be found somewhere in the Documents folder. Some people says that it doesnt work for them. It works for me, but create only 20 screens and deleting the older ones. So im just using an external programms.
  2. My Sorcerer Maya have passion for rare stuff http://s002.radikal.ru/i198/1310/16/3eff88900a25.png
  3. Not really, you can still get it. Some players can craft it. Usually you can find a few sets on GTN. On our server it costs about 50k creds per part. Oh, and you have to be more than 60 lvl of valor (PvP).
  4. Made new Assassin, Tanya http://i.imgur.com/xzrkd12.png
  5. http://s019.radikal.ru/i603/1305/bf/fbb80986a173.png It was also the best teamwork i ever seen in swtor. On our server PvP isn't very popular. In addition Republic are loosing on warzones 9 of 10 times. It was very simple and beautiful game at the same time. Despite everyone was a randoms they all knew what they have to do. Healers always was uneder the protection. Almost all the time there was someones AOE that was constantly denied enemys attempts to cap the doors. Our opponents tryed to zergrush a different doors a few times but we responded quickly. They tryed to kill our healers but they was well protected. They didn't breached even a first door. But we did in first 3 mins of 2nd round. ...and 22 medals. I never had even 15. I was very proud not just my self but whole team.
  6. Just got new gear. I've been waiting for this for a long time)) http://s018.radikal.ru/i504/1307/55/59f0a8590459.jpg
  7. Attention everyone! I have found an easiest way to farm this stuff! You just need 8-man team and you will win a warzone match in a 30 secs. The hardest part here is to actually find a proper time. You see, you need the time when only 3 or 4 people from opposing faction is queueing for a warzones. As a full team you with 99% garantee will win a match just because... you are a full team! You will win with minimum 6 medals. Catch it while you can! And now seriously. I think its unfair. Yesterday i lose about 4 matches one-by-one because of that. There was only three of us on rep side who was queueing for WZs. The opposing team - imperials - was a full 8 man team and they knew what they was doing. They used this for their own profit. Either remove any of the reward from this ruined-at-the-start matches or give them to everyone for at least trying.
  8. Well, this one is cool. The second (with sattelite) is a lot worse. After all, you can always put mods out there and place them in another helmet. Thats what i will do.
  9. I am at the beginning of the second chapter and it's really awesome!
  10. This is nice! Especially this comic-style. I like it. Keep up good work!
  11. Another my character http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8044/8348709199_981fae8dbb_b.jpg
  12. "That's my story. I still hate MMO genre, i came in SWTOR for story and the last thing i want to do - see anyone else in my story..." That was my thoughts six months ago. Now i am more than welcome for other players. And when some players decline my invites i understand why.
  13. Iquisitor's: Khem Val, looking at Duros refugees on Nar Shadaa: They are weakest and pathetic creatures in the galaxy. No one noticed if i eat a few of them.
  14. Something like "Priority Transport - Personal Ship" would be nice. Shares cooldown with other "Priority Transport" abilities and available from lvl 20.
  15. Here is some of my Chars. My current, Commando-healer Madlenn, 40 lvl, just completed 2nd chapter And my sage-healer Meethra, 10 lvl now Usually, her personnal assassin droid deal with every problem for her... ...but sometimes she don't mind to do some work herself
  16. Its no problem for me. You know, its normal - HM is all about skipping. If you want story go in story mode. HM is for farming, thats what i think.
  17. I think it's possible. There is no limit for FP's so you can play them as many as you wish.
  18. I don't hope for a translation, it's too fantastic. Too epensive for devs. What i do really hope is a cyrillyc fonts. There is nothing worst than translit. And it's not that expensive.
  19. I think you have to wait until the end of first chapter. I had simillar problems but after completing first chapter everything fixes.
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