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Everything posted by Xiij

  1. I've been doing some searching for resources already available to do this, I've stumbled upon some older swtor wiki sites (wikiswtor.com and swtor.wikia.com) that we might be able to use for this purpose. Though I don't know how long those resources would be up and available, so someone would need to keep a local copy in the event the hosting ran out.
  2. Light of the Phoenix Cleared the Terror from Beyond on Hard Mode on 2/4/2013. Kill Shot / Codex Entry Gained
  3. They are all good after 40, but getting to that point I'd recommend using focus (at least until 30ish). Focus is a really nice spec to level in due to it's ability to aoe well, as well as offer a balance between offense and defense. It is not impossible to level in any tree, so another suggestion may be to level in the tree you want to use after capping. Personally I leveled in focus until 30, combat until 40, then watchmen to 50 (watchman is my endgame spec). Just my opinion on the matter, do whatever you feel most comfortable with though.
  4. I'm going to say payments over time please, I assume this is like the lottery so it's over the next 29 years should be good. And if you don't mind, I'd like to collect my 1.8 cents for this year now...
  5. I agree with Kytea; thanks for your contribution Kil-Gorbane. Maybe we can move this information to a wiki somewhere so that everyone can modify their information instead of having to have one person maintain it on a forum post. (Or maybe BW should add a similar feature as wiki to the forums.... *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*)
  6. You did ask for raiders opinions on the matter... I'd have to agree though, the stats you lose on the armoring piece is a large amount (not to mention the endurance lost as well). That being said, I'm a strong believer of skill is more important than gear, but there has to be a line somewhere. As someone mentioned earlier, it would be possible to carry an optimized WH/EWH geared char through most of the content (assuming they aren't a tank). I tanked TFB SM in full recruit gear... Was it as easy as it should have been? No. Would a pug group have taken me? No, it was my guild so I got a pass on my gear. Would I do it again with that much of a gear discrepancy? Probably not, it was too stressful for a "just for fun" run. Is it possible? Yes. The point being that yes, you could do it in the gear you have assuming you're as good of a healer as you say you are. Odds are though pugs won't want you in PVP gear, you know, kind of like PVP players don't want PVE geared players in WZs. Just my two cents. Grats on the down.
  7. Hey, Assuming by your skill trees that you are trying to do PvE Combat. Try taking a look at this thread. Also, you may consider taking a look into this guide for sentinel basics. -Xiij
  8. This guy knows what he is talking about when it comes to sentinels; he is a better combat sentinel than me too, so I'd maybe take his bit of advice. P.S. - I still appreciate you posting that guide in the first place. I'm still kind of confused why it hasn't been sticky'd yet though...
  9. I thought I'd try to get this a bit more on track; Focus is fun in PVE, not ideal though. You lose a lot of dps in fights where there are cc's (or as you suggested you could just break them...). I typically run Watchman in my ops group; however, I've been known to respec mid op to "lol-sweep" for a fight or two just to give everyone a good laugh about sents doing aoe. Also, I typically run focus in HM FP's because there are tons of adds on trash pulls (really nice in kaon on the turret fight). That being said, if your op group has 2 sents, they might be open to the idea of having a "lol-sweep" sent. They do aoe like a champ and have inspiration, what more could you ask for? I normally roll with something like this; also somewhere in this forum someone suggested a hybrid spec that's fun to mess around in which looks something like this (I think you use shii-cho). Anyway, try it out in pve see if you like it; I'm going to dip out before people start fighting about what the best sent spec is again...
  10. Welcome back. I like to toss this guide out just as a general guideline for most sentinel stuff, read it as a refresher if you like, don't if you don't. Personally, I'm not thrilled with the combat spec, and I'm by no means a pro at it, but when I do venture down that path I typically go with something like this for PvE and something like this for PvP. Again, not an expert on combat spec, so take it with a grain of salt.
  11. The previous poster brought up some key points; in addition raised some questions I have for you. As the previous poster mentioned, you can bind just about everything in this game (except for ctrl + u is hard-coded to be unload/load gui). That being said, that leaves you some creative freedom to use the keyboard how you would like to. All you have to do is go to the 'Preferences' menu and in the bottom left is a 'Key Binds' tab (as the previous poster indicated); you just need to go through the categories and see what you want to modify. Lets get into some questions and explanations of them: Do you use the mouse with your left hand? - This is really important in determining which keys are going to be most useful to you; determine which keys you can reach easily based on which hand you're going to have on the keyboard. Are you a mouse turner or key turner? - I know, some people who read this are going to go "WTH?! People still key turn?". It's ok if you do, you just have to compensate for it, which is easier in this game than others. Also ok if you don't want to admit it. This is important also because it determines whether you have one or two hands on the keyboard at all times. Personally I'm a key turner, and I move with my right hand. I use that to my advantage, so when I don't have to move I'm making sure I'm using my right hand to either maneuver the mouse to look around or check out health of enemies or pressing modifier keys (Shift, Alt, Ctrl). As far as compensating goes, in this game you have a higher turn speed when you are in the air, so if I have to do a sharp turn, I jump (I use the '0' key on the numpad which is the standard bind of that key). How many abilities do you want to bind? - This determines the location of your hand on the keyboard; the more keys you need/want, the more accessible modifier keys must be. I'm kind of at an extreme end of this personally, most people in my guild see my UI and are like "uh, why is everything bound?". I don't know, I just like being able to use a key without having to take the mouse and find it; this is less ideal if you alt alot because then you have to memorize the which ability is for which toon (but I have 5 capped toons and do it that way anyway). If you only need a few keys, it's probably best to be somewhere in the middle of they keyboard if you have one with a hand rest on it, and along the edge if you don't. if you use a lot, like I mentioned, you have to be near the modifier keys, and they have to be reachable. I play with my left hand over the right half of the keyboard so I can hit alt, ctrl, or shift with my thumb. I then use three rows of keys plus their modified versions for keybinds (keys: =-0987][poiu';lk and alt, shift, and ctrl versions of all [except ctrl + u is ctrl + y]). How big and dexterous is your key hand? - I play guitar, and I fret with my key hand. My keying hand is a bit more dexterous than the average person, and I also have slightly larger hands than the average person as well. If you have smaller hands or less dexterous hands you may want to consider leaving some room for your non-keying hand (your mouse hand or movement hand) to come in and hit a few keys when needed. I can span my hand from pinkey tip to thumb tip and cover from the middle of my caps lock key to the middle of my return key, so pretty much all they keys are in play for me. As I mentioned earlier I still use both hands on the keyboard, so I also have keys within reach of my movement hand like my targeting keys and such. The most important thing is not to copy what I've done or mirror it, or take anyone's suggestion as fact or law, but take the ideas we've shared and come up with a comfortable system that works for you and your play style. Hope you find some use from this.
  12. Hello, Let me start with this. (It's basic, but still helpful). Second let me say, that there is still a debate between "crit watchman" and "power watchman". The skinny on the two sides is one stacks crit and the other stacks power (sorry, I realize this is kind of a 'duh' statement). Now to my personal opinion on stat weights on watchman (Note: if you can't respect that other people have opinions and that how you think to build a watchman is not fact but also opinion, please stop reading here). I prefer the benefits of power over crit (especially since the self heal was dropped from 2% to 1%), I run the same skill tree you run as well. The glaring difference between my stat distribution and yours is augments. I personally go with power augments versus the strength augments the direct damage increase is higher point per point for power (I believe). But basically I'd try to keep accuracy ~100% with steadfast, have two maybe three pieces with crit instead of power (implants and maybe one modable), everything else power / surge and power augments. I also thought I'd link some older threads I've posted in so you can do some more research and find what works best for you. -Xiij *EDIT* - I apparently deleted the last sentence of the third paragraph... oops. Links: Anyway to upgrade my armor using 61s? - A little bit of math and reasoning why power > crit. (My post) Annihilation/Watchman Endgame PvE (Dummy Parsers, Info and explanations) - Someone asking a similar question. [Guide] The Watchmen and Combat PvE basics - Again, simple guide but still hits some high points (more for others reading this thread though).
  13. Light of the Phoenix TFB HM 8-man 12/17/12 Kephess the Undying Kill Shot
  14. Light of the Phoenix TFB HM 8-man 12/03/12 Operator XI (and apparently The Dread Guards, didn't realize I hadn't posted that previously) Lockout Window Codex Entry For Operator XI
  15. Do you have any record of this? I was under the impression that all bonuses from Strength were linear. Either way, thanks for the info.
  16. I don't have a kindle so I don't know what the interface is; however, if you can access a web browser and the internet from the kindle you can go to play.google.com and download it or if you interface it through a usb cable to your computer you can download the .apk form play.google.com, transfer it over, and install it.
  17. This is exactly what I do, I have two healer alts. It's less of a problem now that they are pretty geared but still, I'm more likely to give heals first to someone who isn't intentionally making my job harder. It happens. I have a few guild members who do stuff like this too. I'll give them a warning then not heal them like the other person said. I do get a few "Xiij ***, why didn't you heal me", but they seem to feel a bit less neglected when I remind them that they ran into battle with 50% hp. To wrap up here, in my opinion, HM FP's are "practice" for ops (yes they are much easier, but if you can't master the mechanics of a FP have fun getting mechanics in an op). Would you ever start an op fight with low health? Probably not. Why start a FP encounter with low HP? The only viable excuse I can think of is someone pulled on accident.
  18. I appreciate the stats and parses. This spec looks like it has potential at least; I was wondering what skill priority you were using on the hybrid spec; I wasn't able to come up with one that "suits my fancy". Yes unfortunately you are a dying breed. However, I'd like to try some more extensive parses using my gear (power stacking watchman) to see if there is a large difference in results. Can you provide numbers proving this? Because I'm pretty sure this is not true; but that is an argument for another thread (like this , this, or this).
  19. If you want to maximize your damage output in watchman spec, it looks to me like you have too much strength, critical rating, and accuracy rating. Here I did some quick calculations which imply that power is more beneficial than strength for a watchman. So to truly maximize your damage I would think that you would need to change all of the augments to power augments, itemize all of your modifiable gear to be power/surge (except for 1 power/accuracy) and use the power/accuracy implants. Doing that should maximize your power while keeping your accuracy around 95%+. I assume you mean this. If so then no suggestions. Based on how I'm interpreting your rotation, it needs some work. Take a look here for some tips (look for priority list). As for the aside on Master Strike there, on the dummy since you are trying to maximize damage it should probably fit in between cauterize and slash on the priority list. The biggest note for your rotation though is merciless strike is more important than using cauterize. It does more damage in one hit than cauterize does in it's dot. The only reason it isn't first on your list is because overload sabers does not respect the global cooldown and is therefore "free" damage. Just a final note because I didn't see it mentioned; I assume you use zen every time you can, if not you should it greatly increases the damage of your dots. Please take my suggestions with a grain of salt, I'm not the best sentinel in the game nor do I believe that there is one way to play a spec. These are just simply suggestions on how I would try and increase my damage output. Hope this information helps you to your ultimate goal.
  20. Just so you know, if your tank (tank 2) taunts too early (prior to the cast of Breath of the Masters), the other tank (tank 1) can taunt during the cast of BotM to prevent tank 2 from being hit again; if this happens tank 2 will again be laying circles. Our tanks do this intentionally on SM (we have a shadow and a vanguard). The shadow places the circles the whole time and the vanguard tanks the boss the whole time. it takes far more coordination to do intentionally, but it does happen on accident some times.
  21. Let me preface this with: "It's your character build it how you want, but these are my suggestions." Phoeniixx is right about your spec, jedi crusader does nothing for you in PvE (which judging by no points in Inflammation or Recompense I'm assuming you are). I would actually suggest putting the points in Master Focus versus Insight. I have some rough numbers to for 1 and 3, and as far as 2 goes, not sure what that's all about so I'm going to basically ignore it. We'll start with 3 since that is easier. A large number of the attacks in your normal priority are melee damage and thus are not subjected to the 10% accuracy bonus that force attacks get (attacks and type listed below). Personally I run with 97% which is 1 piece of gear other than implants with accuracy rating. I don't have any justification for that though. As for your point 1, there is something critical to consider in watchman spec: zen gives you auto crits. While zen is active, your crit rating is not benefiting you, so power is better in that situation. Now think about how long you spend in zen. Giving a rough estimate, I can stay in zen about 20% - 30% of the time. The reason strength has traditionally been considered stronger than power is because the mean damage from strength is higher. This includes calculating in the damage from the extra crit chance you get from strength. So while you are in zen, lose that benefit from the crit chance. So here are some numbers: Pre Force Valor: Bonus damage to Strength Ratio: ~.20 Bonus damage to Power Ratio: ~.23 Critical Chance bouns to Strength Ratio: ~.008 (from here) Post Force Valor: .20 * 1.05 = .21 .008 * 1.05 = .0084 Bonus damage to Strength Ratio: .21 Bonus damage to Power Ratio: .23 So: Damage bonus from Strength: (.21) + ((.21) * (.0084) * (surge%) * (.7)) + ((.21) * (.3) * (surge%)) Damage bonus from Power: (.23) + ((.23) * (.3) * (surge%)) Using 75% surge let me do those numbers for you all quick-like. .21 + (.21 * .0084 * .75 * .7) + (.21 * .3 * .75) = 0.2581761 .23 + (.23 * .3 * .75) = 0.28175 Note: Force Might is neglected because it increases bonus damage and thus affects both, therefore can be ignored. Those are rough numbers, but unless I missed something power is slightly better than strength. But I did take quite a few simplifications into account so be warned this is not 100% accurate. Attack - Type Merciless Strike - Melee Force Leap - Melee Overload Saber - Force Slash - Melee Force Sweep - Force Master Strike - Melee Blade Store - Force Zealous Strike - Melee Cauterize (dot) - Melee (force) Cyclone Strike - Melee Dispatch - Force I'm currently in the same boat, I'm thinking of switching to power augments but haven't decided. Anyway, hope some of this was helpful. Again I must note that these are all rough numbers and it's your character build it how you want.
  22. Was wondering the same thing. Edit: Never mind, it's pretty clear your in Shii-cho now that I look at it some more.
  23. from my experience HDD's are more reliable, but that's just because SSD's are still fairly new. If you go HDD I'm a fan of Seagate, can't say as I've had many problems with HDD's though. If you go SSD I'm afraid I don't have much personal experience with them; however, reading reviews on them at newegg.com is typically a safe route to take (looks like Crucial and Corsair have a large number of good reviews).
  24. Sorry, it's been a while since we posted our updates, just hadn't got around to it. (Sorry about the dates too, the only one I wrote down was EC HM) Light of the Phoenix Finished EC HM 8-man (10/31/12) Warlord Kephess Codex Entry Started TFB HM 8-man Writhing Horror Codex Entry Cleared TFB SM 8-man Terror From Beyond Codex Entry Kephess The Undying Codex Entry Operator IX Codex Entry The Dread Guards Codex Entry Writhing Horror Codex Entry Cleared EV NIM 8-man Soa Codex Entry Infernal Council Codex Entry Ancient Pylons Codex Entry Gharj Codex Entry Annihilation Droid XRR-3 Codex Entry Cleared KP NIM 8-man Karagga The Unyielding Codex Entry G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator Codex Entry Foreman Crusher Codex Entry Jarg and Sorno Codex Entry Bonethrasher Codex Entry
  25. Simple answer is you'll need both. Crit and Surge are more important for a Combat Sent than they are for a Watchman Sent. The ideal stats for Combat spec is going to be a large amount of Crit rating and Surge rating without losing too much to diminishing returns. The rest of your stats should be put into power after you have the Crit rating you desire.
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