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Everything posted by Xcore

  1. I'll leave this right over here... http://www.lo-ping.org/2012/01/20/the-swtor-story-as-told-by-episode-iii-and-v/
  2. I will absolutely update the OP with improvements etc. I wanted to update some stuff last night but didn't have the chance... Sorry, I have not played at all since last night and I'm at work now until 6 est... I can frustrating confirm that last night It was exactly as bad as always... I could make a 60min video showing the issues every single day, its that common and easy to get footage. I will test tonight of course but I am highly sceptical... I really don't feel like making more videos but I will if neccessary.
  3. You're right, apologies. I'm at work currently sadly... can anyone please confirm specifics? Once again, apologies but your reader/voter base seems a little unreliable in confirming any fixes as over 30% mention mever having noticed any issues...
  4. And rated once more, should really carry over rating if you're going to close and re-open threads...
  5. What? The fixes aren't even on PTS... care to link to these reports?
  6. Yes, absolutely... you are correct. I generally have a problem where I just hyperbole way too much and then, when I get all "caught up" with the emotions I just keep saying THIS IS A FACT, THIS IS A FACT! so yea, I'll re-visit those items in the OP, thank you! Also yea, you're right... I double checked that "SO CALLED" Professional Gamer (As if those guys know anything more than you and I!) - (lol as if Gaming can be professional! they should get a life! basement dwellers!), and it turns out that his "listed credentials" were FAKE! So yea, you're completely right, I will edit out all the "credible stuff" (or so I thought!). Lastly, you're totally right... he does mention WoW... and you're right, once someone mentions or compares things to WoW... its obvious bias of the worst kind. I mean, first of all, hes probably 14 years old right? (avg. WoW age!) and secondly, hes probably pizza pocket eating basement dweller (loolol professional gamer!). You know, as if these guys were like athletes or something! I mean, you and I are just as good! We know it! /brofist!
  7. OMG... OH... MY... GOD! I cannot believe all this time... I mean, holy ****! We've had so much drama, fuss, debate! For weeks now! I just did what you said and it fixed EVERYTHING, I can't believe I wasted so much time... EVERYBODY -- SET IT TO 0.0 -- IT FIXES THE DELAY! LETS CLOSE UP SHOP AND ENJOY PLAYING THE GAME! Thank You... I will edit the OP to state your solution in case anyone else still experiences these issues.
  8. No, how can you be this dense... Thunderstorm DOES WORK. However, the crappy limitations (Z Axis) prevents you from being happy with its results... much like Mages trying to blink over a pebble... How can you be so dense as to bring this to the discussion, it is completely off topic and irrelevant... you have no understanding of the topic... AT ALL.
  9. Everything in RED is WRONG, DEAD WRONG... don't post here again, you have no idea what you are talking about. Everything in YELLOW is IRRELEVANT.
  10. This is false and I hope does not confuse those not up to speed... I don't have the energy to go into great lengths and detail to explain this to you. The statement that WoW at any point in time was not responsive in combat is simply wrong and claiming anything like this is a blatant lie. inb4 getting stuck looting...
  11. Part of the problem here is that most of those who consciously feel it just leave and unsub, go back to WoW... and on top of that, especially those who subconsciously feel it, simply feel weird, clunky, bad playing... get frustrated, can't put finger on what exactly the issue is and... leave. So in the end, you have games like WAR, Vanguard, LotRO and countless others failing without ever knowing why. Then the developers and publishers believe it is because they didn't have X feature etc.. and so we keep getting these clunky, feature full, expensive and ambitious MMOs... So unless this issue is defined and brought to attention, developers and publishers finally push for gameplay we'll not have a decent MMO until Titan... Well played Blizzard....
  12. Well sir, having read every single reply in these 6 threads so far... this is absolutely one of the best gems period.... thank you. Ima go ahead and /qft this bad boy and add to OP when I get home tonight....
  13. I agree with everything you say here, I think that most high level players would, whether PvE or PvP pros. I truly wish Bioware would heed these warnings, advise, help offered here. This isn't about catering to hardcore or casual crowd, this has nothing to do with the entire hardcore or casual drama. Fundamentally, this is about realizing that certain players are more attuned to the finer aspects of gameplay as they do it not only "more" (playtime) but also at much higher levels, mentally and physically. Having more refined gameplay such as in WoW is better for everyone, from a Casual Soccer Mom all the way to the most elitist pro gamer and everyone in between. CCP flies top gamers to Iceland for dialogue and improvements etc. Blizzard has constant connection to top players and yes, has flown them to test, develop, discuss Bioware, who knows... the launch state proves that no-one on their teams is at that higher level and can perceive this issues. Perhaps someone is but doesn't voice it... or isn't being listened to? I've mentioned it before, to someone who has played MMOs at the top levels and generally extensively, these issues are glaring. There is nothing subtle about this, I entered a Warzone last night with my fiancee and I swear, just by clicking the speeder to go down in the Alderaan Civil War... I just want to cry! Everything showcased in my video happens in every single Warzone I play. This Isnt isolated, once In a while. All this could be prevented, smoothed out, fixed etc. If only Bioware would open up to more experienced gamers of the genre and stop believing "we know what to do, its our game, we're the devs"... it'd be for the best of the game's success. I feel like a doctor who "knows" how to save a patient but the patient chooses to ignore me and continues with homeopathic drugs. I truly don't believe that they realize that as you point out, this very "hard to notice for most" issue is in fact behind It all. The success of WoW, failure of any other competitor etc.
  14. This is a great point and I think the Client/Server interaction is a very big contributing factor on the technical side of things.
  15. Apologies for not responding on YouTube, its very limiting in the size of reply etc. Well, I agree with everything you say here. Having read the Blog Post by Georg, I have mixed feelings if they understand the core values of gameplay feeling and the entire issue properly. The problem is, describing a "feeling" of such intricate nature is very difficult. I think it'd be much like a F1 Driver complaining that the car doesn't "feel" right... He would try his best to articulate the problem but in the end, for someone who doesn't experience it themselves, it is very hard to understand and even harder to resolve. This problem as is known, stems from multiple contributing factors and even totally different factors interacting to form a new factor altogether. For example, general delay between keypress and ability execution + animation visual effect + sound effect.... THEN you perhaps add the stipulation of "proc" instant following a cast in rotation and perhaps all this is following a stun? Etc. On top of all that, there is the Client/Server interaction and netcoding. What about the entire "illusion" of responsiveness that WoW creates? For example in WoW, let's say we're both running against the gate in AB to get out as soon as it starts... The game begins and we both race towards the first flag, on my screen at home "I" am far ahead of you (in fact, isn't it odd that on your screen at home "you" are always ahead of the others in WoW?). So were both capping the flag but I should be the one that does it at the end of the cast time... However, mine gets interrupted as yours actually succeed... I was never actually ahead of you! The above is likely a huge technical contributing factor to the feeling of responsivess... So as to Georg's Blog Post, I am not entirely convinced that they understand the more intricate issue here. Perhaps I am wrong, I'm sure that some of them have salaries high enough to know what this is all about? /sarcasm. What Bioware needs is, someone important enough in position to have this "feeling" and understand and can communicate the intricacies of the issue. As I would recommend any developer, hire a little team of serious, experienced, hardcore players to identify and define these things. By experienced I don't mean "being 40+ years old and having played MMOs since Ultima Online". I mean, get some Top100 experienced WoW Raiders, get some serious Gladiator PvPers, get some Pro Starcraft 2 players etc. WoW doesn't have this issue because their Devs used to be serious, hardcore EQ Raiders... they would look at this system and say, "we can't play like this... let's do it better". Bioware Devs had no idea this delay even exists as they themselves aren't the type of player to notice... at all. It's a logical conclusion, how else would you explain such a game? With such nice Sceneries, such nice stories, such nice sound effects, such nice animations... But yet such glaring and horrendous responsiveness? It's becsuse they aren't the kind of player themselves, playing on that level to notice. I really see a standard Bioware Dev be someone 1) With sub-optimal spec because he doesn't know about EJ 2) Sub-optimal chants, gems, reforging and itemization 3) 3% over hit cap... 4) Roughly 2-5k below expected DPS 5) Backpeddling while tanking 6) No sense of proactive but only reactive healing 7) Triggering immolation traps and standing in crystal prison traps on Shannox 8) Impossible to do current content hardmodes with 9) Minimal keybinds 10) No "pre-potting", double potion on encounter... This isn't an insult, or at least meant to be. All of the above points are ok for an average player, but such a player simply cannot notice the more intricate nuances in gameplay. Such a player will create beautiful stories, animations... sound effects etc. but not a good game... So again, of course I am happy to read Georg's post and it shows that they're taking It serious. However I remain sceptical if they really will be able to get behind this. Is clipping needed? I am not sure 100%, ideally not, it appears ArenaNet is not clipping but using a more elegant system with Guild Wars 2. However, if it is needed, it should be properly introduced as in WoW. Lastly, Bioware blaming it on hardware performance and optimization is a little weak. If anything, this would only be a minor contributing part overall and perhaps larger in Warzones but as you correctly stated, this goes beyond just Warzones. I don't believe that Bioware is a company that can admit to mistakes or even be honest in regards to failures or flaws. They're in a tough position with EA and the need for SW:TOR to succeed but still, it has been proven since Mass Effect 1 and Garrus' face texture that Bioware simply isn't like Blizzard. I can remember countless instances where Blizzard has admitted to failures openly. I cannot ever see Bioware do something like that without putting a serious spin on it... I am hopeful but remain sceptical
  16. Hey thanks for the compliments! I've followed the Textures thread and fully support it and also find Bioware's responses to it quite terrible... as I mentioned in the end of the video Textures and Performance/Optimization are my two next concerns...
  17. I was not invited to Beta test but did a couple of Weekends and noticed it as well, I thought it may be because of extra analysis tools running on the system etc... I hoped I think this must've been all throughout Beta just as bad, perhaps people had a little bit higher tolerance to this because they were so happy to play the Beta at all and see this great game etc. I doubt very much that it just occurred.
  18. Yea I think its a bit more noticeable on certain classes that perhaps utilize more cast->instant->cast->instant rotations I think everyone suffers equally but of course its more or less noticeable based on your rotation and as Georg puts it, its obviously more noticeable based on circumstances... Its well documented that solo questing on Hoth it is not as noticeable as in Alderaan Warzone. There are many factors contributing to this and current surroundings/players on screen/specific rotation-combo etc all contribute. This is very deeply rooted issue and not very easy to fix, think about it... no MMO outside of WoW truly has got this "completely right" and especially not from the starting launch so I mean, if Bioware "can" get this to WoW standards then I do believe this MMO to be the next market leader... thus my stupid feverish dedication to having them take this serious...
  19. Thanks for the feedback I am taking a few days off and then I'll check out the PTS... can anyone really confirm improvements?
  20. Thanks or this post, 100% accurate on the SC2 and Blizzard points (and all else)... tyvm for the input
  21. Thanks for those kind words I'm a SW:TOR fan just as much, I'd be insane putting in this much time and effort if I wasn't lol. I'd argue most people who argue for fixes on certain issues etc are as well. This may be masked by strong language or general "rage" but this "rage" can come from passion and disappointment felt exactly because the individual is so very much interested in the success of SW:TOR. I think I speak for most if not all people when I say, we all want to get away from WoW already... and we all want nothing but the absolute highest success for SW:TOR. Really much appreciated your comments! TY!
  22. Hey, Thanks for watching and I'll try to answer: 1. I assume you're talking about the "Knockback" ability which is in the first clip there not firing, my character kneels quite often because I am a Gunslinger and require to be "In Cover" to use most of my abilities. In fact, the knockback ability "Cover Pulse" is unable to be used when not kneeling. 2. You're talking about the Huttball/Root (Legshot) ability I believe. What basically happened there is at first the it could not trigger because my target was out of line of sight but I moved into line of sight and continued to hit the ability, it did trigger (before he disappeared under the bridge) but did not take into effect... Then when he emerged from the bridge I continued to try and root him but nothing happened for a few seconds, then it triggers but the effect never landed. It shouldn't/couldn't be because of "Line of Sight" around that little object as there was no UI Feedback in form of a "Red Message" noting it (like at first before he went under the bridge when it was legitimate). Hope that explains it. Lastly, it is on Ability Delay and Avatar Responsivness, the feeling of disconnect between the player and the avatar. So abilities being delayed, not triggered, animations and sound sync are all part of it.
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