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Everything posted by Strina

  1. The problem is that those streets and alleys don't look like corridors... They ARE corridors. Feels like I'm walking through a hallway in some very big building.
  2. Don't worry honey, it's nothing personal. Whenever a new MMO comes out everyone is comparing it to WoW. Same happened to warhammer, Aion, Rift and it's happening to Swtor. And believe me it won't stop just because you made this post.
  3. You're so defensive towards this game mate. I for example didn't like those narrow halls in Nar Shadaa because it feels like I'm playing a single player game where you just follow the path. On the other hand, I loved Tatooine and it's "open world" and that feeling like you're actually in a real desert. Be honest, don't defend every single aspect of this game. Cheers
  4. My reply where I praised armory got deleted? Great job Bioware, filter all those comments so people could read only what you want them to read. Armory is a nice thing since you can follow the progress of your guild if you're on travel or away for a longer time. That way you can also follow progress of your ingame friends and see if they achieved something you were trying to achieve together for a long time. Armory can only be a good thing and that's my opinion. If Bioware doesn't like it it's their problem. They don't have to go around deleting posts whenever they feel like it
  5. You quoted my comment and I must say that I totally agree with you. Everything you said is exactly the same way I feel. But my post was just a reply to some douche who was comparing two totally different games while bashing one of them. Thank you for this post, really thank you
  6. I won't quit because I really like this game. The only thing I hate is when people compare sandbox game (like wow) with a themepark (swtor). They are 2 totally different kinds of MMOs and I like them both for different reasons. But when someone comes and says how swtor did a better job then wow in terms of exploration... It's just stupid
  7. No, but going anywhere without loading screens and visiting enemy main cities without any restrictions, that's what's exciting. Leaving a zone (loading) getting on ship, clicking on another planet, leaving the ship (loading), getting on space station, leaving space station and finally arriving on next planet... Not so exciting
  8. I would like an armory also... All those saying that Bioware did a great job not implementing it are just ignorant snobby little fanboys who would do the same thing if Bioware actually did provide us with an armory "OMG, Bioware so good they let us watch other characters and everything lol I'm so happy" tl;dr We want armory
  9. You won't meet only Revan in mid game Prepare for more surprises in that flashpoint
  10. People hate wow also, check so many negative comments and jokes about it over the internet. Still, millions of people are still playing it. Your post is totally unnecessary dear OP
  11. Good read... You're wrong about many things there but still a good read.
  12. You can get from lvl1 to lvl50 without grouping AT ALL. Heroic quests are totaly optional, Warzones are optional, FPs are optional... Game is designed so that you can solo it to the end and mobs will always be the same level as you. If you start doing heroics and flashpoints, you'll outlevel your questing areas eventually.
  13. As the title says! Enjoy the Holidays and best wishes to you all
  14. It's not allowed by EULA to do any kind of gambling inside the game Not even for ingame currency
  15. Hmmm, maybe you're right actually. I don't see the difference between Spanish and Italian since my main language is Serbian, and I speak abit of French and English. It still doesn't change the fact that every now and then I see wall of text on foreign language in general chat. It just kills me that I don't understand them
  16. What server did you play on? Can I have your credits and stuff from bags please?
  17. For anyone viewing this thread, this is what general chat looks like on this server I honestly think about rerolling on another server after getting my BH to lvl30+
  18. While on KOTOR nostalgia thread, I would love to play a game of pazaak here and there. If not for credits, then for fun at least
  19. I don't know where else to ask this question so I'll use general discussion. Since "Tomb of Freedon Nadd" is the most populated EU server atm, is it true that it's unofficially Spanish server? I played here for few days now, have lvl34 BH and almost every flashpoint or HC I do, it's with Spanish people. Don't get me wrong, I respect them and have nothing against them, but I wanted to play on server where people use english to talk in group chat and general channels. Opinions from people on this server would be appreciated.
  20. Please Bioware don't mind threads like these... Don't do the same mistake Blizztard did and kill the game with faceroll content. I LOVE the difficulty in this game. After I kill final boss in falshpoint after few tries and it drops loot for me, I actually feel like I deserved it. Also, doing a calss quests is not that difficult tbh. If you CC, kite and heal you'll be fine. If it's such a problem for you, bring few medpacks or ask guildies to help you. Don't, please don't, I beg you DON'T nerf this, already polished game. PELASE!
  21. Click to walk is the worst possible mechanic I saw in any MMORPG. Thank God that we don't have to that in swtor
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