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Posts posted by Nempo

  1. Companions are more-or-less silent after you're done with the class story. Of course, you could always wait to do their companion discussions/missions until Makeb or Shadow of Revan, but there's not really a point in doing so. Sadly, companions do not have more conversations or missions in later expansions.


    Adding onto your example - if you romanced/married Vette, then turn around and romance, say, Lana Beniko in Shadow of Revan/KOTFE, no. It won't really change the story, other than, potentially, a very short break-up scene with either Lana or Vette, depending on who you choose to stay with. Once that happens, you can't go back and say "No, wait, I want to be with the *other* person!" What's done is done, at that point. ........and then, as far as I'm aware, nothing else happens.


    More or less, you got it.

    Right now the only romancables that actually matter post Makeb are Torian, Vette, Kaliyo, and Aric. You'll have a break up/*** moment if you started romancing Lana, Koth, or Theran when one of those show up in the story.

  2. I personally find gender neutral to be the worse way to create a character. People know what they are attracted to...I find it far better when characters are made with sexual preference and stick to it. Like the male sith pureblood on Makeb is gay (females get no flirt options with him) which I find great even though I never flirt with him. It shows actual thought was given to the character.

    Characters that go both ways should be as rare as such people are IRL...which is why I find it so strange games seem to have gender neutral romances all over the place. It shows a decided lack of character grounding to me.

  3. Simple. Bring back ranked 8s, create more PvP maps and more open world PvP events and planets.


    The engine cannot handle open world PvP. Going to assume you weren't here for the original Ilum battles...the moment you get over 20 people actively fighting (with companions!) most people experience lag...you get 40-50 in one place all fighting? It becomes unplayable.


    Outside of open world skirmishes...they actively try to stomp out OWPvP in this game as the engine cannot handle it.

  4. Other than Iresso being the most dull companion ever, this is a bug that was introduced with KotFE and never fixed. it happens with other companions that were not healers before KotFE and now that any companion can be a healer some of the new in-combat lines got copy/pasted onto the wrong characters.


    I'm going to assume you never take Iresso with you. He cracks jokes constantly as you aproach areas that make companions speak.

  5. Khem Val will probably never make a proper return. They gave us a similar companion in the new Dashade. Khem will probably never return because of the various branches Khem's story can take, namely Khem or Zash.


    Jaesa is in the same boat. She'll never return because who do you give to people that never had her; Light or Dark Jaesa?


    Such is the downside of good "Choose your own Adventure" storytelling. When branches that split can't merge together again.


    Easy, if they are lightside on their morality meter they get light jaesa, dark morality gets dark jeasa. Jeasa herself simply mimics whoever is the most powerful person she resonates with anyway, so it holds true here.

  6. The agent using the sidearm makes sense actually. Wet work up close like that? Hand gun is better.


    The trooper however seems more...inconcievable that they wouldn't use their rifle/cannon as quite frankly they are soldiers not proffessional assassins/spies. They wouldn't care if it got messy (whole point in using a handgun is so it is less messy/quick clean)

  7. SWG was full of dead/empty towns and cities. Player towns in the open world only work if you have entropy...aka if you do not maintain it, it falls apart and others can claim it. Aka, perminance should only exist if you maintain things and NOT with money...by using your craft!

    Even at it's peak this was a problem in SWG. We don't need a repeat of empty planets filled with random homes. Nor do we need people building homes to cancel out spawns/allow for easy spawn camping.

  8. Balameb hit the nail on the head with many people needing to understand that your PvE mechanics will NOT work in PvP. Also...give up right now on getting perfect rotations on players.

    Taunt functions differently, detaunts are only useful if you have the right optional passives (very few disciplines have usefullness built into the detaunts).

    Locking people down is more important than perfect rotations, and utility skills that MOST DPS/Heals never use are required for PvP.

  9. The contract EA has, allows them to use everything Star Wars. They are the ONLY company allowed to make games for the IP right now, Disney isn't even allowed to bypass them to make their own. Not sure when it runs out but I bet Disney changes the deal significantly. They like having an iron grip on things and the forced acceptance of the EA deal has to be making them chomp at the bit.
  10. The marriage, was real, by Voss standards at least. So the agent truly is, technically married. Once she/he leaves the planet, I suppose they could do whatever, but while they are on Voss, they are hitched. I believe Vector even mentions the fact when he gives her the ulikuo gem that he knows they can never get married for real for the sake of her cover.


    Also, thanks to Melodylane for mentioning my little fanfic, it was a pleasant surprise.


    There is a bit of sadness in this because...males can marry Temple. Well, it is a backdoor marriage but still. It isn't just an "oh I can't because of your cover".

  11. I cant speak for everyone but from my own standpoint have 150 people on one instance and having a second one that is locked out because of not enough people is annoying. Please remove this feature from the game. It highly frustrating having to deal with gamers who swoop in and steal a quest objective and be forced to wait there for it to respawn.


    Switch to the PvP channel, more often than not it is completely empty.

  12. The thing holding GSF back the most...is that is is completely against the rest of the game.


    Your character class is meaningless in it so there is no meaningful choice here.

    The classes of ships have more in common with FPS than MMO classes, which flies in the face of MMO design as well.


    In essence, because it is more or less an FPS in an MMO it was doomed from the start. I say this as someone who has had fun in GSF and enjoyed it from time to time. However it suffers from the same issues that games like Titanfall or Battlefield do, you have veterans playing alongside newbies. This quickly has newbies leave rather than continue on when playing against people that memorized the perfect attack angles or have options unlocked they won't have unlocked for a week+.

  13. We still have relics (x2), implants (x2), ear pieces, off hand and main hand items to gear...and we have three tiers of gearing as well. We'll be on the treadmill for some time, even if we could remove armorings.


    The bonus doesn't need to change at all...in fact, that's 99% of the reason this should work. The only thing they need to do is remove the slot lock on it, which was only implemented when they moved the bonus from shells to the armorings. The bonus STAYS on the armoring...the slot lock is all they'd need to remove.


    You aren't getting what they mean. The set bonus might be required by the engine to see it as gloves/chest/etc...meaning the armoring NEED to be locked because of how the game sees the set bonus.

    Do remember, what looks like a simple thing from the gamer perspective is usually a massive coding issue on the dev side. Seeing as set bonuses were attached to the shells originally, it would not surprise me that the engine itself requires that they be hard coded to slots.

  14. Actually your guild CAN help people, you can craft gear that is as good as the set gear...minus the fact it doesn't have a set bonus. Those bonuses aren't exactly HUGE advantages as more often than not it is half a second here or one second there. It can help you sure...but if you have the skill required to do the thing you don't need it. NIM is not even balanced for needing the set bonus. If it was then your tank would be around 1k health every time a boss died. THAT is balanced to absolutely needing every little thing.
  15. My girl hates PvP and enjoys the stories far more than anything after the class stories end. I find myself burnt out on traditional MMO endgame content and find myself replaying the class stories much like you have.

    Been here since invite only closed testing. Those original class stories keep me here, they are fun. Other mmos also seem so lackluster compared to TOR when it comes to sucking you in, the fully voiced world and the conversations just make the ambiance here so great.

  16. They control the budget I assume, but they don't control how little they interact or understand their own customers...that's on Bioware. I also don't believe EA tries to tell Bioware what to do...that would be illogical to me. They give them goals they want them to hit, but it's up to Bioware to create content that reaches those numbers...not EA.


    I decided to pluck this out of the thread to clarify some things regarding known business practices of EA with it's many subsidiaries.


    EA controls the flow of money, everything sold by a subsidiary goes straight to EA. EA is notorious for only letting a small amount trickle to the subsidiaries, essentially forcing them to work on what is just a tad above a shoestring budget. Only those groups known for cranking out quality games get more than this. EA is also known for only caring about quick cash. Bioware is known for great games, but, TOR has been plagued by problems from the beginning and these problems add up to EA as in keeping the game afloat but not investing heavily into it. Sure, the Blur trailer cost them a lot but with the new movies they have built in gamer fans that will pick up the game for a short period and make it all back. EA wants the quick buck, and they are notorious for their heavy use of DLC to accomplish it as well.


    What does this all mean for TOR? If it isn't something that can be done for a minimum, you can write it off as the chances of it happening are low. The command thing ate most of their money this time around. The reason for doing it...to let everyone get gear, is a good one. However, inflating that out to 300 levels of grind and then reducing points (rather than increasing other things to match the speed of gold farming) was a slap in the face that spoke very highly of how desperate they are to force the grind to take a LOT of months. They also shot themselves int he foot with a simple expectation across every game int he MMO genre...bosses drop loot. Heck they could have the bosses drop command crates and we'd be ok with it...but they didn't even go that far.

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