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Posts posted by HaemmernZeit

  1. I didn't know achido had groupies! But the few times I've played with him he calls targets and then is never on them. Pretty dumb in my book. And he isn't number 1 because he's the best, he's just played the most.
  2. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/marauder/9/?build=002100000000000000000000000000000320020000000000000000000000000001220221012202301121032003200100&ver=20


    This is what I run and most of the other mara/sents I'm friends with run it as well. I think the cloak of carnage that aluvi recommends is garbage and most other mara/sents I've talked to agree. Aoe reduction is necessary and 3 points of enrages slash, while nice, is not worth losing the aoe reduction for.

  3. I agree that they are too squishy. A good change would be to put an aoe heal equal to the damage it does on force sweep that way the sentinals can help heal each other and not die so fast


    Just what we need! Good idea TJ. =p

    In all seriousness, marauders are squishy at lower levels, but get to the mid 40s and up and we're the tankiest, non-tank.

  4. I was in Dark Empire when we rerolled here at the end of last year and Pot5 has far more and far better pvp than Jung Ma does. There really isn't a comparison. While the forums here are more immature than JM's, fleet chat is comparable, plus there are typically 3 (saw 4 tonight with the transfers) fleets a night so pvp queues are popping.

    If you wanna look for competitive guilds, look at the RWZ epeen thread that just got closed. There are more guilds imp side, but there are still some good pub guilds.

  5. Not only am I falling short but my root works maybe 1/4 of the time on other players for my leap ( no they do not have full resolve...nor should this matter its a root)


    Since every class has a chance to dodge attacks, this is probably it. I notice it happens a lot more when I attack a tank. Super annoying for sure though.

  6. Its a bug. This happened to my guild multiple times before 2.0. First time everyone was like *** just happened. The match match we watched the doors far better and the op popped out of stealth with 2 seconds left on the cap. He said he didn't know how to do it, but...

    Oh you mean 2 hours 46 minutes. Yeah, Schil, that guy is sketchy... He was in a different guild when he did that to me.

  7. Oh, and btw, the other guilds that supposedly are "bring[ing]" mercs/commandos in ranked aren't in this thread saying that they are fine (or even that they are their first choice, if they had other options)... so far just you.... who doesn't bring one and doesn't play one.


    Hi there! I am on Pot5 with Elskan and am in the guild that brings a Commando to rateds regularly. Hostile Takeover if you are interested. He does quite well. Maybe not the top damage, but his off healing or spot heals tend to make or break whether we capture a side node quickly/effectively. At least from my perspective as a Sentinel.

    And while I do think that Commandos and Sages fill a very similar role, I had been advocating for a Sage dps over Commando because I think Sage will beat a Commando and have better healing. Just my 2 cents.

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