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Everything posted by Sinhammer

  1. All the SWTOR players who remember the 12x XP event, represent! Nothing will ever be as awesome as killing a single mob and leveling, lol.
  2. I want those big white spidery beast personnel (can't remem the species name) to be floor, wall AND ceiling decors so we can put them upside down on the ceilings and on walls.
  3. You want a CM sale during a massively failing economy, when people are being laid off work by the thousands and are worried about how they're going to pay their bills? Sorry, but I had to LOL at that. This is the WORST time to be doing a big sale, and Bioware (hopefully) has the sense to realize that. People aren't going to be dropping $$$hundreds on thong armors and decors when they don't know when or if they'll get another paycheck. If BW wants to make bank they'd wait for a big sale after all this virus garbage stabilizes.
  4. Still mad that we can't put the drippy stuff on the cave ceiling.
  5. Waiting for people to start reporting my char with "Corvid" in the name because they can't read.
  6. Dude. You can't be spending all your credits on stuff like gear and amps when there's always the chance a new bikini costume set will be released on the CM.
  7. As a business owner, I understand every bit of this. But--thanks, I guess?
  8. The best post-gamestart species issue is in one of the quests an NPC explains to you what a Cathar is--even if you're a Cathar. I think there's a similar issue involving someone talking about the Chiss(?) even if you're one, but don't quote me.
  9. According to Theorycrafters you want the Concentrated Fire set for a healing Merc.
  10. Spend a few days and get your main and alts into 306 gear, get your bonus sets as quickly as possible and then just start blowing your tech frags at the RNG vendor buying armorings and mods. No credits necessary for rerolling. RNG is RNG no matter where it happens. Might as well not waste credits for it.
  11. ^^This. Usually at any given time of the day you can run around Fleet and see people named after political figures, religious figures and deities, or using thinly-disguised foul language and any and all manner of graphically sexual terms, often with the sole purpose of name-trolling. I've seen names about all kinds of heinous activities including dog-fighting, baby-killing, names that made fun of 9/11--the list goes on and on. But THIS is what sends you over the edge? While it IS an issue, it's just a symptom of a much larger issue across most games with a social portion--the game studios make ridiculous amounts of money but somehow mystically can't afford a small 24/7 staff to police them. For example, Blizzard made $7B in 2018, but can't afford staff to watch its chats. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
  12. The weird thing about that is--considering how long it takes in the makeup chair--how did NOone step back and go, "Hey, guys, how come this dude has ears?" I'd almost be inclined to believe some of the crew didn't know they were supposed to be the same species. Bib did look markedly different after all.
  13. Please tell me the inclusion of Space missions in Conquest means they're overhauling the reward system. At this rate I'll still be grinding Rep for the next 50 years.
  14. My personal experience is load times doubled after one of our major updates. I'm wanting to say it was the Jedi Under Siege update at the end of 2018. I use SSDs (I work with large graphic files so they're a must) and never had to wait for loads until that update. Suddenly every zone change across the board had a 5+ second wait.
  15. I honestly think this Reddit post about the same thing nails it: Oola was the OG female Twi'lek in Jabba's palace and had that weird cone-ear headdress. I think it's entirely possible someone along the way in the Lucas camp misinterpreted those nubs as hearing organs and drew other Twi'lek females that way.
  16. I still have that questline starter stuck on so many characters. It's just a slog to do after you've seen it for the 20th time.
  17. You're probably seeing more mention of Ilum because of The Rise of Skywalker. Surrounding film material finally confirmed that Starkiller Base was the planet Ilum. So over the next few millennia from SWTOR Ilum will get hollowed out and forgotten, then rebuilt as a giant Death Star, then blown up. Kinda takes the winds out of the sails for the whole "let's go questing more there and set up base and build a Stronghold" etc.
  18. I know as late as 2018 that reporting spammers in chat wasn't wise, for one main reason--every time you reported a name it stealthily opened up a CS ticket in your name. I remember I ignored/reported every spammer I saw for nearly a year after returning to game in 2017. When the time came for me to actually NEED support for an in-game problem I received the message I had too many pending tickets. Turned out it was all those pesky spam bot name reports. And you couldn't close those tickets either; the system was just straight up broken. Whether they fixed all that garbage I have no idea, but to this day I try to report as little as possible in case it's still that badly implemented
  19. People need to really stop spreading this myth that 'all companions are about the same'. There were differences before Onslaught but Onslaught seriously broke some of them with the one-size-fits-all overhaul. The beast comps in particular are now pure trash at healing. HK-51 is a notoriously horrific tank, and was so before Onslaught. Z0-0M is better at heals than a lot of them, just like Shae is without question the best DPS. I can only assume people who say they're basically 'all the same' don't solo harder content.
  20. The short time I played WoW I had a few two passenger mounts and they always came in handy. I had a friend who had a lot of trouble getting disoriented while flying, something about the movement on screen would make her dizzy to the point of about passing out. So she'd mount up with me and I'd fly us to where we needed to be while she looked away from screen or closed her eyes.
  21. I was one of the ones who advocated for a rename sale last year, and even started a thread about it which Musco finally addressed, saying there was a sale incoming. Their price had hung at 1000cc for over a year and a half and on the GTN character renames had climbed to 40m+ each. I'm wanting to say flagship renames were in the 150m+ range. While I'm surprised that the 40% off sale has lasted for months now, I'm still not holding my breath that it will always be that way.
  22. So I have to ask--are you 100% sure the item didn't just stack? I've seen people mention this bug and out of the thousands of boxes I've opened I've never had one empty. Items do, however, stack. And when they stack the Renown stash item count doesn't change; no new slot is taken up. I could see people mistaking that as "I didn't get anything".
  23. They've been doing the fade to black for the better part of a decade now (RotHC was released in 2013). I doubt they're going to completely switch it up now.
  24. "Pat" is a term that seems to confuse a lot of people in SWTOR. A "pat" is a pather, or patrolling mob. I've heard that term for years in playing MMOs, and I think it was playing Aion way way back where I picked it up. But any time I say "Watch the pat!" in SWTOR people act like I'm speaking Greek. You can even Google "MMO terms pat" and it comes up as part of MMO-speak, so why people act like it's such a foreign term in this game is beyond me.
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