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Posts posted by Sinhammer

  1. I've ran this course dozens of times now and ran it better than what I've seen in videos, yet still run out of time every time. One of the culprits seems to be the fact that the orb-gathering speed boost stops working halfway through, at least for me it has EVERY single time. I gather orbs and am able to turbo boost maybe twice, and then after that it never works again. At this point I'm assuming it's bugged all to sin.
  2. Also, there will probably be more misions, once players can advance to the next levels, but because of rep cap, we just caan't see them yet.


    ^^This. The story arcs appear to be rep-based; they talk to you as you advance through the ranks and become more famous.

  3. who are you complaining about? the people who are pissed of, because BW have failed to provide a servicce over and over, and have messed it up, and communicte it so badly.

    Or the actual company, that have done all the above.....


    He/she is angry because they claim to not be able to log in and made a ranting thread threatening a "class-action lawsuit" that, appropriately, got laughed at by the community. They then went on to call the community "idiots" etc., thus stoking the fire even more. Best to just smile, nod and move on.

  4. But yeah if you spend 100 bucks a week, I would do something about t hat. It's not healthy and this sort of thing is the reason why I'm against lootboxes (cartel packs) and too many and overpriced micro-transactions. It's the only SW MMO on the market, so I either accept the bad with it or I leave. So I accept the bad with it but I don't stop calling it bad.


    This is a broad, sweeping generalization that in no way applies to everyone. Yes, if you're spending the majority of your check each week--or even just a large %--on MMO fluff then you MAYBE have an issue. And I say "maybe" because even in that scenario you have no idea what life situation a person is in. Maybe they're in a situation where that's okay for them to do.


    Beyond that--some folks can just afford it, and not think twice about it. I used to drop $400 - $500 a month on cc back in the day, because frankly the game (at the time) was the only thing I cared to do with my leisure time.


    The REAL problem with threads like this is they're usually just an excuse to try and flex on the rest of the playerbase like, "Hey, guys, guess how much I spend!!!"

  5. I'd really like to see the full video for context. Did you have chats showing, by the way? Is it possible anything inappropriate was said in any chat channel?


    Although Youtube has definitely gone full stupid with their anti-freedom-of-speech rules, the chat window sounds like more a possibility. Considering some of the utter trash that is allowed in Gen chat, I could see someone flagging it.

  6. this is what it did for me and if i enter one that worked it says it was used.


    I got the same message with NYCANTINA16 so I'm assuming that one is still good. CELEBRATIONCANTINA16, the '18 and '19 codes just looped back to the enter code page.

  7. they certainly aren't going to add new features/functionality to an already poorly maintained system.


    Except for the fact they have actually added features and functionalities over the last few years. They went back and added new hooks to Manaan, added smaller hooks within Centerpiece hooks, added speeders, training dummies, the ability to set your access point in different locations, interactive areas such as the Killik cave "set amount of Killiks" feature and working light switches in the Rishi apartments--I'm sure there are other things as well. The point is--just because they haven't added the feature or function that you want doesn't mean they haven't at all, and it's that tiny bit of work that gives some of us hope that they might some day added something we really need.

  8. You guys must be new around here. The Massive Artillery Turret has been missing its barrels since 2016. It's even advertised in the CM without its barrels. If they haven't fixed something that simple in FOUR years, what makes you think they are going to add some new, useful feature to SH decorating?


    That decor is not broken. The model was used as the base for both a multi-barrel cannon and a rocket launcher,

    . What we got is the rocket launcher version. They just didn't animate the decor so people mistakenly believe those tiny barrels on the front are the "cannons" when they're really not. I assume they're supposed to be some sort of laser or other guidance devices for the turrets.
  9. Supporting the idea of a new name purge. Last one is 3 years old now anyway.


    Indeed, the last one was during the server merges (it's been 3 years already? Damn...). A name purge would help a lot of players who have been wanting to reclaim a name they lost, especially if the names sit on inactive accounts atm.


    It's been 2 years and 5 months. I know that's still a long while but rounding it up seven months just to fit an argument is a little much. Just saying.

  10. The absolute best solution to this is to add an items list of every decor placed in the SH. This is one of the MANY better features RIFT has in their housing dimensions. You pull up the list, scroll until you find what you want to adjust/pick up and select it. This feature should be an absolute go-to, basic function in any game's housing system.


    Btw, this is the exact reason I ended up stuck with Basic Ceiling Lights on my Alderaan grand hall ceiling. I even built a scaffold system so I could climb up and try reaching them better, still no go. They simply cover the entire hook, and it was way too far into building to pick everything up.


    Btw--for that "Save Layout" function--yeah, RIFT has that too. If you build something out of random materials that you like (I built baby cradles, stoves, pianos, you name it) you can select all those items and save it as a layout so that you can just one-click build a piano in another dimension (Stronghold). You can do the same thing by selecting every item in a Dim (minus whatever you don't want), saving the layout, and one-click laying every single item out again in their correct places in another Dim (you can have multiples of the same one).


    I'm sure though someone will come along though and tell me, "But Hero engine can't do that."

  11. I lost the title on a toon which received it in late 3.0, and the title on another toon that received it in 4.0...


    Here was the response to the ticket:

    My name is Abhishikt. Thanks for contacting the Star Wars: The Old Republic customer service team concerning the

    The Eternal Warrior title.


    I understand your concern here however these rewards are removed by the studio team and if your rewards are removed from the game by the studio team then it means either you or someone from your group was involved in exploiting . Further, had there been an option to add the rewards from my end I would have surely added that for you however the option is not available for us to do so.


    For any further queries with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, you can always contact us or check our website : https://www.swtor.com/


    Should you require further assistance with this or any other issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again. Once again thankyou for contacting the Star Wars: The Old Republic customer service team.


    We would love to hear your feedback on our Customer Service and invite you to fill out the survey which will help us to continually improve our support!

    Survey Link


    Thank you,


    Abhishikt G

    Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Customer Service


    So I earned the title once upon a time ago, and I still lose it? Neat. Really cool.B


    I'm confused by the "someone in your group" comment. Were you in some group helping others exploit? If so, sorry but I don't feel too badly for you if yours was mistakenly taken away. If you weren't, then that's another matter entirely. That's some absolute garbage that Bioware needs to address.

  12. Hey, I just got squelched on Star Forge server for trying to recruit in 'allies' chat. ***. This is totally WRONG.


    I cannot talk to any of my guildies - or anyone in group. I cannot even whisper for help.


    I was NOT even spamming for money - just posting recruitment messages in Allies chat. Some guy told me i was


    squelched and i was unable to talk anymore in any chat.


    Can something be done about this? this has the effect of players ordering other players around and telling them what to do.


    Is there any way to get rid of the 'squelch' option? This ability is very easily abused by players who do not like you.


    Obviously the staff should get rid of this easily abused 'Squelch' ability


    I'm assuming by "recruitment messages" you mean guild recruitment messages. Sorry, but this was proper use of a squelch. People don't appreciate guild spam at all in Allies chat, it's not the place for it.

  13. There's probably a lot of players who don't do much group content and have never stepped foot in an Ops who are having a blast farming KP and meeting new people. I know I personally have had a lot of laughs running them.


    Congratulations on killing some group content because people were enjoying it too much.

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