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Posts posted by Sinhammer

  1. the game does warn you once you get to like 2200 tech frags. every time you get fragments after that it flashes on screen and tells you that you are close to the limit. i haven't had an issue spending the fragments in time and i only have two level 75 characters, would be even easier if i leveled another toon to spend some on.


    creative way to stockpile though, i was unaware of that. kind of is lame that they changed it


    Fairly certain it doesn't warn you until you cross the 4000 mark. It doesn't even make sense for it to warn you at less than half the total cap.

  2. The fun part of the " ugh, ugh, make it harder" crowd, is, that they are the first to find cheats around difficult mechanics/ bosses to avoid them completely. They are also the endless grinders of Hammer Station because- big surprise- it`s the easiest FP.


    LOLOL so much this. I'm one of those people who loved soloing harder content--solod the Dantooine Heroics, I have the One and Only title, etc. etc. But the idea that making the game an absolute boring slog-fest would make the game "funner" is ridiculous. The people who wanted the game more "difficult"--and I use that term very loosely--could have ran around in sub-par gear for Heroics etc., or ran around with a level 10 or even a level 1 comp. Now those solo players and people with handicaps who NEED help have no such recourse.


    I don't consider the game more difficult now, just extremely boring and tiresome. Oh yay, I get to take 15 mins to do CZ-198 instead of 7 and a half. Wooooooo such amazing fun.


    As the game stands now all it does is waste our time.

  3. Read this thread and for kicks and giggles logged in on my main. I did "normal" game stuff by doing Onderon, CZ-198, and Ziost dailies. No FPs or anything.


    Typical gameplay: looted everything, chatted with guildies, had an objective stolen by a scummy player so had to wait around for a respawn, had to switch instances because of broken quest objectives, etc.


    Total time: 1 hour and 15 mins


    CQ pts, with boost: Just over 24k


    So based on that it would take roughly 2 hours to make 50k.


    However, I ran a SINGLE FP after the 3 world dailies and made another 16k, so I'm at 40k after just an hour and a half of gameplay.


    Anyone who says 50k is hard just isn't playing the game, simple as that.

  4. Nonsense...Disney and EA are perfectly happy with SWTOR, they have a MMO that is already complete with a engine that can be easily upgraded, even the major events have become Canon.


    Source for this statement? Everything I've ever read or heard has stated the engine is notoriously hard to work with. The Hero engine this game is built on was so heavily modified that it's unrecognizable as the original Hero engine they started with--so much so that the developers of Hero washed their hands of it and refused to support it.

  5. I really want to buy my partner some CC but it has to be a surprise. I read in a thread you can get them at several different stores, couldn't find them anywhere, and then realized I'd derped and the posts were from 2014 xD There is a listing on Amazon but it says they're not available. Can anyone offer any advice?


    I haven't seen physical cards in a long time. If you're really wanting to hand them the gift, you could always buy a digital card (sold on Amazon, I buy them all the time), and then make your own card of some sort with the digital code on it.


    Just a thought.

  6. So you just have estimates?? Not legit factual numbers that state what you're claiming? If so link them. I'd like to see it.


    Revenue = gross really yes. But it's still a profit. So a 1B profit, is still decent especially for a game that does NOT have as much financial success as WoW. (Because EA won't give it, I assume.)

    Either way I don't see it as a failure. That's not saying it hasn't had failure moments, but over all 1B is a decent number for an ALMOST 8yr game.


    No. That isn't how it works at all. That $1B is BEFORE expenditures. You are confusing "gross profit" with "net profit" and one of those is far more important than the other. If your operating expenditures slowly cancel out any net profit then the product becomes worthless to continue putting out.


    The cost of the game is not up for debate. Forbes listed it as between $300M and $400M. Market Watch estimated nearly $500M. At the very least it was $300M+ (EA said $200M but you have to include the marketing budget). You can look up the info just like I did. That is money the company needed to recoup. It didn't magically fall out of the air. The game costs money to maintain every year as well. Again, that money doesn't just fall out of the sky.


    All such numbers will ALWAYS be just best estimates because these kinds of companies refuse to release real down-to-the-last-penny dollar amounts for production costs. It's the same way with movie studios. The only thing we can ever do is estimate how much they really cost.

  7. Note that any game making a billion is impressive, but it's less impressive when you factor in that it's taken 8 years to get to that point. When WoW was at it's most successful it was at around 12 million subscribers. If 12 million people are paying $15, that's a billion right there in just the span of a year from subs alone.


    Also if they like SWTOR so much how come they're not willing to invest more money in it? how come SWTOR isn't part of EA's press conferences at shows like E3? Why does it constantly feel like SWTOR is this product that EA forgets even exists?


    The reality of the situation is that they (EA) like SWTOR because it makes them money without them having to invest any significant amount of money & resources into it beyond it's initial development cost.


    I knew when I read that $1B thread on Reddit people were going to be quoting it forever as if it truly meant something, when it really doesn't. The game cost upwards of $400M just to produce, and I've seen estimates as high as $500M. Right off the bat that "1 billion dollars" is cut by a good 40%. So right off the game really made $600M in 8 years. But WAIT--how much has it cost to keep the lights on? Pay the employees? How much did that big datacenter move cost them in 2017? Everything adds up and that $600M net gets smaller and smaller and smaller.

  8. Are heroic Star Fortresses way harder than they used to be? I don't remember ever wiping on them hardly ever back in the day, and today I was doing one with another person and our 2 companions and we were getting wrecked on the final boss. We finally got it done, but yeah I honestly don't remember them being this miserable.


    Everything is more difficult (read: tedious) now, and comps were made weaker. You can thank 6.0 for that. Making old content take longer = "new content".

  9. Beautiful post. Agree 1000%.


    I am so sick of Hammer Station I could throw up. It's hilarious that I have all of the FPs equipped, queue totally random, and still get Hammer over and over and over...


    Remember how sick we were of Kuat? Now it's Hammer time.


    If you're looking to not run Hammer you might watch for pops with non-75s. Might take you a lot longer to get one, but the chances are better of a non-all-75 group being something other than HS than it is a team loaded with end-gamers. Just a thought.

  10. Now am not 100% sure about amazon but was it actually amazon selling it or a seller just using amazon. It might even be that your account was logged in from another location and that's what triggered it


    He said he bought cc and his sub time from Amazon. Those are legit items sold by Amazon's digital services. I buy my cc there every single month, and I've purchased cc and time card codes for others through it. And even if it was some random seller with a store selling "time cards" or codes all he'd end up with is a code that didn't work, not a banned account. You seem more to be referring to buying CREDITS, which is way different than purchasing cc. There's a lot of players who sell credits on various sites, and all of those are a good way to get your account locked.

  11. I have never used the RNG vendor, there is really no need. You get plenty of drops from just playing the game to eventually get through to the next rating. I am currently on my way to 2nd BiS character, including getting most amps.


    Unfortunately the drops are rng, so--some of us have had to use it. I got stuck in a rut where all of my gear was 276+ except my belt, and everything I was getting had no mods to rip. Finally bought the rng belt just to have something with a higher iRating. Had to do the same thing with a relic as well.

  12. Sorry, I'm going to use this post to agree with both you and sharkfishman. That's exactly what it is. Has to be. I used Force Speed in Shadow Town on Nar Shaddaa and somehow got a huge mass of the yellow inmates aggroing on me. Fun stuff :p


    It's definitely what it is. We do an all-stealthers OPs run each week in my guild for fun and this is one of the things we warn about. If you have that SP applied don't Force Speed through mobs.

  13. On Onderon, near the Crashed Ship, you can hear what sounds like a little kitten meowing (It could be a bird but I choose to believe it is a cute little kitten). His little meows are begging for help and for you to find him!!! Is there a kitten hidden somewhere or is it just background jungle noises? If there isn't, they totally need to had him so we can find him!! :rolleyes:


    I know exactly what you're talking about. I was doing the dailies on Onderon and heard a sound during one of them that sounded like a kitten's high-pitched meows. I assume it's supposed to be a bird or something. That's kind of a given in audio departments that they use and mix whatever sounds for fictitious beasties. Those feather-headed whatevers on Onderon, for example, sound like zebras or donkeys (can't remem which now without logging back in).

  14. Okok, lets stop the misleading. You were teased something was in development.


    A 6.0 expansion was mentioned by the devs 19 months ago. It was early 2018, not this year. It was just the official release announcement that was this year. But people have indeed been looking forward to 6.0 for over a year and a half. They even teased it would be a "traditional expansion" 19 months ago.


  15. Gosh. You're right. Those are some serious issues there. They deserve more upvotes and attention. I mean, some guy doesn't like the city maps. This is a serious issue!


    Again, and maybe I need to say it slower--I am not saying they are serious issues. All I did was run a simple search and pick some examples of downvoting. Never ONCE did I say "zomg look at this major issue being swept under the rug!". People getting downvoted for simple things makes people NOT want to post anything that might be seen as controversial. It's as simple as that. Thus, more critical thoughts and expressions here where posts and threads won't get shunted to page 5. Some guy says he doesn't like the new music on Reddit? 50% downvote the poor sap. Here? At least they're forced to engage in conversation if they want to air their grievances with his/her opinion.


    This really isn't rocket science.

  16. One more example, just for kicks and giggles.


    This guy asked for class help/opinions. He even apologized for sounding picky, and then ended it with a thank you:


    This is probably very long and rambley, but I just really wanted to see what the community had to say. For those of you who got down this far, thanks for reading this, it means a lot. Feel free to add your thoughts in the comments, anything and everything is appreciated.


    42% of voters downvoted this dude.


    But yeah, it's not an issue there at all.

  17. A trivial, inconsequential complaint that noone with a brain cares about and should be downvoted.


    Seriously? His character is bald and you're expecting anyone to take him seriously?


    It was one random searched example...you realize this right? I could care less the dude's char is bald. I remem once giving some legit advice about a particular OP when someone asked for help and I got downvoted like crazy. I bet a lot of people don't bother because of that kind of garbage. I know I don't anymore.


    **EDIT** To those interested--all I did was go to the sub and search for "don't like".


    Another example, guy gave criticism just a day ago, 44% downvoted him.


    This guy said he doesn't like city maps and explained why. 62% downvoted him.


    This person said he didn't like datacrons and asked if he needed them. Over a third of the votes were downvotes because...reasons I guess?


    Tell me again how downvoting isn't an issue there.

  18. The SWTOR Reddit is notorious for people downvoting people into oblivion for no reason at all. You can give helpful suggestions on there and get downvoted by trolls. Same with a lot of subreddits really, but the SWTOR one is one of the worst I've seen. Think someone even made a thread there about it recently. One thing is for certain--criticism there is NOT welcome.


    Perfect example: Dude mentions he doesn't like his character made bald by an armor set, asks for suggestions, gets 50% downvoted.


    THAT is why you don't see heavy criticism there. Your point is moot.

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