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Posts posted by Sinhammer

  1. Every time I read about kids buying junk on mobile games I'm reminded about the story of the company who made games for cats getting into trouble years back because people's cats were pulling down the menu by accident and ordering add-ons etc. for like $1 a pop, hahaha. People were raging because their cats were running up bills. They had to issue an update that made it a lot harder to order than just one-click so they could be sure humans were doing the ordering, lolol.
  2. I'm assuming for some of us this is a bug. I had HK-51 available and had him stuck in my Manaan Stronghold (haven't bothered to look to see if he's still there or not). Once I started KotFE/KotET he is no longer available from my comps decor list, while all my other original comps are (Quinn, Pierce etc., as holos), including Treek and my Akk dog. HK-55, however, is now available in his place. Either intentional or not I think the game subs one for the other.


    One more thing--I haven't bothered getting 51 on another toon to see if I can get him back on the decor list.

  3. What I do is limit my spam reporting to about 10 targets... so that I always have ticket headroom to spare. I would prefer the studio treat spam reports as not counting as a ticket to your account, but this work around works fairly well... and I really don't report mail spam any more.. I just delete it without reading.


    That's what I started doing, just deleting them and ignoring people in game. Unfortunately, I came back to game at the beginning of August and have a backlog of open tickets from then until now because I've been reporting every one I've gotten. I just found out about the ticket problem (and that reporting opened tickets) two days ago. Hopefully they cleanse all that stuff soon.

  4. I'm in a different boat about this quest. I qualified, got the in-game mail saying as much, I went through the process of reacquiring HK-55 v.2, and still haven't received the quest. I also can't open a ticket because my allotted tickets are full. I didn't know reporting spam opened UNCLOSEABLE TICKETS. Not only do I have a bunch of supposed tickets open, I can't close them. Some stupid error.
  5. I was going to say something similar. I'm a female powerlifter and he has the physique of the male powerlifters at my gym. They have the muscles but often don't cut the fat gains that go along with it like bodybuilders typically do so they're just big. I love it.


    This is pretty much me. I have plenty of "padding". But I can rep big weights all day like they're nothing. And that's how I see Body4. They specifically added that muscle definition for a reason. Go watch any powerlifting event and you'll see plenty of big guys with similar shape. He isn't just "fat". Why people choose to see it that way is beyond me. Just Google Scott Mendelson for a good example. Dude's been a world record holder plenty of times, and has an equipped 1000+ lb. bench. And yeah, he's looked fat off and on in his career, and matched Body4 pretty well.

  6. I don't understand the insistence on calling Body Type 4 "fat". Have people not seen it shirtless? The body is ripped. The only one it looks mildly fat on is Cathar, and that's because the "fur" covers the muscle. It looks like a powerlifter's body. I work at a gym, and I see every body type imaginable. Anyone with that kind of shape and musculature are usually the strongest people coming in.
  7. I love the original stuff, I was okay with RotHC, and enjoyed SoR. KotFE/KotET for me just don't work story-wise. I freely admit I'm on my first toon working through the stuff, but I don't see Valkorian treating classes like BH, Trooper and Agent the same way as he does the JK, Warrior etc. I know those other classes accomplish big things in the game, but the idea that he has the same conversations with them about having watched them, they alone being worth his interest or whatever, just doesn't smack of reality to me. Or the conversations with Marr and Satele. The story fits with the JK or the whole "Wrath" thing, but I just don't buy it with ALL classes. For me the "one size fits all" approach in that regard is extremely weak.
  8. Just to be clear--I wasn't suggesting the game should have had nudity etc. like Bioware's other offerings. I was simply comparing the same-sex options. As for Asian countries banning it--that makes little sense to me considering the type of material that is prevalent in those countries.
  9. I've assumed since returning that the crazy prices are people hoping the RPers will shell out in desperation (I've done this in games, so not surprising if so) and also hoping guilds will band together and buy them. 50m ridiculous for a statue? Not when 10 people are pitching in for their guild ship.
  10. What I never understood was by the time SWTOR was released Bioware had already released several games with same-sex romance options. Some of those included nudity etc. in their sex scenes. The fact they balked on the same with SWTOR is odd imo. Especially when you look at the agent/Kaliyo dynamic. Even as a female agent I swear there's a hint of flirtatiousness there between the two, which makes me wonder if something was cut and left on the floor. It makes me think that the no-same-sex thing came from the Lucas company rather than Bioware.
  11. Well, your character only has a brief cameo at the end; the rest of the time you would play HK-55 just like everyone who put the quest on Youtube.


    Now, IF Bioware had told us that we would also get a companion and a personnel decoration, I might not have let my sub lapse during that time; no regrets about the chapter itself, though.


    What personnel decoration? I have HK-55 and the letter saying I had access blah blah but I didn't receive any special decoration that I'm aware of.

  12. So the JK "kills" him, we magically release him at the end of SoR, he goes on a rampage and eats Ziost, etc.--how in all that time-frame was he also Emperor Valkorian? He's been the Emperor of Zakuul for a few centuries, right? Or am I wrong on that one?


    Is he able to multi-possess (like on Ziost) across galactic distances? In other words--that was only part of him that we fought with all this time and another "part" was living the high life on Zakuul? Did he take trips?

  13. They really do need to do something to rein in the ridiculous decorations pricing, and unlocks seems to be the best option. A good example is the Yavin Head Sculpture. Thankfully I only wanted one for the stronghold and pulled one from a pack. But someone has it up for 100m right now on my server. There's no way any silver-tier item is worth that. I came back to the game 2 months ago after a long absence and was appalled at the laughable decor prices. Thankfully I had the credits to not worry about it already, but I can't imagine what it must be like for any new players.


    Unless, of course, they don't want new players...

  14. I started CXP 3 days ago (2 days ago really) playing when I can, and am already at level 30 and have 5 or 6 different pieces of the T1(?) MK-3 stuff. I don't know if that's good rng or not, but I've been happy with it. I thought something was glitched the first time I turned in a 5 min. quest and leveled from like 20%, lol.
  15. So I came back to game from a long hiatus and one of the first things I did was tackle building a stronghold (seeing the Manaan stronghold trailer is what made me come back), something I wanted to do way back when they were first implemented. My question is--is there a reason or benefit to making them public? I was tossing it in the ol' Google but not coming up with a definitive answer. Just lots of things about prestige.
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