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Everything posted by Shadowfoxs

  1. I agree. We do need more crit or a crit buff in our tree. In fact our tree needs a makeover. The buff for sneak is useless, the extra speed for disappearing act is also useless. They need to change our tree.
  2. my tech bonus damage is at 1111.3 and I got my multiplier up to 71%. but new thing. since dev stopped us from stacking relics what else are we supposed to use beside the ones with power buffs. Do we use the one that gives energy tech damage?
  3. My tech crit chance is 25.51. multiplier is 66.03. alacrity is 6.88 (though im going to get rid of most of it). cunning is 2452. expertise is 2018. and all is the same with bolster. right now im trying to get all power and surge and getting rid of alacrity and critical and accuracy.
  4. I've wondered how some of u guys get 8k crits in pvp. the highest ive gotten was a little over 6k (and that's rare). I have the conquerer blaster and shotgun and full Partisan gear but still haven't gotten real high in crits. When I play as my sniper and my shadow(both are lower then 55) they get the 8k crits.
  5. Those are good ideas. They also do need to get rid of the talent that buffs endurance by 4%. Its pretty useless. I think they need to redo scrappers talent and they need to study it hard before they make the changes permanent.
  6. I do ok in wz's (if my enemy is alone) but the dev could make our class tree a little better. Another thing, I wish they would give us a finisher. it would help a lot when taking down healers (which I have a very hard time defeating).
  7. I agree. Scrappers need to be buffed. since the expansion, and us scoundrels got scamper, some our scrapper tree points are useless. And since the decrease in the crits our chance to get a critical hit is really low even if u maxed it out. That's why im trying to go with alacrity and power. I do hope they make some changes on the next update. p.s. Many ppl think that the scoundrels are better (cause of all the scoundrels in the fleet) but there mostly healers because the healers do way, way better in pvp then the scrappers. When I do pvp's its a rare day I see other scrappers or concealments. And if your reading this and your a scrapper then help us with your comments.
  8. Now these are the things I hope the dev reads and considers making some changes to our spec tree. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please add them. Now these are things I believe should be changed (sadly I don't have many ideas of what they should be changed too, but do know why they should be changed). First is the Sneak buff in Flee the Scene and Fight or Flight. Flee the Scene reduces the cd for Sneak by 15 seconds while Fight or Flight totally finishes the cd whenever you come out of stealth. So honestly we don't need the Sneak buff on Flee the Scene. So they need to change that. Second is the speed boosts/ability. There is up to three or four speed boosts/ability for us scrappers (meaning Scamper, Fight or Flight, Flee the Scene, and Holdout Defense). Now since the expansion, Scamper has become a really important ability to me. It has got me out of tight spots many times. And now I see we don't really need the speed boosts from Flee the scene and Fight or Flight. When I use my disappearing act I usually follow up with scamper because scamper is faster and you go a lot farther then a speed boost from Flee the Scene. And the speed boost from Fight or Flight I don't even need it because of Scamper. If my enemies try to run away Scamper gets me right back next to them. So I think they need to make some changes from those two talents. Third is the Surprise Comeback. It would last longer before the expansion but It would only give 2% hp every 3 seconds (I think). Now that Pugnacity only lasts for 15 seconds and has a 2 minute cd, I rarely get the heal boost. It is slightly better but gets rarely used. I do wish they would give pugnacity's cd a reduction in some way. Then surprise comeback would be used more often. Fourth, us Scrappers need a higher crit chance. Plain and Simple.
  9. scrappers are really cool to play as. My scrapper has been my main since the beginning. And it is hard to stay alive in pvp group fights. one thing I like to do is not show myself and sneak behind the enemy team and I wait for one of them who is close to death and tries to hide. that's when I come in and finish them off. But through all of this I do feel we need some big changes. I think i'n gonna start a new thread about the changes they need to give us. oh and one other thing , don't forget to use your sabotage charge. It does a lot of damage and a lot of scrappers forget to use it.
  10. A few ideas I have. First, ppl keep complaining about our OP roll(which I like and thinks its fine). what if they changed it in that you get three stacks of scamper. when u use one it starts a cd for it for like 10 or 15 secs. if use two or three it'll still go through cd but it'll bring back all three, and it resets after use. and it should cause zero energy use ( why should rolling with ur body cause energy from ur blaster be depleted lol) Second, the speed boost from fight or flight isn't very good now that we have roll. now I don't have an idea on what it should be but they should change it. Third, Supreme combat is also pretty useless though it was a must have before 2.0. so they autta change this. I would like it to reduce the cd for pugnacity and that would be a good combine to the health boost. And fourth, we need some defense boost. we die so freakishly fast its not funny. I usually die within those 4 sec stuns and that happens a lot ( and I do use my stun breaker) once I was at about 80% HP when 2 smasher leaped on me and they both coincidedly used smash which killed me instantly well those are some of my ideas for the scrapper changes.
  11. I cant wait for the expansion. One thing not many ppl are mentioning is that there changing alacrity and us scrappers and concealments are getting some buffs with it. So we don't get much extra dps buffs, we do get some faster dps. I'm hoping this alacrity will help us do better in pvp's. lol I was in the PTS once it came in and I did a wz on that pylon map, well I was fighting a sorcerer and I had his hp at 50%. So the sorc stunned me and used force speed to escape from me. well I knew what he was gonna do , so I used escape and in two rolls I was right back next to him and finished him off. I've got big hope for our roll.
  12. i try and i try to kill OP healers but they keep on outdoing me. i use every ability i have and try to interrupt there channel healing and yet there health keeps staying at about 50% or more. And i hate it when they stun or cc you and heal themselves to 100% in all that time. Now i have full WH gear with about three EWH gear pieces (the blaster,shotgun and one relic) but it still doesn"t seem to get my dps high enough to kill them. Now I can do very well against other classes and have saved many teammats and wz rounds but when healers come in i feel so weak to them and since it starts taking time on them one of there teammates usually sees me and kills me or i disapear. With other classes i can kill them pretty easy (especially my BH powertech), except my tank guardian but i dont expect him to. If any other scrappers or concealments oit there who know how to kill them quickly please tell me. Though i kinda think scoundrels need to be buffed. P.S My freind has played a OP concealment and he thinks there weak also. Amd i have killed a few healers but when i do it seems really easy as if they have lower gear then me.
  13. yeah i get that sound too. it's probably a glitch
  14. hey this is my first time ever doing a thread so wish me luck. I'm running this thread to see if any have a cool idea (yet reasonable) for a new utility for scrapper/concealment.This is my idea. (Its sorta like the subtle rogues on WoW) Harpoon Cable range: 25m coolown: 24sec's Shoots a harpoon cable at your target and pulls you to the back of your target and immobilizes your target for one second. Can be used in stealth. I think this ability should be placed in the fifth tier row Please give your opinions and your utility ideas. Thank you.
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