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Everything posted by underjollyroger

  1. with all the gear grind that's needed before you can start actually having fun in WZs as a fresh 50 I actually understand these guys. Noone wants to spend 15 mins of his time getting devastated in his recruit gear over and over again. Pitty for the rest of the team ofc.. Maybe BW should introduce PVP missions for companions to grind those commendations for us and the players won't have to do something like this
  2. I do not play a mara/sent and don't find them OP at all. Actually with my hybrid tank jugg (BM) I don't think I have ever lost a 1:1 against a mara/sent. Even against WHs. Actually I find them even a bit too squishy compared to other classes tbh..
  3. Bodyguard/PVP 1. How do you think your Mercenary spec is perceived by other classes? Own team - they prefer having an Operative healer 2. How do you perceive your own spec? I rolled a bodyguard, because it sounded like a though character who can stand his own and protect his allies (not so much interested in killing). And he really looks tough. Unfortunately it turned out to be a kolto spamming baby that everyone must take care of. The playstyle of a bodyguard comes down to: 1. Stay hidden in the most boring places of the map where noone can see you and spam your 3 healing buttons. 2. When someone sees you - ALWAYS run away in the face of danger and NEVER try to fight back. Now...who chooses a "Bodyguard" to behave like this? Not me for sure so I rolled a Jugg and don't play this joke anymore. The name "bodyguard" of this build is just absolutely not suitable and leads to misinterpretations and disappointments.
  4. How about taking Decimate instead of Savagery? Since we have the free smash anyway..
  5. My bro had this several times in hut ball - died during one of these ages long stuns, then respawned lying on the floor stuck. Only leaving the WZ helped. Which makes me leave the WZ too then.
  6. I use this build too after my 31 Immortal was nerfed with 1.3 and like it very much! Now when I occasionally manage to hit other players I actually see their health decrease a bit ))
  7. ..maybe because the people who won 0/10 had already logged out in frustration and only happy winners jumped around on the fleet begging to be asked?
  8. I have a merc, a jugg and a shadow all 50. PVPing with my shadow is as if I am immortal and can stand against 4 ppl. With the jugg it's ok,but with the merc I feel totally useless and die in 3,4 seconds when someone sees me. Also lightning sorcs are very easy kills. Pitty, because the purple lightning contributed to my Star Wars feeling a lot and now I don't see it that much anymore.. No wonder the game lost so many subscribers - they made the two favorite classes of most ppl weak (mercs and lightning sorcs).
  9. I had this one too - very funny - I take the ball - the "enemy" team has it, I score and the "enemy" team gets a point At the end I got the win though, it must be only a UI bug.
  10. /bump It's the WZ with the highest potential and I hope BW realize this. Just look at how many people it has inspired with brilliant improvement ideas. "User Innovation" in action! (What the OP listed, fleet screens, betting, ...) Innovative concepts other than the simple "go kill everyone fast, die, run again to killkillkill and so on" that the other WZs can generally be reduced to.
  11. PVPing before level 50 was great fun and I enjoyed it really very much. Sometimes we won, sometimes we lost, but it was always intense and never predetermined even if we had people < level 15 in our team. I really liked the balance of this game. Then I got to level 50, gave all my credits for recruit gear, could also afford some BM stuff and ... seriously?! It was pointless! One of the matches most of us were recruits and with combined forces we managed 1(!) kill hahahhhah What made it even worse is that people who owned us I had seen in the < 50 games and they really are not exceptionally skilled. Just got to 50 two weeks earlier. People may argue that it is "easy" to get the necessary gear, probably just one week or so, but hey, I value my time and cannot force myself to spend it with frustrating activities such as this.
  12. It's exactly the pulling/pushing/leaping/sprinting abilities and their combination with the obstacles that makes hutt ball so much fun. Without these it would be dead boring.
  13. For my <lvl50 Juggernaut/Shadow it is (1 is best 4 - worst): 1. Hutt Ball (love it) 2. Alderaan 3. Voidstar 4. Novarecoast (hate it) When I play with my lvl50 BH healer its the exactly REVERSE order (the comment included). Anyway I don't really play this toon since 1.2.
  14. And I don't see how anyone could play a game that has a race of fluffy little teddy bears - "asure" or whatever they're called. It may be a game, a fantasy and such, but that's just toooo much! Cannot stop laughin when I imagine how an evil necromancer gets ****d in pvp by some enraged-mini-panda LOL Other games can never compete with the Star Wars universe, man! It's like a BMW against a Toyota - it may have certain goodies and features, but overall - incomparable hahah May the force be with you!
  15. true...and that's why I don't play my merc bodyguard anymore, who is actually my main char and the only one at 50.
  16. PVP gear is the absolute fun killer in PVP for me: - when I defeat an undergeared guy I feel bad. When I see I'm winning because of my gear I often run away, before I make the kill, because it's pointless and I know it will only frustrate the other guy who tried everything, but stood no chance from the beginning. And I don't play to make others feel miserable, but to have fun myself and feel challenged. - When I get defeated by someone just standing around pushing 1111112 I cannot say I have a lot of PVP fun either. As soon as a game with NO PVP gear and special STATS comes out I'll never get back to these traditional games. In PVP I need titles, cosmetic augments and so on.
  17. Hey guys, My toon is a lvl50 BH healer too and since 1.2 I get only frustration and no fun at all playing it. Pre 1.2 I used to play a couple of WZs almost every day. Since 1.2 came out I've played exactly 8 and even though I had in mind to keep playing "to get used to the new system" I just somehow stopped. Totally lost motivation. Earlier I could heal and sometimes even use some damaging skills, run around, throw a Death From Above or something - do some action PVP as a healer! Now all I can do is stay out of sight and do nothing, but spam my 3 healing buttons. Why? Because as soon as someone sees me I immediately die in a few seconds. Healing does not help me. Healing teammates being attacked by a DPS does not do anything either - they die and then I die (and we are 2 vs 1). Now I don't play anymore, because pushing 3 buttons for 15 mins and running from the penalty area to some other boring area where you cannot be seen is just no fun at all. If it wasn't for the Rakghoul event I would not even have logged in anymore. To check my survivability we did some duels with a friend of mine who is a casual player (like myself) - a sorcerer DPS (not an OP class). We both have ~800 expertise. He killed me with no effort at all by standing on one place and not moving at all (only except when sometimes I hid behind obstacles to heal myself). Then he respecced with some random gear giving him <300 expertise. This time I managed with great effort to reduce his health to about 60%, but he killed me effortlessly several times again - by generally just standing on one place and not moving except to target me if necessary. So..what's the point to go into warzones and be destroyed by everyone? Do I really want to do this? The number of PVP matches I've played recently answers this.
  18. "In the end it boils down to this : I PAY BIOWARE to play this game. If i'm not enjoying my play time then I'll leave." ...exactly what I was thinking.. So it's time for my first post in the forums - I play the game since the beginning of Jan and totally enjoyed it ...until yesterday.. A couple of days ago I hit lvl 50 with my BH healer and even if I'm just mid geared for lvl 50 PVP yet (~350 expertise) yesterday evening I queued for WZs to earn some commendations or whatever's needed to buy some lvl 50 armor/weapons etc. and be in line with the others. What happened then is that I had to play 6 hutt balls in a row, where my team always lost with 4/5/6:1/0 and even if i was trying my absolute best to heal ppl (and i very successfully and regularly did in PVP before lvl 50) everyone in my team (including me if targeted) was dying in seconds and did almost no damage to the opposing team. As a result I lost 1,5h of my thursday evening and got: 0 xp, 0 commendations, 0 credits. Now that was fun! Only I laughed at myself for becoming a mazohist and quit the game in frustration. I will point out not to be misunderstood - I don't mind loosing a match, but playing and getting absolutely nowhere kils the fun factor completely. I will play 10 more matches over the weekend and if it goes on like this lvl50 PVP in this game will go on without me. After doing some Operations PVE too I guess.
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