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Posts posted by Never_Hesitate

  1. Augment slots in items crafted before 1.3 that have not been manually upgraded by players are now the appropriate tier based on the level of the item (if no augments are installed) or the level of the augment that is currently installed in the augment slot.
  2. I agree.


    It would be great idea to give Pyrotech tree a support for Blaster or Shotgun. This way it could be used by both Merc and Powertech.



    More options is always good.


    And everybody would have to specc Pyrotech to do that?

    My other concern with the idea of giving the mercs a blaster rifle is:

    They can dual wield pistols and having a rifle in the main- and a pistol in the offhand would look ridiculous.

  3. I got news for you, Bounty Hunter/Trooper Healers that cannot be interrupted are fine too. Sages are COMPLETELY FINE and in fact I was spending a lot of time trying to kill one who would zip away and kite me around all through the Warzone. Every time I almost had him he made sure he was close enough to team mates who could guard him, taunt me, and focus fire me down.


    Sages are fine right now. It is players who have the problems currently. Not the classes.


    Sages and Sorcs aren't fine.

    1. We don't have any def cd's.

    2. We don't have any burst heal anymore

    3. We can't heal while moving.


    So where are we fine again?


    Ah, with our aoe we can get big heal numbers, which doesn't help the ball carrier for example.

    Sure we can sprint away, but after we casted one heal you're there again.

  4. Pyrotech is a spec, not a class (the class is called powertech, pyrotech is a tree spec shared by mercs and powertechs) - and yes they are pretty rough, but they do die eventually.


    What's your problem? He wrote the pyrotech specc.


    Marauders are easily countered once you learn how to - Powertechs have the least significant mechanics to counter them (unless you're heal-specced merc), but they can usually dps-race and win against them while face-tanking with some kiting.


    The Lolrauders just have a laughable amount of def cd.


    I'm curious to see what you would like their mirrors on the pub-side to be called (Vangaurd-the powertech mirror-'s mirror spec to pyro for p-techs is called Assault Specialist, and the mirror class to marauders are called sentinels - just an f.y.i.).


    That's a very interesting question.

  5. lol i skimmed through this but i keep seeing heals and dps.

    dps sucks if u cant kill a healer.

    healers are over powered. ect ect...


    there is a third aspect of pvp in swtor and its called a tank :D


    i am a guardian, i have several pocket healers i run with through out the day. i have seen every single one of them get smashed into pieces.

    BUT if i guard them like i am supposed to against the exact same group we will not die.


    the dps doesnt have to fail, and the healer doesnt have to be OP... alot of people dont understand the significance of a tank who is actually doing his job (with a healer who is working with him)


    a "true" tank is the backbone of the team. if the tank can keep the healer alive by guarding/taunting/actually paying attention the the healers health and the people attacking him/ knowing when to cc and slow, the healer can keep the dps alive.


    Thats the art of balance.

    I feel exactly the same:

    I play a sorc heal lvl 50 not yet BM.

    I get nuked by a singel mara, but if i have the tank with me it usually takes about 3 dps to kill me.


    If there are 5 dps's hitting and interruppting my heals, my tank dies because of guard before i'm dead and i can't do anything against it.

  6. Thank you! It seems some people never played rock, paper, scissors when they were kids.


    But in rock, paper, scissors you will probably loose if you only do rock all the time.

    A merc can beat you by just spamming one button.

  7. So if my Sorc isn't op at all, pvp'ers on my server have to be braindead monkeys without arms and legs who just play by rolling their head from left to right over the keyboard over and over again. Now it's up to you to decide.


    I actually play my Merc with this strategy. I bound every key on my keyboard to tm and keep rolling.

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