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Posts posted by Never_Hesitate

  1. Oh and with the 204 mainhands dropping from the Colossal Monolith, I can see the reason for this thread to not be worth anything anymore.


    I don't understand BW's reasoning behind putting the most wanted item of nim-quality on a world boss.

    But the stupidity seems in line with their decision to release half a planet and hold back the other half for a week or the new torque fire animations

  2. Hey folks,


    I wanted to give you an update on the Ziost exploit that was discovered. As mentioned in my post yesterday, we took action against those players who had participated and we are continuing to monitor for additional players throughout May 4th. In doing so, we have discovered more players who were exploiting last night. Since we had previously expressed that participation was considered an exploit, we are going to be increasing the action taken against these players. Those players will all be receiving a minimum of a one week suspension, along with the other actions which we listed yesterday.


    To reiterate, we will continue to monitor this issue throughout the morning of May 4th when the area goes live. Action will continue against players who participate in this exploit. Thank you all for helping us to keep The Old Republic a fun and fair place for everyone.




    Can't you just shut the instance gate until the 4th?

    The method was discovered back on the pts (or the "demo-server" as nothing that's on there ever seems to change until release)

  3. Eh?? Because it lowers TTK to unsustainable levels? Because it makes most DPS check non-issues??


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    (Adding to the collection ^^)


    Because we have power levels which aren't intended by the dev team (Over 9000)??? Because the dps raises to idiotic levels (see WoW)????

  4. After reading through these SWTOR forums I'd fear to be kicked as well. Seriously.




    Kicking someone because he's undergeared is not the same thing as kicking someone because he's there for the first time and doesn't know the mechanics.



    Underlurker isn't really a tanking challenge, per se. As far as tanking he's mostly tank 'n spank except for hiding behind rocks. What gets a lot of groups is just the DPS/Healing requirements--especially in 8 man.


    Good joke! are there really tanks who hide behind rocks on Lurker 8sm?

    His roar doesn't even really scratch my hp bar ;)


    Imo the problem a lot of groups have with underlurker is that the dps fall behind and through that the heals fall behind then add one failed cross and you have a wipe


    I agree, SM Ravagers is fine but ToS is not.


    Correct, ToS is not fine. an operation shouldn't be solo tankable while it's current content :D

  5. Content is tuned just fine...


    I agree for the most parts.


    I'm currently on 8/10 HM and it seems fine so far (working on Cora, haven't done Revan yet)


    Here is my list of things I would change (SM only):


    Ravagers is fine (except for Coratanni bugs, but that's not a tuning issue)


    Sword squadrons:

    - Increase the time between one of the walkers falling and the air strikes


    - Reduce the air strike dmg



    - Reduce the melee dmg done by the adds



    - Increase the dmg done by the adds



    - Increase the overall dmg done by everything (except for the voids)

  6. Das wird wohl auch der Grund sein, weshalb das amerikanische Forum nicht mehr moderiert wird.

    Aber die Amerikaner werden das sicherlich verstehen und können ja bei Bedarf gerne hier bei uns

    im deutschen oder im französischem Forum ihre Meinung/Kritik/Anregung äußern.


    Wo hast du den ein amerikanisches SWTOR-Forum gefunden?

    Ich sehe nur das Deutsche, das Französische und das Englische.

  7. Der Sicherheitstoken erhöht die Accountsicherheit eh nicht, der ist nur dafür, dass du kein 1-mal PW per Email mehr brauchst.


    Die komplette Accountsicherheit liegt in der Sicherheit deines Email-Kontos, da man den Sicherheitstoken über ein 1-mal PW entfernen kann.

  8. Why is this happening more and more? Why is it that people still don't know that it's better to have greens with a rating of 162 bolstered up to maximum expertise than super-dooper-PvE-gear with a rating > 192 bolstered to nothing?


    I don't have any sub-180 gear on my chars.

    Why should I farm old gear when I can just queue with my current gear until I have enough comms for pvp gear?

    (I'm not talking about ranked that would be a completely other topic)

  9. Du verlangst ernsthaft für jeden Server andere Quest, weil was anderes vorm Server steht? Made my day :D


    Danke für den Beweis das du absolut null Ahnung von MMOs hast ;)

    Und ich kann dir gratulieren, du stehst hiermit auf der gleichen Liste wie Holanos und Unterlord :D


    Nicht so schnell. Das ist eine exklusive Liste, so einfach kommt man da nicht drauf, das braucht schon mehrere solche Threads. :p



    Das PvP-Flag sollten sie aber wirklich mal verändern.

    Man sollte mMn ohne Flag einfach keine Geflaggten heilen oder angreifen können und es dafür manuell ein-/ausschalten können.

    So könnte man ungewolltes Flaggen verhindern.

    Das Auto-Flaggen, wenn man ein spezielles PvP-Gebiet betritt, ist ja logisch und kann gerne beibehalten werden

  10. Since when do you know the game ? Maybe you know it a bit too good ?


    And I often wonder when people defend OPs like they are now - do they know the game too well and falsly assume that everyone who is an casual players does have the same amount of knowledge about the game ?


    It's as if an Formulöa 1 car racing pilot was saying to Joe Public : "It really isn't that difficult to drive an Formula 1 racing car !"


    Alrik I think you're confusing "casual" with "bad"

  11. so re :D wollt nur nochmal festhallten das ich, wie immer eigendlich, vollkommen richtig lag mit meinen halbfinal ansagen.

    und dat wir weltmeister werden hab ich auch von anfang an gesacht!


    ich bin so ein krasses orakel :p

    und gleich wieder weg...bis september oder so, bin wieder urlaub, part 2:cool:


    Bist du zufällig ein Tintenfisch oder ein Meerschweinchen? :D

  12. HM FPs and SM ops are just way to boring for me, that's the reason I don't PuG them anymore.


    When I get a new char to lvl 55 I can just skip the HM FPs and jump right into the ops (because of Oricon and legacybound gear)


    PS: Every dps complaining about there not being enough healers/tanks should consider trying these roles himself, they're really fun in group content (and you get faster invites :p)


    B) don't use the trinity (guild wars 2)


    GW2 has a trinity:

    support, control, damage


    but the lines are blurry and you can have a bit of everything in your spec/gear or you can go full into one role.

    the sad part is that for most of the PvE content the damage (zerk) role is miles ahead of the other two, so fast/clean clears are only really achieved with a full zerker group

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