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Everything posted by boltonballer

  1. I had an issue over the past few weeks were i was not getting credit for any completed flashpoints towards my weekly quest. The issue for my case was if you have a story mode quest for the flashpoint it removes it from the options you can queue for. So this week i can queue for 7 options were there is 8 options. If you have the ruins of nul story quest this was the issue for me as when i completed it it fixed my options back to 8/8. I have tested it with another quest being assault on tython and i can reproducer the same issue. Again i can confirm completing the quest fixed it for me. I know alot of people are having issues with this so if this is an issue for you it could be a temporary workaround.
  2. you need someone at the same stage to share the quest chain source: ive done it twice XD
  3. Im not sure if this is the right place but here goes. I'm loving the collection system but i was wondering if its possible to add my pathfinder cartel armour set (lvl 31) to my collection? I cant seem to find a way to do it ive been hearing things like take out mods and such but that can be expensive for a poor man like me. Plz help
  4. Bleh, That is rubbish. Can jedi wear anything other than hood specs or headband then? if not i might just roll a light side jugg.
  5. So after spending along time creating a cool look for my jedi by browsing fansites for screenies of armour it turns out my breather mask has turned into a wimpy headband. Is there some kind of rule i missed here or will i just be limited to hoods, specs and headbands.
  6. you can also disable his healing skills and use hotkeys yourself if you dont mind remembering an extra 4 or 5 key combos.
  7. thanks for the help guys gonna joing the Jugg gang!
  8. Looking forward to the dual spec thing although u can change spec for free once a week i think. Is the 30% damage on smash worth the lack of fury effects on the team? more damage vs more utility? How does heavy armour surviability compare to 2% damage reduc? And yet another question how does offhand damage work? does the offhand wep damage but at a reduced rate? The reason I am playing 20 questions is becuase i am trying to understand why its better to hopefully make me a better player.
  9. Is there a reason why jugg is better? I only just realised that juggs can wear heavy armour making them more duarable but do juggs do more damage too?
  10. Hi guys the basic question is which is the better advanced class for my warrior if i intend to play a rage spec. Know that i have done a fairly bit of research on this trying the pick the one that looks best, good team utility etc but i still came up without an awnser. Note i am willing to play other specs but rage is the spec i will be playing most of my time. The main point I am considerering is the minor difference in the talent trees. Juggs get rage when hit and gain a lower CD saber throw which will apply another sunder armour. Maras gain a cheaper force scream and 2% damage reduc with a lower cd on undying rage. As for the minor trees Juggs get free scream after a charge and a 30% buff to smash with an additional 6% damage from the form buff. Maras get a cheaper smash more damage with offhand and the cool fury mechanic. From what i can see Juggs do more damage with the fury spec (dont realy understand how offhand lightsabers come into effect for skills) while mara have more raid utility. For looks i prefer mara dual wield lightsabers, are cool but juggs can roll a tank spec if i ever want to try another role. TL:DR sith warrior is a cool class please help me choose advanced spec for rage spec both have pros and cons but i need expert opinion.
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