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Everything posted by psi_overtake

  1. Not picking anyone out specifically, but these are my observations: 1) You can unsub and still post. You just have to have an active subscription. 2) You can post even if you don't have an active subscription IF you're still logged-in from a session when you had an active subscription.
  2. Transfer to whichever server was designated for you =P There's only 1 to choose from for any given server.
  3. Easy-to-read walls of text make me happy. Good job in explaining this bit of upcoming implementation
  4. Haha, I started writing something up and realized how stupid it sounded. I have to disagree that DPS threat scaling higher and higher will be too much for the tank. In reality, this should never be the case, as the DPS should never go above 25% of the maximum potential threat as long as s/he uses his/her threat-reducing ability. In an ideal tank'n'spank, this would happen: 1) Tank pulls. 2) After 5 seconds, Tank has aggro and DPS reaches the point of pulling aggro. 3) Tank taunts and gains an even bigger lead, and DPS drops aggro to reduce it by 75%. 4) DPS dropps aggro at every opportunity. Here is a great read about aggro mechanics: http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=kors-laboratory-threat From its current structure, I don't think that the DPS will ever gain an insurmountable lead because it can always be kept very low as long as the DPS is competant enough to use the aggro drop every time. As one poster said, with LFG coming out, not every DPS is going to be a knowledgeable forum-poster, which is why they're probably making these changes. So yes, they're dumbing it down, but if your DPS guildies were smart, it was already dumbingly easy to begin with for tank'n'spank. They've done both fun and aggrivating things with threat. Looking forward to more!
  5. If such an expansion was announced, there's a good chance people would let their subs run out and say they'll come back when the expansion happens. Then, there's a good chance that those people won't come back around. The best times to announce an expansion are when the game is either already popular and feeling good, or when it's not doing so well and the expansion will be released sooner rather than later.
  6. It should "They’re your rewards, you earned them, we don’t want to prevent you from moving them wherever you like."
  7. SW:TOR does make you feel part of a great story (on a galactic scale, local scale, and personal scale), and is fun to play... Guess not for all
  8. That seems right, as legacies aren't tied to your account - just that server.
  9. Probably more likely to happen after they close the abandoned servers.
  10. Definitely lag. Maybe we should go to another server?
  11. I think we would have a much better attitude about name changes if it was our choice to initiate it. It truly was our choice to transfer servers, I know, but seeing that window come up hurts at first. You start to think about when you first made the character, taking time to come up with name ideas, and then finally deciding. After appearance, you set off into the world, having a great idea of how you'd like that character to be. The name probably reflected that character's background, and if you wanted a different background, you'd simply make an alt. I didn't lose any of my character names, but I did lose my legacy name. I'm over it now, but I really do share the OP's remorse over losing a name. OP, Paige is completely right, though. Try not to make work-arounds if alt codes don't work for you. Instead, integrate the name changes into their own stories. One poster suggested the witness protection program, but there are an infinite number of possibilities. If you've done the IA storyline, that could be a great source of inspiration. There are lots of good, neutral, and evil forces in the universe that can interact with your character, whether far away or local. Decide that the change was your choice, and work with it
  12. No names lost, but the legacy was. I don't even care so much - I just don't want to be on this damn server. Can't wait for phase 2 and we'll have more choices.
  13. When you create a name for your character, it's because for most people, it took a lot of fcking thought. Symbolism, puns, references, inside jokes, and more are all part of a name. Alt codes are the plastic surgery on Michael Jackson's face - yeah, it might look almost the same. Sorta. But YOU know it's not the same, and it never will be, because it looks like ****. You used to feel original. You might've been the one in 1000 people who had thought of that name, but now you've gone to a place where that 1 becomes 2, and it sucks.
  14. They're leaving the transfers open and will give us ample notice before they stop transfers. As to what happens afterwards, they've not touched upon it.
  15. Agreed - I'd love to see a free or reduced-price way of moving my toons to the place I'd like them to be
  16. I'm also hoping that after the large transfers are finished, they'll open up more choices (which they said they will) very soon. I'd like to know what's going to happen so I can plan accordingly.
  17. They picked one server for you to go to, but it is your choice if you wish to get transferred. Please look up a few of the stickies in order to prepare your toons for transfer, if that is what you want to do.
  18. They have posted before that that is a technologically hard thing for them to do.
  19. Same here. Free or paid, I just want to get off The Fatman and go to Pot5.
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