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Everything posted by Pupett

  1. If you compare different sets, please also use Augments for Recruit and for Battlemaster. Augments are available to everybody so this shouldn´t be a problem. For Recruit it´s not worth, but for Battlemaster it is.
  2. okay also for pve i reached lvl 50, and want to raid t4 content with my lvl 47 items but i get smashed in the face. Thats frustrating please give me T4 endgame raiding equip for free please. Thats really not fun with 12.000 live you die in a few seconds. This game should be fun. /irony off
  3. merc dmg is not so bad, as they want everybody to make belive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XqmTllnVwE i found it quite okay
  4. first of all you need to crit everything, and no good healer will just stand there and eat your dmg. Problem is mobility.
  5. as you said wishlist. I would like to have the following skill Prototype projectile accelerator SoS has a 20% chance / tick to reset the cooldown of Ambush and makes it a instant cast w/o energy costs. Internal CD of 6 Sec. ;D and no it´s not op. PT has same version but they have 90% armor penetration .
  6. stun is one target, dmg reduction is from all enemies. Stun can be broken, dmg shild not. You see the difference?
  7. Austin Peckenpaugh: I think I'll confirm a lot of suspicions with this answer, but the bugfix that addressed Demolition Round scaling had a large enough impact on Gunnery DPS that it surprised us, too. Although Gunnery and Arsenal had been hitting our targets, it became harder to do so than we were comfortable with. Another way to say that is that the "low end" of our test results was hit too frequently by too many people. The changes you're going to see are mostly in resource management and usability, which will make it easier for you to deliver the considerable damage you already wield. We'll have more detailed information for you soon. ____________________ Das bedeutet nur das die Spielweise des Kommandos für viele Spieler zu kompliziert geworden ist, da sie nicht nur auf einer Taste rumhauen können, und unfähig sind sich auf eine neue Spielweise einzustellen. Diese Spieler nutzen nicht das gesamte Potential aus und landen deswegen am unteren Ende. BW will jetzt die spielweise wieder anpassen damit auch Leute mit weniger Skill damit wieder zurechtkommen und dmg machen.
  8. Besser als Falschaussagen ;D - The first variation is natural cover – indicated by the green holograms that pop up near boxes, walls, etc – which gives the player direct (not AoE) damage immunity against players in front of the cover (except when popping out to shoot them) as well as protection from force leap and charge. The damage immunity from natural cover is lost when an enemy player flanks or gets behind the cover object. - The second variation is portable cover – indicated by the blue force shield dropped by Gunslingers and Snipers which gives the player a 20% damage reduction while hunkered behind it as well as immunity against a head on force leap or charge. 100% verteigidung ist besser als 20% von der portablen wenn man sich versteckt. Aber einfach paar guides lesen und man findet soetwas selber.
  9. Guys please get it, BW does not want to reduce the time we use Grav Rounds their intention was to reduce the overall distribution to the total dmg done. That’s okay for me so far, but they have to buff the other abilities further e.g. full auto +20-25% more dmg to offset the reduction in Grav Rounds. Main Problem for me is the survivability. Currently if you meet a melee who is not afk you are dead. Please improve our survivability to an extend that we have an fair chance to survive. Thanks
  10. Hi, can anybody from PTR tell me, if rakata stims and med packs still require biochem or are they only level restricted? Thanks Pupett
  11. Hallo, wollte nur einmal fragen ob schon jemand genauere Infos bezüglich des nerfes hat. Was sie beim letzten mal mit dem Schurken gemacht haben war ja etwas übertrieben. Wird es bei uns eine änliche Abschwächung geben. Vor allem finde ich den Soldaten eh nicht zu stark, nur wenn man im BG ist und komplett ignoriert wird kann man rießen schaden anrichten aber das können andere Klassen genauso. _______________________________ Class changes in 1.2 include new abilities for the Warrior and the Knight, a nerf for the Bounty Hunter, and more. Every class will receive changes _______________________________ Quelle: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1219843p1.html
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