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Everything posted by RoninUTA

  1. Bump - Same No missions for grade 6 medical equipment (white crafting material) are available. I have cleared out the list of missions repeatedly and no grade 6 is ever populated. I get plenty of missions for sample and compounds, but nothing ever for equipment.
  2. 43 104 Powertech Mako Heal or Tank 19 Heroic 2+ Reinforcements Alderaan Unable to complete the heroic missions now with my companion only. Dropping all heroics as it is now too much time in for the benefits received. With pre 4.0.2 I was enjoying finally getting to see these missions on my own time. Now it's just frustrating and not fun.
  3. I do not see how this behavior is any better than griefing. I openly take constructive criticism under consideration, but it by no means should be taken that I will immediately fall into compliance and buy some armor. It may be a mistake in terms of game mechanics, but it no mistake in terms of how people want to play their game.
  4. I certainly try to play well, but again I admit to my own failings at PvP. Thank you for your input on my personality, I will take it under advisement. Why would I ever quit? I'm having fun playing this game. Your discussion on my purposeful intent has already be covered so I will refrain from double posting. I would argue that MMO games need as many players as possible to be successful regardless of play style. Competitive and casual players should be welcome with open arms to a MMO as it is the subscription which essentially helps the game grow and prosper. I have fully admitted to my shortcomings in PvP. Winning is not the outcome for me; I'm there to enjoy the match and if I'm having fun it does not matter to me if I win or lose. One thing is for certain though, you will never find me calling someone else "bad" or judging them personally.
  5. You don't have to do anything. Feel free to stay and play. I also should reiterate here that I do attempt to play my best, but I'm not going to stress out or grind something which I find boring and lacking in fun just to squeeze out an extra bonus for a team I do not know. Beer mostly, I love me some presence bonus. I would want you to be able to prove to BW that I'm griefing by not purchasing recruit gear or better. Griefing is the purposeful attempt to ruin another's gaming experience through irritation and harassment. If I were truly running around the map with nothing on yelling obscenities to everyone, then yes, I would be griefing you (extreme example). If I'm making every effort to play to the best of my mediocre abilities, then no I'm not griefing. Intent needs to be proven and I would find it difficult to believe BW would punish someone for not having recruit or better gear to queue solo. I'm not craving any attention, but you seem to be willing to give it to me regardless so the conversation continues. I can still do what I want in this game and so can you. I see no conflict of interests here. You play how you see fit and I will play how I see fit. If I decide that it is worth my time to purchase the recruit gear over BM then I will do it (although I have yet to reach that conclusion). If I decide to grind out for BM, I feel no sympathies for you in doing so. It is my decision to make and at the moment I believe it is a diminished returns value.
  6. +1 Keeping this clean mentally in game has been difficult at best. Your example really makes things clear and easy to determine where you are in the crafting game. Kudos to you dude!
  7. Personally speaking, I have no problem with how I appear to other people, opinions vary. If you know I'm being carried by your skill and do not like it, feel free to leave at any point. You can do what you like as well, isn't free will a kicker Why should your over enthusiastic play style trump mine? Also feel free to verbally berate me in chat. I welcome all criticisms.
  8. It would be a stretch to say he played it "wrong", perhaps he really liked the beer in the cantina...nothing wrong with that at all. He gets to decide what is right/wrong. His credits, his toon, his accounts. Kudos to you for having so much money though. My toon is a broke drunkard.
  9. I would find the non-purchase of equipment difficult to prove as "purposely". What if I really like the look of my armor? What if I really like the stats as is? In any game where queues pick random people you are going to have very little control over who you play with at any given time. Nature of the beast.
  10. You have the absolute right to leave the game at any time just as I have the absolue right to queue solo with nothing on at all. Tell me this, what would stop me from purchasing Recruit gear, queuing up, and stripping down to the gray undies and streaking all over the huttball arena? In fact now I'm tempted to do that even more. I'm not in WZs to win, I'm in to have fun and if I win all the better; icing on the cake so to speak.
  11. You are my new most favorite person....seriously. This is the only way to end PvP arguments. People who enjoy PvP will still play in situations like the one you propose.
  12. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm fairly lazy...oh and cheap too. It's just some character flaws of mine. I know several people in my on group who have not decided on PvP yet and have multiple 50's (not me of course I'm PvPing with a 15-30). Mostly they want to avoid arguments like this thread, but they do exist despite my best efforts to get them to die lots with me in a WZ.
  13. But I like my new speeder...it goes Vroom Vroom...
  14. Please tell me you have found other like-minded people to play with.
  15. What, you mean being a considerate human being? What a concept. Kudos to you!
  16. I have the most fun time when half the team quits a WZ. It's one thing to disconnect, but quitters are much more entertaining to poke fun.
  17. I see plenty of reason not to do it. PvP can be fun without having the recruit armor. I play all the time with my blue and greens from PvE and quests. I enjoy the living daylights out of people find new and exciting ways to cause me to respawn, with me laughing out loud all the way. I'm not going to spend 300k on armor that I don't like (aesthetic value) and that will be worthless once I complete the battlemaster gathering. I realize it may be frustrating to other players, casuals like me, but that is the nature of the beast.
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