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Everything posted by LamiaKan

  1. Interesting read! Despite being a side romance and don't have much content, I think Avela's romance is quite well done when playing ME:A. It's possible but if either of them can actually come I think Arcann is more likely than Senya. That sounds boring (to me). Maybe that's why I like Copero much more than Umbara, Aside from the beautiful scenery, there're other people around.
  2. That's very well said. And I don't think anyone will hate you for this.
  3. I agree with this. I don't have a clear headcanon about his past sex life, because there're different possibilities that could work. I'm more inclined to think that he didn't think much about it especially after his injury and then thexan's death though.
  4. Rumor is still rumor. You can take it both ways. Sure there may be some truth to it, but we don't know how much there it is unless the game outright says so. Acina's letter about you recruiting Arcann is quite hostile if you didn't ally with her. Maybe he slept with her then discarded her or he didn't take up her offer at all. I do think it's very likely she propose some political union at one point though.
  5. I can't beat the final boss on Master as a Mara(a mix of 248/246 gear with 228/230 augments) either. Acina was 50 (I didn't level her she just is). She died so quickly for the few tries I did. Without a CC it's hard to manage the adds and Acina took a lot of damage from them and the boss. Even on veteran mode I remembered it took many tries for me to beat it, though I wasn't as well geared as now. The beasts at the beginning I managed after many wipes. I found out that kiting it around helps a lot as it gives room for you to get healed.
  6. +1 I like chapters. I think it's designed as replayable which is great. And I like the difficulty modes. Because while I solo I'd like some challenge too. As for the recent flashpoints, I don't understand why they don't make the cutscene version repeatable? It shouldn't be that difficult to implement.
  7. At least HK got a very entertaining bonus chapter (which I hope will be available in the future for those that missed it). I looked at the companion list today and realize that the only "main character" companions that can't be killed/taken away atm are Lana, T7 and Gault. ------- Looks like that chapter approach is gone. While it can be a bit restricted and linear, I do like the chapter format. Because it's easily made replayable. I can go back with the same character, play some of my favorite moments and take tons of screenshots. They should make the solo mode(the one with cutscenes) of Umbara, Copero and Nathema repeatable.
  8. Oh I have no doubt Lana will be there. Just hope there's room for others too. It wouldn't be the first time there are 2 companions with you. (I want Arcann, I'm biased)
  9. They did say Nathema has changed quite a bit since Valk's gone so more reason for him to go. But yeah, like I said before, Arcann being dead in some playthroughs is an obstacle. They could do it like in Kotet, but will they though? It would be nice if they let us choose whoever and have Lana as a secondary companion. Though the companion of choice probably won't have any reaction to the story in this case. But it's better than just Lana. (Not hating on Lana, just want more variety)
  10. You know, if Arcann were to get more content, I think Nathema would be the more suitable time and place. He has connection to the place. And this order of Zildrog seems like Valky's back up plan so it makes sense for him to come with us. (I am also secretly hoping Thexan will be there too.) However Arcann can be dead, that's a major obstacle for him to come. And there's the fact Nathema is supposed to wrap up the Theron arc and Eternal Throne arc. I don't know if they can cram that much story in a single flashpoint in a satisfying way. I hope there'll be spoiler soon because my sub will end in about 20 days I still haven't decided if I should continue. What's more, I have a hard time imagining Arcann will have anything to do with 6.0 besides a letter or two. Granted we don't know much about 6.0 but I have very low expectation atm.
  11. I've seen Arcann every now and then. More than once when I was loading out of a FP or SF on Odessan I've seen my Arcann stacked with another Arcann.
  12. Oh I totally understand! I did it for fun and laughed when I was done:p
  13. I did it.I paint some hair on Arcann (to see what he'll look like) here is the result.
  14. I don't think so. But the irony of him being right in this case lol I wonder would Arcann dance in this sort of ball? Hard to image he did.......
  15. It's the more natural way to move on to the new story. I'd hate it if they go the extreme like blowing up Zakuul and wipe out the alliance completely. Regarding distict story lines my guess is there'll be cosmetic differences and some dialogue changes. My expectation is pretty low at this point.
  16. I really think that it's best way going forward to keep the alliance but remove the eternal fleet so that we'll have to ally with either faction. Being forced to work under Acina or Jace or whoever the faction leader is will be regression for my characters. Not to mention how that'll leave our many companions. And with the focus back to faction war, I doubt Arcann will have anything to do with the story in 6.0. Best we could hope for is some ambient lines and a letter or two. Just like how the companions were in 2.0 and 3.0.
  17. As of now, there's nothing for me to be excited about this. We know about the faction war coming back ages ago. And I'm not happy about it. I just hope I can at least keep the alliance at this point.
  18. Yeah I'd cut the writer(s) some slack because they don't have as much freedom as writing fan fictions. They have to work with what can be done in game. Not that they are above approach. Just criticize what's written and not make too many assumptions.
  19. It just depends on the player I think. Anyway this is one thing I'll never do, dumping Arcann. However since I ****ed up the Arcann romance for my Quinnmance warrior (I almost want to delete said character but she's rank 300). I'll have to level another one just for Quinn's break up letter because that's delicious.
  20. I admit I was a bit taken aback by the "hate" line at first. I always interpret that his hate for the outlander was mostly due to Valk being there inside their head. Maybe the fact that he "favor" you too like many have said but I usually don't choose to kneel. So this aspect doesn't feel as strong in this case. And of course the outlander escaping and then threatening his reign sure didn't help. But if not healed Arcann always saw the outlander as the puppet of his father not an individual. He even said that "It's father who kills us, not the outlander" in chapter 9 DS version. I think that he started to see you differently if you let him and senya go at the end of kotfe.
  21. Well I don't think they have the resources to make scenes for all LIs. That's a lot of them.
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