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Everything posted by GOTGK

  1. Earning, maintaining and spending rage for Juggs is a total clunk-a-thon for a good long while. I get your frustration. It does get better. If it's really making you bonkers, hit the skill mentor to respec and pick up efficiency talents-- spec out of unstoppable and into unyielding-- grab ruin, decimate and ravager to get the most out of your free attacks-- maybe grab enraged sunder-- you might do less dps but leveling is about blowing up targets anyway, not 5 gcd's of setup per mob before you have the rage to start hitting them proper. It's just plain more fun to be able hit the more fun buttons more often. Moar. Fun. There are some interesting little hybrid specs for leveling that involve basically keeping rage in your pocket and taking advantage of your rage-free toolkit. What level range were you in again? OH! And good on ya for the combat sports! I was a TKD maniac for almost a decade before I got into Judo and then BJJ and a sort of Kenpo-Jitsu. It's amazingly rewarding. *fistbump etc* Good luck!
  2. No, you really should keybind. SW have a toolbag full of Swiss Army Knives-- not being able to use about 12 different abilities in a about 3 different ways-- each at the drop of a hat in various combinations-- means that you're really missing out on the fun. Seriously, keybind. An ancient 2 button mouse with a clickable scrollwheel has 6 shift binds just on the wheel and your mouse is always in your hand. What is your pinky for if not the shift key anyway? Holding the edge of your keyboard down? Bind your camera zoom to numpad - and + or whatever else-- how often are you adjusting your glorious camera distance in the heat of battle anyway? Better to get a nasty 3 move combo off while keeping your finger over the interrupt key and your eye on the healer approaching your victim while you await the next move of your prey knowing full well that a choke or a push are milliseconds away depending on the path he and his healer take. The difference between getting ********ed and pulling off an epic 1v2 or 1v3 lies in the frequency with which your eyes leave the battlefield to seek a button. Become a god of warfare! Or, you know, if that doesn't sound like fun, you can always just be a smear on somebody else's highlight reel. RAWR
  3. Unlikely intentional, but this particular link is hosting a dirty piece of malware as of 1739 EST or so-- script injector of some sort that got ported in with an ad. Proceed with caution. Note: this type of cross scripting attack has nothing to do with the poster in almost every case. Just photobucket missed another nasty piggyback script in some of their adsell. Cheers!
  4. No, the AI on some of these guys is just plain fooked. I don't have major gripes with Quinn but I have literally turned off all offensive skills, stuck in medwatch, and even unequipped weapons on some healer comps at 50 only to watch them chase mobs around trying to slap them while I am at 50% and they have all c/d's available. It's crazy frustrating. I don't want you to be a swashbuckling combat medic. I want you to be a bookish, effective one who doesn't like getting shot at or shooting at others. Just put bacta on me. I haven't used a healer comp on any of my 50's in about 2 months as a result, so hey, it might be better now.
  5. Hrm, sounds like something isn't getting called up-- I would start your launcher, making sure to run as admin under Win7-- use your login and pw, and choose the option gear to the far left of the play/exit section of the launcher. Attempt a repair and see if those missing files don't get called up on your next attempt. Assuming you haven't done so already. G'luck, this sounds like a bummer.
  6. *snip* I agree that having to reclear the cave seems a bit excessive. It's more plausible that your soldier buddies fell back a bit and revived you than it is that your death never occurred at all, so don't get all 'realsy' on me I think that's what grinds people down about this quest. If you get gibbed on the first go, having to reclear the cave to start the event is a total drag-- if you die again, you start to get frustrated, play like dirt, get gibbed, and then get royally pissed off and hit the forums. If BW should look at this quest at all, I would suggest that being incapped leads to a rez from the soldiers rather than a total reset.
  7. I finished this quest in 2 shots about 2 levels below expected with Vette out. First time I got gibbed thinking that the 'turnin' was the end of the event and hadn't healed up. Next attempt Vette and I crushed it... Once you saw the friendly NPC's putting a bacta shield on you, it should have occurred to you to stay in range and strategically use the passive button on your comp to stay with your damned soldier buddies. If you go stand in the mouth of the cave, or let your comp do it, you'll likely get stomped up. And who cares about spammable droid cc, anyway. Lordy, as mindless as much of the ingame combat is while leveling, these kind of quests should be fun. Get to push all yur buttons!
  8. The thing is, LS Jaesa is a broken creature. She is the archtypical man without a country. Attached to nothing, least of all to herself or her own wishes. I think she is beyond really trusting anything again. Every time I send her off to craft something my heart breaks a little to hear her whimper away. And if my experience tells me anything, massively depressed broken-to-the-core eye candy is still massively depressed and broken to the core. She should have sat on her saber months ago, imo. She's miserable. I am less concerned with why you would want to romance a creature like that than I am with why you think she would ever be intact enough to appreciate it. If it's about the eye candy, go dark, dude. There is some twisted good fun with Jaesa down that path.
  9. I will concur on ravage to some degree, but with Gore and a relic up I can imagine those first two strikes hitting him so hard that it wouldn't matter if I danced a tango before I finished the attack. It's like, 'I AM GONNA RAWR RAWR---*pause*--Why it still stands up when it is dead?' *SMASH SMASH SPLAT* 'Better'. The Sith Warrior is after all kind of the antithesis of a true martial artist. And Vicious Assault looks exactly like it sounds-- pure 'I am going to hit you as hard as I can with both of these lightsabers without killing myself in the process.' Maybe it's the Jugg v Marauder thing, but with 2 lipsticks swingin, I think the animations look great. Extreme emotional passionate violence just at the razor's edge of recklessness. I think they're gorgeous, but then I don't play a Jugg!
  10. Anyone with a bit of skill can do their job at endgame. But let's clear up one misconception in this thread-- when it comes to pve damage, juggs aren't going to be able to do what a marauder does. Both AC's are a blast- -and I play both, but yeah. Nothing can bear down and do damage like a marauder right now.
  11. This happens to me on Ravage with some consistency. Fires the GCD, starts the animation but no damage and no CD. I just hit it again but then gore is too far gone to get my loverly autocrit armor pen'd Scream off at the end. Small window. Annoying.
  12. Makes me think of the Dutch, or a good beer, or both. Gonna need a class at least on this one, kinda Alderaanian politics atm.
  13. I like Anhuri-- the kind of name that would often act as a person's last words. Sinister and complex. Vye I also like. Good strong syllable, double entendre, and suits a sage. 8/10 overall +1 for Vye, which I like very much= 9/10 Had to yoink a point for the marble mouth/spitting effect on Anhuri, though I like it. Even the sinister can sing!
  14. 4/10 Talz makes me think frigid furries, but Morkar is pretty decent. Nice spondee, good weight to it. Darth Sugar here. Or Sugar Sullivan, if you prefer!
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