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Everything posted by Ryemfoh

  1. http://www.torhead.com/ability/gWKHNkb/sleep-dart is the out-of-combat / from stealth one. Not sure how often you'd be hit with this though. And finally: http://www.torhead.com/ability/fT8pWgj/flash-grenade which breaks if any damage is dealt to you, but is useful because it hits multiple people or if you're waiting on a CD.
  2. So you're suggesting what exactly? That the dev's put stealth in the game for fun while you're standing around the Fleet? I do insist on using stealth, I chose a stealth class for exactly this reason! I am totally fine with stealth detection mechanics, but for stealth to increase aggro range is just broken. Again - I do want to use my hardest hitting attack on boss fights, and also (without a close mechanic) don't want to miss 5+ seconds of the fight while I'm walking in after the pull ... during which time I might get knocked out of stealth by AOE anyway! This is like saying that Snipers can't use Ambush on boss fights, or Sorcerers can't use Chain Lightning. They can easily counter this by: 1) Making the Sneak ability grant immunity to boss detection 2) Increasing the time between detection and attack, so you can start moving just before the tank goes in TL;DR The fact that aggro range increases in stealth is just broken, and I suggest all Stealth classes log a bug to get the Dev's attention.
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