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Everything posted by Jmenks

  1. But to me, mega servers and cross faction are not "much better" than cross server, they are just band-aid fixes IMO. Either it's very poor wording to the question or like someone said earlier, something that makes no sense like getting rid of the f2p restrictions.
  2. I will not be defeated Pistols.
  3. 2 new FPs, 4 HM FPs, 2 level 60 Ops......and pvp gets a system that most likely won't be balanced reasonably for 6+ months, going by past balancing of course. Seems legit
  4. It's really sad right? Damn Pot5 and the lack of SOLO Q RANKED arenas pops. If there was only something I can think of that killed the queue pops. Hmmmmm, it can't be something like hybrid heals, tank, and 4 man ranked groups from the same guild together, can it? I feel for you, i really do. Hopefully your solo q team can find a nice home somewhere else, perhaps an RP server? I heard Kanaba is the P.E. teacher at the University of Coruscant, already fitting in.
  5. Don't go Pot5 if you want to solo q.
  6. Well when KC was the "bees knees" infiltration was one of the worst specs up until 2.0(I dont remember exactly when they got the buff). Madness was ok back then too, and then became arguably the worst spec in the game until the recent buffs. With that said, madness needs a tone down for sure, but that goes for ALL dot specs imo.
  7. Bring back cleanse for madness or nerf overall dot damage, dots are stupid OP imo.
  8. It's only boring if you don't know what you are doing assassin is with out a doubt more pug friendly in regs. You can do your own thing and pick your own fights or steal nodes. Definitely better then solo queueing on a Mara without heals, tough to get your job done of yoloing in for the kill. (IMO)
  9. Most do play it for fun. Getting rewarded for top tier is one reason it is fun and you have something to work for. Also so many servers are different, some RP and PVE servers don't ever get pops, Po5 and Bastion are full of people without advanced classes and q syncers (look at top 3 guardian/jugg rankings). This is the most competitive aspect of pvp apparently for SWTOR, so when you do get past all of this bs along with their ELO system ......you're damn right the rewards should be better lol.
  10. You honestly believe BW will give us something better? Think aboot it a little more.
  11. This deserves multiple threads of sarcasm.
  12. It is a lot for a pvp centered guild who has lost A LOT of members between now and the removal of 8v8 ranked. 25 million is a much more reasonable price IMO. If BW was smart (lol) they would have had this come out when guilds were recruiting for 8v8s and such, bigger guilds overall then. Just my opinion though!
  13. I have a strong feeling we will see 10+ dev posts in here on the first day of this thread, compared to the "Have a WZ idea?" thread. Which has sooooo many different suggestions and has been a ghost town for 3+ months. That communication!
  14. Full wither spec in ranked you need pure tank gear IMO. But if you're playing the Dark Maul spec, then you'll run with DPS gear and sometimes a shield. Full tank is viable in arenas, but jugg is better sadly.
  15. Yeah that spec was so broken lolol, I was the only shadow on my server playing full infiltration at the time.
  16. DPS: https://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/shadow#320-12100221220321112231223-203 https://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/shadow#0-100221220321112230223-1210012223 TANK: https://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/shadow#1021322123212110221322-203-221 https://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/shadow#22123212110221302-21112012223-20 4 main specs I use when i'm pvping.
  17. Watch your procs for maul (unproc mauling = bad idea) and you missed using 3 stacks of discharge with your recklessness up a few times. Good video tho Edit: Hit recklessness after you spike someone, so you don't waste a charge of it.
  18. Po5 pub side is LOL.....fact.
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