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Everything posted by JGHopkins

  1. I am looking for a medium RP guild that does PVE content as well. I've been playing since release and I am a decent tank with 216 vendor gear. I have some end-game raid experience, but looking to get more. I am a casual player RP story (note: still working on my timeline). Jus-Ten was born on Dantooine, he was found at age 3 and taken to the Jedi temple on coruscant, after which he continued his training on Tython. He was an initiate and off planet when it was attacked. he was taken as a padawan at age 11 by a Kindly Zabrak Jedi named Yrag, who noticed he had a particular tendecy to defend and was talented with a lightsaber. He was taught shii-cho as all young Jedi are and later focused his skills in mastering Soresu. Master Yrag was killed by a Sith when escorting a group of refugee, he sacrificed his life so Jus-Ten could escape. He was assigned to a new master to complete his padawan train a Togruta by the name of Tapal. Jus-Ten succesfullycompleted his trial and became a knight at the age of 24, although his trials revealed he was harboring vengeful thoughts about the unknown Sith that killed Master Yrag. Jus-Ten is 29 now (post kotfe time skip) and has yet to take a Padawan, his main travel companion is a republic battle droid name Zp1k3 that acts as a pilot and protocol droid, which he received as a gift from a soldier he saved who was tinkering with it.
  2. I'm looking for an in-canon Jedi only guild. A master padawan system would be nice, but I do not want to start out as a padawan. I am a level 65 with no gear below 208 (working on getting all 216) been playing more or less since launch. Jus-Ten is 29 years old after the time skip, he became a Knight at 25 (so in the middle of the skip)
  3. I have a Jedi Guardian I use an HK with the Republic Battel droid skin. He got the droid from a tech that he saved the life of on Hoth, it was abandoned and re-purposed. It acts as pilot, back-up and protocol droid and has gotten him out of a few tight situations
  4. I was doing the same, I found a site that has the strongholds schematics, so you can plan a bit.
  5. anyone have any ideas to make my Coruscant stronghold into a Jedi-ish temple
  6. My main I've had since launch Jus-Ten Hopkins. A Jedi Guardian, and off to the side his trusty republic battle droid. Jus-Ten and Zp1k3 With Lightsaber Drawn Close-up I wanted something simple and Jedi-ish that sort of reflected the Era. Jus-Ten was born on Dantooine, his parents were farmers. He was found at a young age, he was sent to Coruscant to train (maybe, still working out the timeline. Just getting into rp). He was off the planet when the temple was destroyed. He was trained by a Iridonian Guardian and was given his droid as a gift when he saved the life of a young soldier who was tinkering with an abandoned republic battle droid.
  7. Are there any in canon stories from immediately after the formation of the Empire. or any resources I can look at to help with my character creation?
  8. first off I'm wrong. I actually have 186s, but the 190s I'm getting from the missions seem to be worse than what I have (possibly because all my armor is augmented) so I should stick with the 186 for now?
  9. I have a Jedi Guardian Tank, atm I'm mostly outfitted with Yavin 192s I went to Ziost and the vendor has 190s. I'm assuming the 192s are better but I want to double check, especially with the new stat changes
  10. I have a level 60 all in yavin gear, is the ziost gear better?
  11. I figure just kinda sucks cause this is the first expansion I haven't gotten early release on <.<
  12. I'm kinda bummed out about the new companion, I switched emails and hadn't even heard of this new expansion until yesterday. Just resubscribed.
  13. I just happened to resubscribe, but I'm really bummed I missed out on a new companion character . I hadn't even known about new update or I would have subscribed in time to get all the rewards
  14. See this is where you and I are going to have to agree to disagree I'm gonna try and break this up cause these always end up being walls of text Going by George Lucas interview “The core of The Force, I mean you got the Dark Side, the Light side, one is selfless, one is selfish and you want to keep them in balance.” He also spoke of the selflessness of the Jedi, but he did not say that should not be selfish at all. Simply put, in this video he stated that these two things needed to be in “balance.” The Jedi we see can balance these two aspects, they defend themselves and others . We are never shown a Sith being Selfless. Sidious is obvious, but Anakin didn't become a Sith until he made the most seflish decision. and was considered redeemed once he killed someone (seflish) in defense of someone else (selfless) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The symbol of the castle in the Mortis arc is http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/046/5/b/the_force_symbols_by_risiavyle-d39n3cf.jpg There is a little Son in the Daughters logo and vice verse. We saw the Daughter be selfish, she attacked her brother to saver herself, Daughter was abalanced. And going by the logo and the Daughters reaction to her brothers turn, we can assume that the son use to balance his selfish and selfless sides. But that the son has lost his selflessness. More than likely he use to care for Father and Daughter, but became obsessed with power and became selfish to the point he attacked the 2 people he cared about. Father wiped Anakins memory because Anakin was getting ready to take Son into the normal realm of existence as a MASSIVE counter-reaction to seeing himself turn dark. Father states right as he wipes Anakins memory that the future is in motion and Anakin should beware his heart, the ""If there is to be balance, what you have seen must be forgotten." Father says this because Anakin was getting ready to submit to Son and allow Sons influence to affect the force, even if Sidious would be dead Son would still exist throwing the force out of balance. Even if that future was set in stone, the fact of the matter would still be that the Jedi being wiped out was merely a side effect of the imbalance of the force, of the dark side being so inherently powerful, not of some massive imbalance in the Jedi. We are only given a hypothetical situation that to much light is just as bad. We are never shown it and it's never implied that if only the Sith are wiped there will be another massive power shift to the light. WE are only told that to much of one is bad and shown what happens when to much selfishness (darkness) overtakes someone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll give a real world example. Someone who is totally selfish, doesn't care about anyone or anything is a danger....no compassion or empathy Someone who is totally Selfless cannot exist, the closest we would have is Jesus, but even then he ate meat and got angry sometimes. Someone who is balanced would be a normal person. Drive a car, eat the flesh of living things. But help the old neighbor lady take out the trash, or make sure someone who falls is OK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star wars is about good vs evil..yes The force is about balancing the selfish and selfless those 2 things are not mutually exclusive, and by assuming they are your showing your close mindedness. Sidious is evil, He has no compassion, no balance. Anakin has to allow his good (selfless) side to overcome his bad (pure selfish) side. Once Vader balanced those two, selfless and selfish (I.e. killing = selfish but saving at the expense of his life=selfless) he becomes redeemed and balanced once again and destroys Sidious. Good vs Evil Balance vs. Imbalance.
  15. I don't quite understand where your getting that though. It's never implied that the amount of Jedi vs. Sith tips the balance. They just manipulate the force already there...The implication is that the force is tipping to far to the dark side , not that it's bouncing all over the place...If you have a thousand Jedi and 4 sith as long as they aren't specifically messing with the balance than the force is still balanced. and vice versa having a thousand sith and 4 Jedi doesn't change the natural balance unless it's a deliberate act. If Anakin killed sidious when he was fighting Mace Windu, balance would still be restored. But like the Father said, he wasn't careful with his heart, his love of Padme made him save Sidious therefore the prophecy came true...eventually. But Father said the future isn't set in stone. It's possible the prophecy could have been fulfilled much earlier if Anakin had kept control of his heart, he could have killed Sidious, the Jedi order would have survived and balance would still be restored because the outside influence of Sidious was gone. It's never implied the Jedi can't exist without the Sith, just that the light can't exist without the dark. Selfishness without selflessness Son is a perfect example...Father Son and Daughter seemed to live in peace until Sidious and Plagueis. Son takes on traits specific to Sidious, most notably tempting Anakin to the dark side with promises of peace...there isn't a "bouncing" of power between Daughter and Son, Son is shown to be consistently more powerful...because the darkside was overpowering the light due to experiments by Plagueis and Sidious....Anakin was the antibody to the imbalance cause by those 2. I'll try and simplify this TRUE balance between light and dark is the forces natural state, like ying and yang, not like a scale. Balance has NOTHING to do with how many Dark or Light side user there are and EVERYTHING to do with the natural state. Scales are a bad illustration, a better concept is ying and yang. light and dark are both necessary but not Jedi and Sith. The simply manipulate the force that already exists. Sidious and Plagueis caused a deliberate imbalance in the force, Anakin was created by the force to stop the imblance (I.E. Sidious since plagueis is already dead) Balance is restored NOT when both Jedi and Sith are wiped out, BUT when Sidious influence is removed. Anakin was at a crossroad when Mace was fighting Sidious (as implied in the scene) He could either fulfill the prophecy there and then by choosing the selfless path (light) (if he had maintained his own balance) but he chose the selfish (dark) path and the prophecy took much longer to come true. Sith are never shown to balance the light (selflessness) and dark (selfishness) since they are almost exclusively selfish Jeid are able to balance (whether they think of it like that or not) the Selfless (light) and the Selfish (dark)
  16. by definition that's opposite. strictly going by what's canon Father specifically says that Son has chosen the dark side and is allowing it to feed is anger and hunger for power. To me this implies that although Son may represent the dark side, it wasn't consuming him until recently. It's not his natural state to be as powerful as he is. The Mortis Arc, as far as I can tell, is suppose to be a microcosm of the prophecy as a whole. So if the problem in the Mortis arc isn't that the dark side exists, But that it's become to powerful and hungry Doesn't that imply by extension that the imbalance in the force in general is the dark side. The daughter being destroyed is just the arc playing out like the movies do. With each character representing something. Father=Anakin, Daughter=Jedi, Son=Sidious/Palpatine Daughter (Jedi) is killed by Son (Sidious via order 66) and the only way to bring balance again is by Father (Anakin) killing himself to destroy Son (Anakin throwing Sidious over the side of the reactor and dying in the process.) The Jedi being wiped out didn't help restore balance, it was a side effect of the dark side becoming so overwhelmingly powerful that the Jedi couldn't see because of how dark things had become. Just like Sister dying was caused by her being unable to see the evil her brother was, even though it was right in front of her, until it was to late. The Jedi didn't see the danger of Palpatine until it was to late, even though it was right in front of them. The two sides light and dark exist together you need one for the other (selfish and selfless), but those sides need balance, which isn't controlled by how many Jedi or Sith their are. The implication I got is still that Sidious himself (and more than likely Plagueis) managed to upset that balance. It was restored once Anakin Killed sidious allowing the force to return to it's proper balance of light and dark. According to Lucas the dark and light generally mean selfishness and selflessness. Sith can't balance because they tend not to be Selfless, strictly selfish. MORE POWER, MORE ANGER etc. they care little for other only themselves and what they can get out of a certain situation. (yes the EU has sith that act different than that, but canonically we haven't seen one) Jedi are more balanced (whether they know it or not) by knowing they need to do things for themselves but being able to use that selfless attitude needed to live peacefully with others. (I.E. Fighting to save their own lives=selfish but fighting to save other=selfless)
  17. Most of what you used though, the Russan reformation, the Je'daii etc are all on-canon know. Legends not main universe. We are debating the meaning of the prophecy in the main universe not the legends EU
  18. The problem with the mortis arc is that while it helps explain the ying/yang relationship of the darkside and lightside it still leaves things open for interpretation when it comes to the prophecy. at one point Father said that the only way for Anakin to fulfill the prophecy was to stay and keep control of son/daughter . but doesn't that mean that Anakin failed to fulfill the prohpecy if as father stated Anakin was to take his place as the only person who could control son and daughter? All 3 die. doesn't that mean the force was thrown out of balance...so how does anakin restore it? Sister never thinks her brother is evil, but she reacts specifically to a change in him, he had grown power hungry and restless. As if they use to live in peace but something in the dark side of the force specifically threw brother our of balance to the point that he attacks and kills sister. What if the experiments of the 2 Sith are what threw brother out of balance and cause the problem to start with on Mortis? sticking with what's strictly in the episodes Or He could have brought balance to force when he killed the son, daughter was already dead and father commited suicide thus removing sons power and allowing Anakin the chance to kill the son. Thereby bringing balance to the force because both sides lost the one that personified them. Instead of only the light losing daughter and father not being thier to control the son. Or the father said told anakin that nothing was set in stone. He would bring balance to the force, but to beware his heart...so maybe when anakin allowed his love of padme to let him falter and fall to the darkside his heart got the better of him and the prophecy became moot. or maybe his heart was the key all along. It was his love of padme that helped along his fall in the first place but the love of his son that brought him back to the light. at one point father even tells son specifically "You have done what is forbidden. You have chosen the dark side and allowed it to feed your anger and desire for power." "Do not do this, son. Do not become what you should not. Be strong, I implore you, or else I will be forced to contain you." What if what he should not be is more powerful than Daughter, or to power hungry....doesn't this imply that the imbalance that Anakin was meant to restore lay within the darkside of the force and not the light. Since son was the one throwing things out of balance and he was the personification of the darkside of the force. the problem with "neither side could win to maintain balance" is that a side did win, Luke called himself a Jedi, he followed the Jedi ways...a side did win. The Great Sith Lord the most powerful darkside user ever to have lived, failed. He lost, to his own pupil who redeemed himself for the love of his son, The Sith as far as Darth Banes line o2f were wiped out...Leaving only a Jedi, trained by Obi-wan and Yoda. and we can't assume going by new canon that we know how Luke will be, the old comic and book where his order was more lenient and "grey" as it were don't exist. as far as we know he hasn't even trained anyone and is still following the jedi code to the same degree the past Jedi were.
  19. I did just find this interesting interpretation that I quite like "I think a lot of people misunderstand the imbalance as caused by the mere existence of Sith. Sith existing doesn't cause an imbalance towards the dark side just as Jedi existing doesn't cause an imbalance towards the light. I think even the Jedi misunderstand it and Yoda says as much. They also seem to think that the Sith as a whole must be destroyed for balance to be restored but as often they do in the PT they miss the bigger picture. It's Palpatine and his master that caused the imbalanced. Through unnatural rituals they literally tipped the scales in the dark sides favor. So by the time the PT starts the dark side has become so overwhelming that the Jedi are beginning to feel their powers diminishing. Anakin lifts this shroud of darkness by killing Palpatine and now the Sith and Jedi are on an equal footing. Light and dark are balanced." The only question would be is how, if at all, does the Mortis arc relate to this.
  20. I haven't had a chance to catch up on all the posts, but I figured I'd throw in my 22 cents and what I think of the Mortis arc and how it ties into GL original statement about the force. The force consists of the light and dark sides, every person has those sides within them. Although the Darkside is part of the force, the Darkside users, Fallen Jedi and Sith alike are a cancer. essentially the light needs the dark to exist and vice versa, but one must balance the selfless (light) and selfish (dark) sides. The Sith have no compassion or balance, there is no selflessness to temper the selfishness. Jedi or lightside users in general attempt temper both sides, they are able to balance the selfish personality that exists within everyone with the selflessness required for beings to live in peace with one another. The Sith in general don't want to live in peace with the Jedi or other lightside users. Jedi Don't seek to fight, but the Sith feel the need to fight to prove their power. Sith will hunt down Jedi and anyone they feel is a threat to their power, on the other hand Jedi didn't bother other Darkside groups like the witches of Dathomir. The clone war only started because of the Sith. I do agree the Jedi were falling into a state of disarray and complacency , They weren't prepared and their vision was clouded to the point they didn't see a Sith Lord literally in front of their face and misread the prophecy. which as far as I can discern meant that balance would be return not by destroying all darkside users, since obviously groups that utilize it still exist, but by destroying the most antagonistic users of the force and Bringing the Jedi out of their state of complacency. I could be wrong, but that's what I got out of it.
  21. I am just returning to the game and I'm a little lost on how to update my gear I haven't played for awhile and a lot of my gear is still columni or rakata I'm also in the process of switching from tank to DPS, and wondering where I should start to update my gear
  22. I'm a 55 Jedi Tank, and I know that I should be mostly splitting my modifications between defense and mitigation, But I honestly forgot how armor sets work. I haven't played in awhile so my armor is currently outdated. But I was bored and went to http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pve/jedi-knight/guardian/defense/item-modification on the site it says "armoring: Dread Master War Leader Armor Set" but underneath it lists mod, enhancements etc. these match what's listed as being attached to the dread master gear (i.e. the headpiece has advanced elusive mod 38, and it's listed on noxxic.) but it doesn't list armor the same way it lists mods and enhancements so is a regular "advanced guardian 36" armor modification different from the one that comes with the Dread Master gear?
  23. I am trying to design my characters stronghold like it's something he would have. But I'm not a really creative person. My character is just really a simple Jedi, and I imagine his apartment would look very Jedi-ish, maybe based somewhat off the temple. but I have no idea how to do that. I prefer the apartment on coruscant for rp purposes (even though i don't roleplay) I figure he would have a simple bedroom, a mediation room, the balcony where he would park his speeder (like they do in the movies) a utility room with the GTN and stuff (maybe the garage, not sure) does anyone have any example or ideas?
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