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Everything posted by Helistin

  1. If you go to Ilum alone(how else) at night and turn the music off and listen very carefully, you can actually hear Georg crying in the distance.
  2. That's not only frightening, that's absolutely devastating. All this time lingering on dead servers and rolling alts to new servers until they die also and hoping that they have finally sorted things out. Crash and burn. We can't even get the blogs out in time. So much wanted this game to be the mmo for me for many years to come, but i guess that won't be happening
  3. What about the people who use game cards?
  4. I agree. They should also have some kind of pre-emptive system in place for people who might not end up liking the game. For example you would have to take 200 question survey and if you don't pass it you shouldn't be allowed to buy the game.
  5. Could we atleast get the normal mmo servers so we can play with other people while we wait for the super ones?
  6. Nice idea but with any kind of population in fleet , combat would reduce to a slideshow.
  7. So you are actually saying that it was Biowares intention from the start to give the shaft to it's non experienced and unsmart playbase? Really? Makes no sense whatsoever to me.
  8. Well, thats about the population my server has at 7:45 pm
  9. Well, its sorta ongoing event in itself. The wait for transfers for 5+ months event.
  10. Actually Stephen Reid is a cyborg build by EA. They will only replace his skin and reinstate him as the Senior Community Manager with a different name.
  11. Yeah, it's more important to hold on to the name jarjar or some other super original name on a dead server.
  12. Too many took that option already and rerolled. To other games.
  13. I don't want the free time. I just want my singleplayer swtor to be an mmo.
  14. Everyone knows this. Apart from the devs that is or they would have acted ages ago.
  15. Think most can agree with that. Question is how long it will take from then to actually do something instead of hinting about possible solutions. Populations issues have been present on some servers since january.
  16. Super servers aside, after 4 months in very low population server and last 3 weeks without any warzones I would be happy even with normal population server.
  17. Atleast my server with population total of 15 people at peak times can handle the occasional event surge of people when we might double that
  18. Used to be hardcore pvper, until warzone ques stopped altogether 3 weeks ago.
  19. Not really. The funniest part is that someone actually thinks the game could get more broken than it is now for most of us on low population servers.
  20. Drop in subs was due to drop in paying subscribers rather than free trials cycling out (and its still within predicted levels from when development began), the layoffs are part of a restructuring effort that will result in a smaller workforce than before, and the share value is actually doing pretty well compared to other similar companies in this industry (as well as the drop coinciding with an almost market-wide drop in share price for electronic entertainment companies). You see, for the stuff you cite as signs as good health, I can point out how they're either taken out of context or rely on limited information. I've yet to see you do much more than re-iterate the same broken arguments.
  21. Maybe you missed the fact that only people with active subscriptions can post here. I doubt anyone pays the monthly fee just to post here...
  22. Yeah, its not pleasant. But what can you expect, only third of the servers have the population to support any kind of mmo experience , and some servers have been in trouble since january. People's patience just ran out some time after patch 1.2 . Can't really say they didn't have the time to fix the only gamebreaking issue mmo can have.
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