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Everything posted by JohnnyFG

  1. Hahahahahaha! Thanks for the christmas present. That surely made my day.
  2. dats wat u mum said looooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  3. No, not everyone is russian, thank god. Not everyone is american, why god why! But everyone wants to be american and nobody wants to be russian.
  4. Brain wash strong in this one, Putin did a number on you. But it's okay, once the ruble hits 0 value america will be there to help you out. I personally won't stand by as russians queue in line for toilet paper!
  5. Oooh someone still mad. Rekt by america in warzones/arenas, many sadinessess, ruble down toilet, hate america. Don't worry though, Jesus is all about forgiveness.
  6. America > Soviet. Makes perfect sense. UE ESS AY! UE ESS AY!
  7. Someone is jealous. Don't worry, someone will love you too as much as Gerikke and I love each other.
  8. The idea here is to keep our banter in one thread, rather than spread the aids around. Oooh veri good ples.
  9. As we gathered on the schoolyard, in the circle of plebs who massed to see a good fight while chanting.. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Okay I think I need to rethink this story. I believe you are a russian, so being on a schoolyard seems a little bit too much sci-fi. Let's do like this instead. As we gathered outside the run-down vodka store that can no longer afford to sell vodka since the ruble is down the toilet, now they just sell paint thinner put in old vodka bottles. Several stand up citizens, AKA homeless, massed to see a good fight while slurring.. "Privet! Vodka! Were i am? dis contri best, obama brain wash europe!" Your move plebbie!
  10. i f'ed ur mum lol f'ed as in fried, kentucky fried indeed.
  11. Dude, that doesn't make any sense what so ever.
  12. Yes, our standards are so low that we'd even take you. OOOOOOOOOOH MLG MLG!!!! *FLASHING LIGHTS NAD TEXT SPAM WITH LOUD MUSIC*
  14. Ooooooooh someone got american ambushed, LOOOOOOOL RHEKT SOOOOOOOOHN!!!
  15. No, and I would be a bear, and I would maul you. LOOOOOL RHEKT SHON!!!!!!
  16. I was trying to think of something, like "Putin is not an animal". But he is a russian, and that makes him an animal. So I guess you've earned yourself 1000 credits. /thread P.S. How's the ruble doing? Doing well? Soviets economy at an all time high? People not standing in line for toilet paper? Okay.
  17. I am only replying to the title of the post, can't be arsed to read the threat. But in short, you'll always level to 60 if you pvp. You can't avoid it. Within a month or so, there will be no old 55 pvp:ers left. Unless you transfer your gear to alts. Eitherway they die out in one way or another in the end. It's like I've always said, best way to beat a twinker is to level. Get rekt soooooooooooon.
  18. Gerikke. Oh sorry I thought you said "the best sorc DPS", my bad.
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