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Posts posted by Maulkat

  1. I will be soloing more often now I'm sure. It won't be on Six or Lucky though since I don't do pve on those two. Anyway, after hearing more feedback, I have decided to set times for the event to run.


    For EU servers, it'll be 7pm-10pm UTC and East and West coast servers from 7pm-10pm server time.

  2. People usually flock to the winning side on Harb, so yes this should cut down on that IF these pilots are working on gear for their endgame toons. Sadly, the imp side on Harb is more dominant now than it has been in two years. So people like me that prefer to fly imp side is already "stacking" the winning side.
  3. Ok after the success or failure of this on Harbinger, TRE, JC and Prog. I have had some feedback from people on Harb and TRE. More from Harb as that's my home so I'll relay some of what was talked about or mentioned.


    There were "grizzle haired" vets saying, "I don't want to fly non meta". *climbs into a meta ship" Others asked what non meta is and then promptly said, "I don't have one of those types of ships". However after been BLCed and railgunned by scouts and GSs, I still went on with the event.


    As Ramalina pointed out in his post, there are new pilots flying at any given time. I never said anything to them about picking scouts or requested them to fly the SF. Also, I never expected full compliance of all to fly non meta, but I had the hope the vets with a hanger full of ships could for one day set aside the T1 and 3 GS and T2 scout.


    Of the vets involved, about half of them flew non meta. It started to get really difficult around 9pm cst to get people to stay in non meta and I gave up. A cut off time was established by the population (one reason I didn't set one originally. I wanted to see when it would cut off on its own). The timing though can be as early as the queues start popping (around noon cst) and end at 9pm cst.


    Feedback from TRE: Early in the day there was almost no involvement in this event (maybe they didn't know?), but later in the day there was more non meta and the involvement of some of that server's "aces". That being said, if these aces had NOT flown non meta, the event there would have been a failure. If too much meta was on the opposing team, then meta was brought out. So timing on that server might be better served to start later in the day (for them) instead of earlier. I will try to post a realistic time frame for this event before next Monday.


    Other feedback has been to include the T1 scout or take out the T2 GS. Personally, I like playing the T2 GS in events like this. It didn't become an overpowered ship (yesterday) like many people thought it would. There were too many other T1 or 3 GS out there to be worried about a T2. Same can be said for the T1 scout, there were too many T2s out there to worry if somebody was in a T1.

  4. After chatting with several people and listening to their views, most people feel the T1 scout is considered meta and should be taken out as a possible ship. Right now as it stands, the T1 scout will be removed, but the T2 GS remain. Depending on the success or not of this weekly event, this may change.


    Since each server has a "prime time", a cut off might be when the time comes to the point where only one match is going on at a time. Obviously, a non meta "rule" can't enforced and people will fly what they want to.

  5. I'm not going to take full responsibility for this suggestion, but will make the post open to the general GSF population here. It has been being suggested to make a small change in the form of a one day week (Monday) for all to fly non META ships. I suggest that day because many people that fly GSF do it for conquest and skip flying on Monday. Only the people that "love" this facet of the game continue to fly on a non conquest day.


    Not everybody fully agrees on what is considered "non META" or if two ships should even be included. The T1 (starter) scout and T2 GS. I feel these should be counted as there are pilots that only prefer to fly GS and the scout can deal with those people that won't fly non META. The other ships everybody agrees on are any SF, the T3 bomber and T3 scout.


    Ships that are considered META are the T1 GS and bomber, the T2 scout and bomber, and the T3 GS.


    The hope is the get people into flying and trying the ships that don't get used as often and mess around in them. We also hope this won't be just on the Harbinger server, but on all servers that still have GSF pop regularly.


    Nobody can force or make another person fly a ship they don't want to, but make people aware this is going on and fly non META yourself. This is NOT an event that's going to be like the others we have had in the past. No prizes will be handed out. Just change out your ships bar, queue up and have fun!


    Start time, I think should be after your respective server reset and go all day/night until the next reset. A full 24 hours of flying non META.

  6. After having hosted and been in a few different types of events, I want to try something new on Harbinger. Sat Nov. 19th, I would like to hold a "couples" event. Similar to Super Serious, but without the full premade feeling. So grab a partner and queue as a group of two.


    Quite a few people were left out of the group Super Serious due to not having a team and skipped during the solo events. I'm not limiting the ships, fly whatever you want!


    There are some GSF boxes, random prizes and credits up for grabs for this event. If you want to be entered into the drawing for any of the items, let me know here in the topic, message or in game on Sixofone (imp) and Lucklessa (pub).


    When: Sat. Nov. 19, 2016 1pm-5pm CST and 10pm CST-when people call it a night

    Where: Harbinger-both factions


    If you have any questions, let me know.

  7. Very well played game Krix. Only thing I can say "bad" about your fly style is on your scout. You tended to stay on a target too long, after the match was well under way though, you changed and started tabbing more. I'll certainly watch more and hope to improve.
  8. Icy, there is no level bracket like pvp and you can gsf at level one as opposed to pvp where you can start at ten. The player pool is rather small and group queue get priority over solo queue. The people that usually group are vets so that leaves the solo pilots and new players to face premades and veterans.
  9. Yes, the mumble is always up as an option.


    I may actually be able to make this event, though I don't have a strike on either side that's any good. I would also just fly for the fun of it and wouldn't want to be entered into the contest.

  10. You fly on Harbinger then. If you like scout, you may want to look into the Flashfire. Spearpoint is usually considered a support ship. It brings tensor (speed boost), heals (repair drone) and EMP which is similar in effect to the ion aoe of the Quarrel/Mangler.

    What advice are you looking for exactly?

  11. I am posting this on behalf of Kiera Carson aka Jaesa on Harbinger.


    Dustmaker / Comet Breaker


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 84.00% Win% (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 6.36 KDR (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 13.74 Kills/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 55,614 Damage/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 65.26% Hit% (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/KqZtJ4H.jpg


    Eric-bana (Linuxizer) - Comet Breaker - <Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing> - The Shadowlands - 6.79 Assists/Battle (100 Battles) http://i.imgur.com/tDcDEoi.jpg



  12. I just noticed a typo in your time for the event and as it's currently stated will go all night and through to the next day. I have a conflicting event in another game for some of the event so if I do make it, it won't be until closer to the end.
  13. I can give you a list of guilds on Harbinger that have pilots in them. Other than SRW though, none are pure gsf.

    Gone Sithing and Blood Bath and Beyond on the imp side. On pub side there is The Jawa's Order. However, many guilds just have pilots and none are dedicated to gsf. The list of those guilds is even longer.

    The idea of a GSF league is an interesting one and not one I'm opposed to. The difficulty would be in agreeing to what server as latency varies for different people. Across most NA servers, I get around 60-70 and on EU servers between 150-70. Harbinger isn't nicknamed Lagbringer for no reason, many people that fly there have really have latency issues and it's probably NOT the best server to start on.

    If the league idea comes about, I would suggest making it on those servers that are considered dead for GSF by most people. Bastion, Jung Ma, POT5 for NA and most EU servers. The exceptions there would be TRE and Prog. Mantle of the Force may also still have some, but I am unsure how active it is these days. If a league were formed, I would fly whichever side is picked, I have no preference.

    It seems the most common voice chat is TS, but I prefer mumble as it's cheaper to have a server and can hold more users for less cost then TS.

    To get a full match of premade vs premade, you need 16 or 24 as there are only 8v8 and 12v12. However, getting even 16 people on at the same time would be like herding cats and really don't see this having true potential. Maybe in the short term, but not for the long hall. Perhaps planning something once a month and have extra pilots on standby if somebody can't show.

    There is also the issue of integrating team play into the equation. SRW, Drakolich and I have that down for the most part. How many others there fly as a team regularly though? Another question to ask of pilots is are they willing to start stock all over again? I know I am, I can't remember how many times I've done that. And I think one of my last concerns would be language and I don't mean cussing. lol If we chose to go to an EU server, what happens if we get a random pilot in the mix and we can't communicate?

  14. Finally:

    My suggestion for a quick and relatively easy way for the Dev's to make an immediate impact to the viabilty and playability of GSF, would be to allow all battles to be Cross-Faction (training flights if you will). Much like Odessan WZ. This alone would make pops much more frequent and better balanced.




    Yes and no, Jojo. As in ground pvp, the match maker isn't going to break a group of four up and split them on different sides. If there are only those four pilots that are good in queue, then no matter how the opposition is split between factions, the group is going to win usually. More than cross faction is needed the save this game.

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